地球科学进展 ›› 2023, Vol. 38 ›› Issue (1): 57 -69. doi: 10.11867/j.issn.1001-8166.2022.055

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陆瑶 1 , 2( ), 黄良波 1 , 3, 贾珺杰 1 , 2, 高扬 1 , 2( )   
  1. 1.中国科学院地理科学与资源研究所,生态网络观测与模拟重点实验室,北京 100101
    2.中国科学院大学资源与环境学院,北京 100049
    3.中国市政工程 中南设计研究总院有限公司,湖北 武汉 430001
  • 收稿日期:2021-11-09 修回日期:2022-05-16 出版日期:2023-01-10
  • 通讯作者: 高扬 E-mail:luy.18s@igsnrr.ac.cn;gaoyang@igsnrr.ac.cn
  • 基金资助:

Estimation of Primary Productivity of Inland Water

Yao LU 1 , 2( ), Liangbo HUANG 1 , 3, Junjie JIA 1 , 2, Yang GAO 1 , 2( )   

  1. 1.Key Laboratory of Ecosystem Network Observation and Modeling, Institute of Geographic Sciences and Natural Resources Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100101, China
    2.College of Resources and Environment, University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100049, China
    3.Central China Municipal Engineering Design Research Institute Co. , Ltd. , Wuhan 430001, China
  • Received:2021-11-09 Revised:2022-05-16 Online:2023-01-10 Published:2023-02-02
  • Contact: Yang GAO E-mail:luy.18s@igsnrr.ac.cn;gaoyang@igsnrr.ac.cn
  • About author:LU Yao (1995-), female, Yangquan City, Shanxi Province, Ph. D student. Research area includes inland water productivity and carbon cycle. E-mail: luy.18s@igsnrr.ac.cn
  • Supported by:
    the National Science Foundation for Distinguished Young Scholars of China “Coupling cycle of carbon and nitrogen in watershed and its ecological effects”(42225103)

内陆水体是全球碳循环的重要参与者,在调节气候变化方面发挥着关键作用。内陆水体初级生产力指内陆水体(包括湖泊、水库、河流和湿地)中初级生产者(包括浮游藻类植物和挺水、浮水、潜水大型植物)单位时间、单位面积上由光合作用产生的有机物质总量,其大小反映了系统有机碳库和无机碳库之间的定量联系。评估内陆水体初级生产力不仅能帮助解析初级生产者光合作用碳固存机理,也有助于量化内陆水体碳吸收量,进而探知不同区域生态环境差异,揭示内陆水体在全球生态系统碳循环中的重要性。内陆水体初级生产力估算方法较多,包括黑白瓶法、垂向归纳模型法和13C法等,各方法都有其适用范围和局限性,对这些方法的不合理使用制约着对内陆水体初级生产力的变异性及其驱动机制的揭示。通过归纳整理近年来国内外内陆水体初级生产力估算方法,对各个方法的机理、优缺点和适用性进行对比和总结,并着重介绍2种新兴的基于溶解氧浓度或氧同位素的方法(即diel O2技术和18/16O技术),进而为深入开展内陆水体新陈代谢、生产力及养分循环方面研究提供重要技术支撑。

Inland water is an important component of the global carbon (C) cycle and plays a key role in regulating climate change. The Primary Productivity (PP) of inland water is defined as the amount of organic matter produced by primary producers in inland water bodies through photosynthesis per unit time and unit area, which reflects the quantitative relationship between the organic and inorganic C pools. The assessment of inland water PP can help analyze the C cycle mechanism of photosynthesis and quantify the C absorption of aquatic ecosystems to examine the differences in the ecological environment in different regions and evaluate the importance of inland water bodies in the global ecosystem C cycle. There are many methods for estimating PP in inland water, including the light-dark bottle incubation method, the vertically generalized production model method, and the 13C method. Each of these have application scopes and limitations. The unreasonable use of PP restricts the understanding of its variability and driving mechanism in inland water bodies. The mechanism, advantages, disadvantages, and applicability of each method are compared by summarizing domestic and international research on PP estimation methods in recent years. Two new methods based on dissolved oxygen concentration or oxygen isotopes, namely, diel O2 technology and 18/16O technology, are introduced. This study serves as a reference for research on inland water metabolism, productivity, and nutrient cycles.


图1 内陆水体输入有机碳的归趋(据参考文献[ 3 ]修改)
总生态系统呼吸( Re )是自养呼吸( Ra )和异养呼吸( Rh )的总和。NPP为净初级生产力;NEP为净生态系统生产力;GPP为总初级生产力;UV为紫外线;C 输入代表该水体支流或上游注入的碳量,C 输出代表该水体向下游排放的碳量;虚线表示碳的矿化,实线表示碳的同化;与净异养水体( Pn <0)相反,净自养型水体( Pn >0)具有净积累或净输出有机物的特点
Fig. 1 Fates of organic carbon fixed in or imported into an aquatic ecosystemmodified after reference 3 ])
Total ecosystem respiration ( Re ) is the sum of autotrophic respiration ( Ra ) and heterotrophic respiration ( Rh ). NPP: Net Primary Production; NEP: Net Ecosystem Production; GPP: Gross Primary Production; UV: Ultraviolet. Dashed lines represent degradation of C, solid lines production and/or transfer of C. Net autotrophic ecosystems ( Pn >0) have a net accumulation and/or net export organic matter, contrary to net heterotrophic ecosystems ( Pn <0)
图2 黑白瓶培养装置 20
Fig. 2 Light-dark bottle incubation device 20
图3 影响湖泊中溶解氧变化的生物和物理因子 45
Fig. 3 Conceptual model of the biological and physical components contributing to variability in Dissolved OxygenDOin a lake 45
Photochemical UV oxidation and photoinhibition in surface waters by Dissolved Organic Carbon (DOC) may significantly influence the measured DO concentration. The oxygen exchange between water and air is driven by concentration gradient and wind. Advective mixing across a thermal stratification layer (metalimnion) during summer and horizontal exchange of oxygen with shallow littoral zones may cause significant noise
表1 diel O2 技术估算内陆水体生产力所需方程 45
Table 1 Equation for estimating primary production of inland water using diel O 2 Technology 45
序号 方程式 参数
1 O 2 t = G P P - R - F - A O 2 :氧气变化量[g O2/(m3⋅h)], t :单位时间(h),F:物理气体通量[g O2/(m2⋅h)],A:累积排水速率(mg/h)

O 2 s a t = e c × 1.423

C = - 173.4292 + 249.6339 × 100 T + 143.3483 × l n T 100 - 21.8492 × T 100 + S × - 0.033096 + 0.014259 × T 100 - 0.0017 × T 100 2

T:水温(K),S:盐度(‰), O 2 s a t :饱和氧浓度(mg/L),e:自然对数, C :转换系数(mL O2/L)

O 2 s a t ' = O 2 s a t × c o r r e c t i o n   f a c t o r

c o r r e c t i o n   f a c t o r = B P × 0.0987 - 0.0112 100

c o r r e c t i o n   f a c t o r = 0.0000005 × a l t i t u d e 2 - 0.0118 × a l t i t u d e + 99.979 100

O 2 s a t ' :气压调整后的饱和氧浓度(mg/L),BP: 大气压(mmHg),altitude:海拔(m), c o r r e c t i o n   f a c t o r :相关系数
4 O 2 m e a s = % D O   100 × O 2 s a t O 2 m e a s :氧浓度(mg/L)
5 S c = 0.0476 T 3 + 3.7818 T 2 - 120.1 T + 1800.6 S c :施密特系数

U 10 = U z × α

α = 1.4125   z - 0.15

U 10 :10 m风速(m/s),z:高度(m),α:转换系数
7 k 600 = 2.07 + 0.215 U 10 1.7 100 k:活塞速度1(m/h),k600:活塞速度2(m/h)
8 k = k 600 × S c 600 - 0.5
9 F = k O 2 m e a n s - O 2 s a t F:物理气体通量[g O2/(m2⋅h)]
10 d a y f r a c t i o n = l i g h t h o u r s 24 dayfraction:日间占比,DOY:年积日,radsxdec:转换系数,lat:纬度,SR:太阳辐射(m/h), l i g h t h o u r s :光照时长(h)

r a d s = 2 × π × D O Y 365

d e c = 0.006918 - 0.399912 × c o s r a d s + 0.070257 × s i n r a d s - 0.006758 × c o s 2 × r a d s + 0.000907 × s i n 2 × r a d s - 0.00297 × c o s 3 × r a d s + 0.00148 × s i n 3 × r a d s

x = - 1 × s i n l a t × s i n d e c / c o s l a t × c o s d e c

S R = 3.14154 2 - a t a n x 1 - x 2

l i g h t h o u r s = S R 2 0.262

12 N E P h r = O 2 - F Z m i x N E P h r :小时净生态系统生产力[g O2/(m3⋅h)], N E P d a y t i m e :日间净生态系统生产力[g O2/(m3⋅daylight period)], Z m i x :混合层深度(m)
13 N E P d a y t i m e = m e a n   N E P h r   d u r i n g   d a y l i g h t × d a y f r a c t i o n × 24
14 R h r = O 2 - F Z m i x R h r :小时呼吸速率[g O2/(m3⋅h)], R d a y t i m e :日间呼吸速率[g O2/(m3⋅daylight period)], R d a y : 日呼吸速率[g O2/(m3⋅d)]
15 R d a y t i m e = R h r × 24 × d a y f r a c t i o n
16 R d a y = R h r × 24
17 G P P = N E P d a y t i m e + R d a y t i m e GPP:总初级生产力[g O2/(m3⋅d)]
18 N E P = G P P - R d a y NEP:净生态系统生产力[g O2/(m3⋅d)]
图4 diel O2 技术估算湖泊生产力过程流程图 45
Fig. 4 Flow chart of lake PP estimation by diel O2 technology 45
Numbers refer to equations explained in Table 1, which also explains the abbreviations
图5 氧同位素技术估算内陆水体生产力的动力学原理 11
Fig. 5 The kinetic principle of estimating primary production of inland water using 18/16O technology 11
表2 氧同位素技术估算内陆水体生产力所需方程
Table 2 Equation for estimating primary production of inland water using 18/16O technology
序号 方程式 参数

D O s a t = e c × 1.423

C = - 173.4292 + 249.6339 × 100 T + 143.3483 × l n T 100 - 21.8492 × T 100 + S × - 0.033096 + 0.014259 × T 100 - 0.0017 × T 100 2

T:水温(K),S:盐度(‰), D O s a t :饱和氧浓度(mg/L),e:自然对数, C :转换系数(mL O2/L)

D O s a t ' = D O s a t × c o r r e c t i o n   f a c t o r

c o r r e c t i o n   f a c t o r = B P × 0.0987 - 0.0112 100

c o r r e c t i o n   f a c t o r = 0.0000005 × a l t i t u d e 2 - 0.0118 × a l t i t u d e + 99.979 100

D O s a t ' :气压调整后的饱和氧浓度(mg/L),BP:大气压(mmHg),altitude:海拔(m), c o r r e c t i o n   f a c t o r :相关系数
3 D O m e a s = % D O   100 × D O s a t D O m e a s :氧浓度(mg/L)
4 S c = 0.0476 T 3 + 3.7818 T 2 - 120.1 T + 1800.6 S c :施密特系数
5 U 10 = U 3 × 1 + 0.0878 × l n 10 3 U 10 :10 m风速(m/s), U 3 :3 m风速(m/s)
6 k 600 = 2.51 + 1.58 × U 10 + 0.39 × U 10 × l o g 10 ( L A ) k O 2 :活塞速度1(m/h),k600:活塞速度2(m/h)
7 k O 2 = k 600 × S c O 2 600 - 2 3

A F = R s a m p l e 1 + R s a m p l e

R s a m p l e = δ 18 O 1000 × 0.0020052 + 0.0020052


G P P = k O 2 Z m i x × D O m e a s × b - c - D O s a t × a - c d - c

a = A F a t m × α s × α g

b = A F D O × α g

c = A F D O × α c

d = A F H 2 O × α p

α s = 1.0007 , α g = 0.9972 , α c = 0.9900 , α p = 1.0000

GPP:总初级生产力[g O2/(m3⋅h)], Z m i x :混合层 深度(m), a b c d α s α g α c α p :转换系数
10 R = k O 2 Z m i x × D O m e a s × b - d - D O s a t × a - c d - c R:呼吸速率[g O2/(m3⋅h)]
11 N E P = G P P - R NEP:净生态系统生产力[g O2/(m3⋅h)]
图6 18O技术估算湖泊生产力过程流程图
Fig. 6 Flow chart of lake primary productivity estimation by 18O technology
Numbers refer to equations explained in Table 2, which also explains the abbreviations
图7 不同初级生产力估算方法的切入点及在内陆水体碳循环中的位置
Fig. 7 Basis of different primary productivity estimation methods and their location in carbon cycle of inland water
表3 内陆水体初级生产力评估方法优缺点对比
Table 3 Comparison of advantages and disadvantages of inland water primary productivity estimation methods
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