地球科学进展 ›› 2015, Vol. 30 ›› Issue (5): 564 -578. doi: 10.11867/j.issn.1001-8166.2015.05.564

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刘军 1, 2( ), 于志刚 1, 臧家业 2, 孙涛 2, 赵晨英 2, 冉祥滨 2, *( )   
  1. 1. 中国海洋大学海洋化学理论与工程技术教育部重点实验室,山东 青岛 266100
    2. 海洋生态研究中心,国家海洋局第一海洋研究所, 山东 青岛 266061
  • 出版日期:2015-06-09
  • 通讯作者: 冉祥滨 E-mail:liu009liu@sina.com;rxb@fio.org.cn
  • 基金资助:
    国家自然科学基金项目“植硅体在河流硅输送中的作用”(编号: 41106072)和“乳山湾外近岸海域低氧现象与底边界层过程研究”(编号: 41376093)资助

Distribution and Budget of Organic Carbon in the Bohai and Yellow Seas

Jun Liu 1, 2, Zhigang Yu 1, Jiaye Zang 2, Tao Sun 2, Chenying Zhao 2, Xiangbin Ran 2   

  1. 1.Key Laboratory of Marine Chemistry Theory and Technology, Ministry of Education, Ocean University of China, Qingdao 266100, China
    2.Research Center for Marine Ecology, First nstitute of oceanography, State Oceanic Administration, Qingdao 266061, China
  • Online:2015-06-09 Published:2015-05-06

陆架边缘海是陆海相互作用研究中最为关键的区域,也是全球重要的碳储库,在区域物质循环过程中发挥着重要的作用。基于2012年5月和11月对黄渤海海域的综合调查,对该海域水体和沉积物中有机碳的含量与分布进行了分析,并结合相关文献资料对黄渤海有机碳的收支进行了估算。主要结论为:黄渤海溶解有机碳和颗粒有机碳均呈近岸河口区域高、离岸低的分布趋势;有机碳的组成以溶解有机碳为主,颗粒有机碳由海洋自生的有机碳和陆地来源的有机碳组成;黄渤海沉积物有机碳高值区主要分布在河口和泥质区,其组成也是由海洋自生和陆源混合而成,其中渤海以陆源为主,而黄海以海源为主。黄渤海有机碳收支评估表明,有机碳的主要来源为初级生产力产生的有机物,其贡献为(6 760±971) ×104 t/a,占有机碳输入总量的(74±10)%,沉积物再悬浮的通量为(884±200)×104 t/a,东海向黄海输入的通量为(679±107)×104 t/a,河流及陆源输入的通量为(643±63)×104 t/a,大气干湿沉降的通量为(141±39)×104 t/a,其贡献分别占有机碳输入总量的(10±2.2)%,(7.5±1.2)%,(7.0±0.7)%和(1.5±0.4)%;黄渤海有机碳的主要支出为呼吸消耗,其贡献为(5 190±746)×104 t/a,占有机碳输出总量的(57±8.2)%,黄海向东海输出的通量为(2150±370)×104 t/a,有机碳沉积通量为(1 030±225)×104 t/a,有机碳降解通量为(737±191)×104 t/a,其贡献分别占有机碳输出总量的(24±4.1)%,(11±2.5)%和(8.0±2.1)%。有机碳收支评估表明黄渤海有机碳以海洋自生来源为主,且具有潜在碳的“汇”的特性,水体中外源输入和海洋自生有机碳的(1.6±0.3)%埋藏于该海域内。

Ocean margin is recognized as a most important area for land-sea interaction and also one of the major sinks of organic carbon, which plays a very important role in global biogeochemical cycles of carbon. Based on the comprehensive investigation in the Bohai and Yellow Seas in May and November, 2012 and other available data, distributions of Dissolved Organic Carbon (DOC), Particulate Organic Carbon (POC) and sedimentary Total Organic Carbon (TOC) were discussed, and fluxes and fates of organic carbon in the Bohai and Yellow Seas were estimated. The results show that DOC is the dominate form of organic carbon in the Bohai and Yellow Seas. DOC and POC distributions show a gradient decline trend from nearshore zone to offshore area, and the components of POC is consisted of both terrestrial and marine matters. High content of TOC in sediments distributes in accordance with estuaries and mud areas. Results of budget of organic carbon show that the major sources of organic carbon is phytoplankton related production with a flux of (6 760±971) ×104 t/a, accounting for (74±10)% of total sources, and then the fluxes of sediment resuspension, input from East China Sea, riverine input and atmospheric deposition are (884±200)×104 t/a, (679±107)×104 t/a, (643±63)×104 t/a and (141±39)×104 t/a, with contribution rates of (10±2.2)%, (7.5±1.2)%, (7±0.7)% and (1.5±0.4)%, respectively. Dominate removal of organic carbon in the Bohai and Yellow Seas are biorespiration with a flux of (5 190±746) ×104 t/a, accounting for (57±8.2)% of organic carbon removal, and then the fluxes of organic carbon output to East China Sea, sedimentation and degradation are (2 150±370)×104 t/a, (1 030±225)×104 t/a and (737±191)×104 t/a, with contribution rates of (24±4.1)%, (11±2.5)% and (8.0±2.1)%, respectively. These indicate that the Bohai and Yellow Seas show a potential sink of organic carbon, and about (1.6±0.3)% of organic carbon from external input and authigenic production is preserved in sediment. Budget indicates that the dominate sources are marine authigenic products, while terrestrial inputs play a minor role in the Bohai and Yellow Seas.


图1 黄渤海采样站位与泥质区和流系分布图(泥质区和流系分布重绘自文献[9]) KWC:黑潮支流,ZFCC: 浙闽沿岸流,YSCC: 黄海沿岸流,YSWC:黄海暖流
Fig.1 Sampling stations, mud areas and circulation systems in the Bohai and Yellow Seas (Mud areas and circulation systems are from reference [9]) KWC: Kuroshio Warm Current; ZFCC: Zhejiang-Fujian Coastal Current; YSCC: Yellow Sea Coastal Current; YSWC: Yellow Sea Warm Current
图2 黄渤海水量收支(单位:10 9 m 3/a)
Fig.2 Water budget in the Bohai and Yellow Seas(unit:10 9 m 3/a)
表1 黄渤海水体DOC和POC的浓度与范围(单位:mg/L)
Table 1 Results of DOC and POC in the Bohai and Yellow Seas in 2012 (unit: mg/L)
图3 黄渤海2012年春季和秋季溶解有机碳的分布图
Fig.3 Distributions of dissolved organic carbon in the Bohai and Yellow Seas in 2012
图4 黄渤海2012年春季和秋季颗粒有机碳的分布
Fig.4 Distributions of particulate organic carbon in the Bohai and Yellow Seas in 2012
图5 黄渤海2012年春季和秋季水体POC、PON、盐度和C/N比值之间的关系 (a)春季表层,(b)春季底层,(c)秋季表层,(d)秋季底层
Fig.5 Relationship between POC, PON salinity and C/N in the Bohai and Yellow Seas in 2012 (a) Surface in spring, (b) Bottom in spring, (c) Surface in autumn, (d) Bottom in autumn
图6 黄渤海2012年春季和秋季表层沉积物有机碳的分布(水深分布根据船载测深仪所测数据描绘)
Fig.6 Horizontal distribution of total organic carbon in the surface sediment of the Bohai and Yellow Seas (The distribution of depth is described from data by depth sounder)
图7 渤海、黄河和长江口柱状样沉积物中有机碳含量和C/N比剖面变化
Fig.7 Vertical profiles of TOC and C/N ratio in the sediment cores of the Bohai and Yellow Seas and Changjiang Estuary
表2 黄渤海主要入海河流有机碳通量
Table 2 River discharges and organic carbon fluxes from the major rivers to the Bohai and Yellow Seas
表3 黄海、渤海和东海水体有机碳的含量
Table 3 Contents of organic carbon in the Bohai Sea, Yellow Sea and East China Sea
表4 黄渤海有机碳沉积通量和再悬浮通量
Table 4 Fluxes of sedimentation and re-suspension of organic carbon in the Bohai and Yellow Seas
图8 有机碳在渤海和黄海的收支(单位:10 4 t/a) Fw:河流输入有机碳通量,Fa:大气干湿沉降有机碳通量,Fp:初级生产力有机碳通量,Fr:呼吸消耗有机碳通量,Fs:有机碳沉积通量,FSr:沉积物再悬浮有机碳通量,FY:黄海输入东海的有机碳通量,FE:东海输入黄海的有机碳通量,Fd:有机碳降解通量
Fig. 8 Flux and fate of organic carbon in the Bohai and Yellow Seas (unit: 10 4 t/a) Fw: River input, Fa: Atmospheric precipitation,Fp: Primary production, Fr: Respiration, Fs: Sedimentation, FSr: Sediment resuspension, Fd: Degradation, FY: Water exchange from Yellow Sea, FE: Water exchange from East China Sea
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