地球科学进展 ›› 2017, Vol. 32 ›› Issue (2): 174 -186. doi: 10.11867/j.issn.1001-8166.2017.02.0174

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吴佳 1( ), 高学杰 2, 3, *( ), 韩振宇 1, 徐影 1   
  1. 1.中国气象局国家气候中心,北京 100081
    2.中国科学院大气物理研究所气候变化研究中心, 北京 100029
    3.中国科学院大学,北京 100049
  • 收稿日期:2016-10-12 修回日期:2017-01-02 出版日期:2017-02-20
  • 通讯作者: 高学杰 E-mail:wujia@cma.gov.cn;gaoxuejie@mail.iap.ac.cn
  • 基金资助:
    中国气象局气候变化专项“中国地区高分辨率极端气候事件和风险预估研究”(编号: CCSF201626)和“云南气候容量定量评估研究”(编号:CCSF201508)资助

Analysis of the Change of Comfort Index over Yunnan Province Based on Effective Temperature

Jia Wu 1( ), Xuejie Gao 2, 3, *( ), Zhenyu Han 1, Ying Xu 1   

  1. 1.National Climate Center, China Meteorological Administration, Beijing 100081, China
    2.Climate Change Research Center, Institute of Atmospheric Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100029, China
    3.University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100049, China
  • Received:2016-10-12 Revised:2017-01-02 Online:2017-02-20 Published:2017-02-20
  • Contact: Xuejie Gao E-mail:wujia@cma.gov.cn;gaoxuejie@mail.iap.ac.cn
  • About author:

    First author:Wu Jia(1984-), female, Huaihua City, Hu’nan Province, Associate professor. Research areas include regional climate modeling and climate change studies.E-mail:wujia@cma.gov.cn

  • Supported by:
    Project supported by the Climate Change Foundation of China Meteorological Administration “Research on the high resolution projection of climate extremes and risks over China”(No.CCSF201626) and “Quantitative assessment of climate capacity in Yunnan”(No.CCSF201508)


The Effective Temperature (ET), which considers the aggregate effects of temperature, relative humidity and wind speed to describe the human thermal sensitivity, was employed to investigate the change of thermal conditions over Yunnan Province in China during the period of 1961-2014. The observation data used in the study is the high resolution gridded daily scale dataset CN05.1. The results show that over the northern part of the Province with high elevation mountains, colder temperature, lower relative humidity and stronger wind speed prevail, which leads to the lower ET values there. Opposite conditions are found over the low elevation areas in the south. An overall warming and decrease of both relative humidity and wind speed are observed in the latest decades in the whole Province, resulting in the general increase of ET over the region. Analysis based on the different assessment scales of ET shows that, more cold/extreme cold days and cool days exist in the north, while the cool days and comfortable days are mainly distributed in the south. General decrease of cold/extreme cold days is found over the region. An increase of the cool days in the north and decrease of it in the south, significant increase of the comfortable days, and increase of warm and hot/extreme hot days over portions in the south are reported. More climatic favorable days are found in all of the four seasons. Within the climate change context, the significant reduction of cold/extreme cold days and increase of climatic favorable days indicate that the climate in Yunnan Province so far tends to be more favorable for the human beings.


图1 研究区域在中国的位置及其地形高度和分区
图中*为制作格点化数据所使用的观测台站位置,各数字分别代表的地区范围为:1.昆明市; 2.曲靖市; 3.玉溪市; 4.临沧市; 5.昭通市; 6.楚雄州; 7.迪庆州; 8.红河州; 9.文山州; 10.普洱市; 11.丽江市; 12.德宏州; 13.大理州; 14.保山市; 15.怒江州; 16.西双版纳州
Fig.1 The location of analyzed region in China, elevation and sub-regions
Asterisks indicate the observing stations used in the creation of the gridded dataset, while the numbers indicate the range of sub-regions: 1.Kunming; 2.Qujing; 3.Yuxi; 4.Lincang; 5.Zhaotong; 6.Chuxiong; 7.Diqing; 8.Honghe; 9.Wenshan; 10.Puer; 11.Lijiang; 12.Dehong; 13.Dali; 14.Baoshan; 15.Nujiang; 16.Xishuangbanna
表1 ET指数分级
Table 1 Assessment scales of ET
表2 1961—2014年云南省区域平均气温(℃)、相对湿度(%)、风速(m/s)和ET(℃)的值及趋势(括号中,℃/10a,%/10a,(m/s)/10a,℃/10a)
Table 2 Regional mean of the mean for temperature (℃), relative humidity (%), wind speed (m/s) and ET (℃) and their linear trends (in parentheses, ℃/10a, %/10a, (m/s)/10a, ℃/10a) over Yunnan Province during 1961-2014
图2 1961—2014年云南省年平均气温、相对湿度、风速和ET的分布及其变化趋势(斜线为通过95%显著性检验的区域)
(a) 气温(℃);(b) 气温变化趋势(℃/10a);(c)相对湿度(%);(d) 相对湿度变化趋势(%/10a);(e) 风速(m/s); (f) 风速变化趋势((m/s)/10a);(g)ET(℃);(h)ET变化趋势(℃/10a)
Fig.2 Spatial distributions of the mean and linear trend for temperature, relative humidity, wind speed and ET over Yunnan Province during 1961-2014 (the oblique line indicates the trends are significant at 95% confidence level)
(a) Mean temperature (℃); (b) Trend of temperature (℃/10a); (c) Mean relative humidity (%); (d) Trend of relative humidity (%/10a); (e) Mean wind speed (m/s); (f) Trend of wind speed ((m/s)/10a); (g) Mean ET (℃); (h)Trend of ET (℃/10a)
图3 1961—2014年云南省年平均冷—寒冷(a)、凉爽(b)、舒适(c)、温暖(d)及热—炎热日(e)的分布(单位:d/a)
Fig.3 Spatial distributions of the annual mean of cold/extreme cold (a), cool (b), comfort (c), warm (d), hot/extreme hot(e) days over Yunnan Province during 1961-2014 (unit: d/a)
图4 1961—2014年云南省16个地级市和自治州年平均冷—寒冷(a)、凉爽(b)、舒适(c)、温暖(d)及热—炎热日(e)的变化趋势(*代表通过95%信度检验,单位:d/10a)
Fig.4 Regional mean of the linear trend of cold/extreme cold (a), cool (b), comfort (c), warm (d), hot/extreme hot days (e) over 16 prefecture-level cities and autonomous prefectures of Yunnan Province during 1961-2014 (* indicates the trend is significant at the 95% confidence level, unit: d/10a)
图5 1961—2014年云南省“气候适宜日数”(含凉爽、舒适和温暖3个分级)的分布(单位:d/a)
(a) 冬季;(b) 春季;(c) 夏季;(d) 秋季;(e) 年平均
Fig.5 Spatial distributions of the annual mean of “climatic favorable days” (include cool, comfort, and warm days) over Yunnan Province during 1961-2014 (unit: d/a)
(a) DJF; (b) MAM; (c) JJA; (d) SON; (e) Annual
图6 1961—2014年云南省16个地级市和自治州气候适宜日数的变化趋势(*代表通过95%信度检验,单位:d/10a)
(a) 冬季;(b) 春季;(c) 夏季;(d) 秋季;(e) 年平均
Fig.6 Regional mean of the linear trend of climatic favorable days over 16 prefecture-level cities and autonomous prefectures of Yunnan Province during 1961-2014 (* indicates the trend is significant at the 95% confidence level, unit: d/10a)
(a) DJF; (b) MAM; (c) JJA;(d) SON; (e) Annual
表3 1961—2014年云南省主要旅游地及全省的年平均冷—寒冷、凉爽、舒适、温暖和热—炎热日数(d/a)及其变化趋势(括号中,d/10a)
Table 3 Regional mean of the annual mean (d/a) and linear trend (in parentheses, d/10a) of cold/extreme cold,cool, comfort, warm, hot/extreme hot days over major tourist regions and the whole province in Yunnan during 1961-2014
表4 1961—2014年云南省主要旅游地及全省的各季节和年平均“气候适宜”日数(含凉爽、舒适和温暖3个分级)(d/a)及其变化趋势(括号中,d/10a)
Table 4 Regional mean of the annual mean (d/a) and linear trend (in parentheses, d/10a) of “climatic favorable days” (include cool, comfort, and warm days) over major tourist regions and the whole province in Yunnan during 1961-2014
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