地球科学进展 ›› 2019, Vol. 34 ›› Issue (12): 1262 -1272. doi: 10.11867/j.issn.1001-8166.2019.12.1262

所属专题: 深海科学研究专刊

深水珊瑚研究进展 上一篇    下一篇

党皓文 1( ),马小林 2,杨策 1,金海燕 1,翦知湣 1   
  1. 1.同济大学海洋地质国家重点实验室, 上海 200092
    2.中国科学院地球环境研究所黄土与 第四纪地质国家重点实验室, 陕西 西安 710061
  • 收稿日期:2019-10-31 修回日期:2019-11-12 出版日期:2019-12-10
  • 基金资助:

Reconstructing High-resolution Deep-sea Environmental Change: Inorganic Geochemical Proxy Methods of Cold-water Bamboo Corals

Haowen Dang 1( ),Xiaolin Ma 2,Ce Yang 1,Haiyan Jin 1,Zhimin Jian 1   

  1. 1.State Key Laboratory of Marine Geology, Tongji University, Shanghai 200092,China
    2.State Key Laboratory of Loess and Quaternary Geology, Institute of Earth Environment, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Xi’an 710061,China
  • Received:2019-10-31 Revised:2019-11-12 Online:2019-12-10 Published:2020-02-12
  • About author:Dang Haowen (1985-), male, Xi’an City, Shaanxi Province, Associate professor. Research areas include marine geology and paleoceanography. E-mail: hwdang@tongji.edu.cn
  • Supported by:
    the Discovery Project of the State Key Laboratory of Marine Geology, Tongji University “Exploring the high-resolution paleoenvironmental reconstruction of cold-water corals”(MG20190101);The National Natural Science Foundation of China “Holocene evolution of ENSO and Walker Circulation”(91958208)


The cold-water bamboo coral, dwelling in the depths of global seas, is characterized by the “bamboo-like” skeletal structure of alternating calcite internodes and gorgonin nodes, and has “tree-ring-like” concentric growth rings transversally. Paleoceanograhic reconstructions using bamboo coals would fill the geographic and temporal gaps of traditional means. In this work, the inorganic geochemical proxy methods for bamboo coral are introduced, including Mg/Ca for ambient temperature, Ba/Ca for seawater nutrient content, and δ11B for seawater pH. Also, the potential influences of vital effect on the proxy reconstructions are briefly discussed. With the recent findings of deep-sea bamboo coral forests in the western Pacific region, a new territory of bamboo coral paleoceanography is opened for the scientists from the nearby countries.


图1 新西兰查塔姆海丘的活体竹节柳珊瑚(Isidid gorgonian)及竹节珊瑚生长模式
(a) 活体柳珊瑚局部,可见棕红色活体组织(coenenchyme)、黑色软蛋白质节 (slimes)及灰白色碳酸钙骨骼(skeleton);(b) 去除有机质机体组织后裸露的柳珊瑚骨骼,可见3种分枝形式(主干: main branch, 等价分枝: equivalent branch和非等价分枝: unequivalent branch) 和分枝芽体 (bud),及碳酸钙节间 (internode)和蛋白质节 (node)构成的竹节状形态特征 ;(c) 竹节珊瑚 ( Keratoisis为例) 垂向和横向的生长模式示意图(6阶生长期):(1) 横向上每一层新的生长层包覆骨骼整体、个体基部为最厚;(2) 垂向上,枝体的生长层分布模式取决于分枝类型 (A: 等价分枝, B: 非等价分枝);据参考文献[ 3 ]修改
Fig.1 Live-collected bamboo corals (Isidid gorgonian) from Chatham Rise, New Zealand and the growth model of bamboo coral
(a) Part of a living bamboo coral colony with reddishzucheng coenenchyma, black gorgonian slimes and white carbonate skeleton; (b) Skeletal fragment of the colony after removal of organic tissue exhibiting three branching types (main, equivalent and unequivalent branches) and the bud, and also the characteristics resembling a bamboo built by carbonate internodes and gorgonian nodes; (c) Sketches of the longitudinal and transversal growth modes of a bamboo coral ( Keratoisis) showing incremental growth in six stages. A = equivalent branch; B = unequivalent branch which ceased growth during stage IV; Modified after reference [ 3 ]
图2 加拿大新斯科舍岸外竹节珊瑚Primnoa resedaeformis (于2001年活体采集)蛋白质节的横断面(a)和14C定年结果(b)
(a) 白色中心为钙质中轴,外围环带为角质生长环,数字示生长环编号(自外缘起),括号内数字示日历年份;(b) 珊瑚样品的Δ 14C分析数据(较大标记)和样条拟合结果(黑色粗线),及与邻近水域报导的海洋圆蛤( A. islandicaM. aeglefinus) Δ 14C结果的对比(较小标记), 横轴示纹层年龄(year of ring count);据参考文献[ 12 ]修改
Fig.2 A bamboo coral (Primnoa resedaeformis) from Nova Scotia, Canada (collected live in 2001) showing its transversal section on proteinaceous gorgonian node (a) and the 14C dating results along the radial growth direction (b)
(a) The transversal section showing calcite axis (white core), horny growth rings (outer banded sections) with markings denoting individual rings, and the corresponding calendar age in parentheses;(b) Primnoa resedaeformis Δ 14C vs. age (large marks) and their spline fit (thick black line), comparing with data for Arctica islandica and Melanogrammus aeglefinus otoliths (smaller marks) collected nearby; Modified after reference [ 12 ]
图3 阿拉斯加湾竹节珊瑚 (Isididae科)碳酸钙骨骼和蛋白质节的测年结果
(a) 碳酸钙(白色骨骼,黑色圆点标记)和蛋白质(深色骨节,黑色方块标记)采样横截面位置示意;(b) 碳酸钙(黑色圆点标记)和蛋白质(黑色方块标记)横截面上的 14C测年结果,横轴示采样点距轴心距离(distance, mm),图中数字示日历年,由蛋白质节 14C曲线对比表层海水Δ 14C变化推定;据参考文献[ 16 ]修改
Fig.3 Dating results of a bamboo coral (family Isididae) from the Gulf of Alaska
(a) Photo showing the carbonate (white skeleton, marked by circle) and gorgonian (dark node, marked by square) and the sampling transversal sections; (b) 14C dating results of carbonate (circle) and gorgonin (square) along the radial transects on the transversal sections, Distance (mm) measures from the sampling position to the axis, labeled dates denote the calendar age determined by comparison of the bomb- 14C curve in the gorgonian section to a surface water Δ 14C time series and collection date; Modified after reference [ 16 ]
图4 热带西太平洋到南大洋竹节珊瑚 (Isididae科)碳酸钙骨骼的Mg/CaBa/Ca值与环境参数的关系
(a) Mg/Ca—温度(ambient temperature)相关关系,(b) Ba/Ca—硅酸盐浓度(ambient silicate)相关关系;数据来自4种竹节珊瑚类群,见(a)中图注标示;据参考文献[ 29 ]修改
Fig.4 Relationships of environmental parameters with Mg/Ca and Ba/Ca in the carbonate skeleton of bamboo corals (Isididae) over the tropical western Pacific to the Southern Ocean
Predictive regressions of Mg/Ca-temperature (a) and Ba/Ca-silicate (b) for bamboo coral (family Isididae) carbonate skeletons from a large geographic range from the tropical west Pacific to the Southern Oceans. Date collected from four taxa of family Isididae, showing in (a); Modified after reference [ 29 ]
图5 竹节珊瑚(Keratoisis)的硼同位素测试结果和分析
(a) 测试采样点,黄色箭头示竖向生长方向(longitudinal growth direction); (b)~(d) 依次示对应的硼(δ 11B)、碳(δ 13C)和氧(δ 18O)同位素测试结果; (e) 竹节珊瑚δ 11B (空心菱形)与冷水石珊瑚 (实心菱形)、其他海洋碳酸盐(其他标记)的比较,黑色粗实线示基于假定硼酸表观电离常数(pK B=8.78)和实测的水中硼分馏系数的海水硼酸根δ 11B随pH的变化; (f) 竹节珊瑚δ 11B推算的pH与海水pH的差值(ΔpH)在太平洋(方解石饱和度Ω ca=0.9)和大西洋(Ω ca=1.8)之间的横向比较,硼分馏系数和温度分别取α B=1.0272 (25 °C)和温度校正α B=1.0290 (3.3 °C),绿色圆点示外围生长环、橙色方块示生长轴心样品结果;改绘自参考文献[ 33 ]
Fig.5 Boron isotope analyses and results on a bamboo coral (Keratoisis)
(a) Location of samples on the skeleton, with yellow arrow showing the longitudinal growth direction; (b)~(d) The results of δ 11B (B), δ 13C (c) and δ 18O (d) analyses; (e) The δ 11B vs. pH of bamboo corals (open diamonds) and comparisons with data of cold-water scleractinian corals (filled diamonds) and other kinds of marine carbonate (other symbols), solid curve shows the δ 11B of borate anion in seawater at representative deep-ocean pK B=8.78 as a function of pH based on the measured aqueous boron fractionation factor; (f) ΔpH (difference between pH app and pH sw, pH app: coral-δ 11B calculated apparent pH, pH sw: seawater pH) for Pacific specimen (Ω calcite=0.92) and Atlantic specimen (Ω calcite=1.78), as calculated using α B=1.0272 (25 °C) and temperature-corrected α B=1.0290 (3.3 °C), green circles from radial thickening and orange square from the central axis; Modified after reference [ 33 ]
图6 竹节珊瑚(Keratoisis grayi, 采自佛罗里达岸外)横截面的电子探针扫描结果(a~c)及扇形高Mg/Ca异常点的概念性解释(d~g)
(a) 横截面Mg/Ca扫描结果总览,可见环状生长纹及近中轴处的Mg/Ca高值异常区;(b) 沿单一径向的Mg/Ca高分辨率扫描结果,可见Mg富集的环带和异常点;(c) 去除局部异常之后的平均Mg/Ca值序列(沿B所示生长径向),及据文献换算式 [ 29 ]估算的温度(右侧纵轴示, temperature),蓝色水平粗线示采样区域近年平均水温;(d) 成纤维细胞附着于骨骼上;(e) 成纤维细胞周围形成方解石结晶并造成骨骼生长;(f) 成纤维细胞脱离后在骨骼上遗留扇形空洞;(g) 高Mg方解石填充空洞同时成纤维细胞附着于邻近位置;下方扫描电镜照片示遗留和填充空洞的观测结构 (白色标尺长10 μm),em: 细胞外基质,lf: 长纤维,bl: 基底有机质层;据参考文献[ 46 ]修改
Fig.6 Electron Microprobe scan of a section of bamboo coral (Keratoisis grayi) from offshore Florida (a~c), and a schematic explanation for the fan-shaped Mg/Ca anomalies seen after sample etching (d~g)
(a) Mg/Ca overview scan showing ring-structure and high Mg/Ca anomalies around the central axis; (b) High-resolution scan along a growth radial showing concentric growth rings and elevated-Mg/Ca spots; (c) Average Mg/Ca along B after removal of local enrichments, temperature estimated using the calibration from reference [ 29 ], recent mean temperature at the sampling region is denoted by the horizontal blue bar; (d) Desmocyte attaches to the skeleton; (e) Calcification around the desmocyte; (f) An empty fan-shaped pit remains after detachment of the desmocyte; (g) High-Mg calcite fills the pit while a desmocyte attaches to a nearby site. The scanning electron microscopic pictures below show the observed structures of the empty and filled pits (white bar=10 μm), em: Extracellular matrix, lf: Long fibres, bl: Basal organic layer; Modified after reference [ 46 ]
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