地球科学进展 ›› 2021, Vol. 36 ›› Issue (9): 980 -989. doi: 10.11867/j.issn.1001-8166.2021.087

探索与争鸣 上一篇    

王澄海( ),张晟宁,张飞民,李课臣,杨凯   
  1. 兰州大学大气科学学院 甘肃省气候资源开发及防灾减灾重点实验室 兰州大学地球系统模式研发中心,甘肃 兰州 730000
  • 收稿日期:2021-05-07 修回日期:2021-07-02 出版日期:2021-09-10
  • 基金资助:

On the Increase of Precipitation in the Northwestern China Under the Global Warming

Chenghai WANG( ),Shengning ZHANG,Feimin ZHANG,Kechen LI,Kai YANG   

  1. College of Atmospheric Sciences/Key Laboratory of Climate Resource Development and Disaster Prevention of Gansu Province/Research and Development Center of Earth System Model (RDCM),Lanzhou University,Lanzhou 730000,China
  • Received:2021-05-07 Revised:2021-07-02 Online:2021-09-10 Published:2021-10-15
  • About author:WANG Chenghai (1961-), male, Tianshui City, Gansu Province, Professor. Research areas include climatic simulation and land surface processes in cold and dry regions. E-mail: wch@lzu.edu.cn
  • Supported by:
    the National Natural Science Foundation of China "Effects and mechanism in transition of patterns in winter and summer of land-atmosphere interaction"(42175064);The Key Research Program of Gansu "Ecological protection, restoration and function improvement of water conservation area in the upper reaches of the Yellow River in Gannan"(20ZD7FA005)


With global warming, precipitation patterns and distribution patterns are changing all over the world. Among them, the precipitation changes in arid areas are particularly noticeable. Under the global warming, precipitation and water content in the atmosphere have increased in Northwestern China. However, this "warm and wet" is an improvement of the humid degree in arid areas, which does not change the basic climate characteristics of drought and less rain. The precipitation pattern in Northwestern China is fundamentally different from that in Eastern China, and the increase of precipitation is mainly due to the increase of extreme and short-term convective precipitation. In addition, the increase of precipitation mainly occurs in inland river basin, and the arid areas in the basin could not solve the ecosystem problems with abundant water. It is necessary to make clear the difference of drought properties between arid Northwestern China and arid and semi-arid Yellow River basin. The main sources of water resources in Northwestern Hexi Corridor are precipitation and ice and snow resources in mountainous areas. The relationship between precipitation in Northwestern China and snow and ice resources in Qilian and Tianshan mountains should be explored. A scientific and rational understanding of the increase of precipitation in Northwestern China is the premise for the proper allocation and use of water resources in Northwestern China and the scientific development of ecological civilization.


图1 中国西北地区(红框内的中国境内区域)的地理位置和年降水量(等值线,单位:mm
Fig. 1 Geographical location and annual precipitationcontour lines unit mm in Northwestern China area within China in red box
图2 19612018 年西北地区降水量和季节平均最高、最低气温(据参考文献[ 8 ]修改)
(a)~(d)春季、夏季、秋季和冬季降水量变化(柱状)与趋势(实线),季节平均最高气温( T max)、最低气温( T min)变化与( T max- T min)趋势(虚线);(e)年降水量
Fig. 2 Precipitation and seasonal average maximum and minimum temperature in Northwestern China from 1961 to 2018modified after reference 8 ])
(a)~(d) Changes of precipitation in spring, summer, autumn and winter (column) and trend (solid line), changes of seasonal mean maximum ( T max) and minimum temperature ( T min) and trend ( T max- T min) (dashed line); (e) Annual precipitation
表1 19612018年西北地区大气相对湿度、绝对湿度和其他地区的比较
Table 1 Comparison of relative humidity absolute humidity and other regions in Northwestern China from 1961 to 2018
图3 19612018年西北地区降水量(p>25 mm)的年际变化(柱状)及其占年降水量的比例(折线)
Fig. 3 Interannual variation of extreme precipitation p>25 mm)(column and its proportion in annual precipitationbroken line in Northwestern China during 1961-2018
图4 19842013年西北地区陆地蒸散发(圆圈)和潜在蒸散发(三角)(据参考文献[ 42 ]修改)
Fig. 4 Land evapotranspirationcircle and potential evapotranspirationtriangle in Northwestern China during 1984-2013 modified after reference 42 ])
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