地球科学进展 ›› 2015, Vol. 30 ›› Issue (5): 602 -608. doi: 10.11867/j.issn.1001-8166.2015.05.0602

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川西地区中二叠世—中三叠世生物相及其分区研究 *
肖传桃( ), 肖胜, 田宜聪, 韩超, 胡明毅   
  1. 长江大学油气资源与勘探技术教育部重点实验室,湖北 武汉 430100
  • 出版日期:2015-06-09
  • 基金资助:

Research on Biofacies their Provincialization of Middle Permian-MiddleTriassic in the western Sichuan Basin

Chuantao Xiao, Sheng Xiao, Yicong Tian, Chao Hang, Mingyi Hu   

  1. Geosciences School of Yangtze University, Wuhan 430100, China
  • Online:2015-06-09 Published:2015-05-06


: The research area is located in the western part of Sichuan basin as a Yangtze ecotope of Cathaysian Tethyan area. It is dominated by benthic fauna, including brachiopods, Fusulinids, corals, bivalves, foraminifers, ammonites, bryozoans, Crinoids and pleopods are less common with traces of trilobites, stromatoporas, nautilus and sporopollens seen in one or two areas,which are obviously controlled by sedimentary environments in accordance with sedimentary facies. On the basis of division and research of biological communities and according to the combination of communities with sedimentary characteristics, six kinds of biofacies have been recognized and described in the study area,i.e. benthic biofacies of restricted platform, benthic biofacies of open platform, benthic biofacies of inner gentle slope, benthic biofacies of outer gentle slope, benthic biofacies of shelf slope and swimming biofacies of deep-water basin. Based on the study of middle Permian to middle Triassic biofacies,biofacies pattern are established, category, ecotype, typical community , sedimentary facies and oilbearing of each biofacies are elucidated in this paper. According to the association law of biofacies in time and space, the ahthors think that there are three biofacies provinces in the study area, i.e., platform biofacies province, slope biofacies province and basin biofacies province.The distribution characteristics of bioface types indicates that the platform-type and ramp-type biofacies are mainly distributed in the subject of the study area. It indicates that their distribution are mainly controlled by Yangtze platform. But the bioface of deep water basin type biofacies and basin biofacies province are mainly distributed at the edge of study area, indicating that they are mainly controlled by the Longmen trough. The study of biofacies and their provincialization of Middle Permain-Middle Triassic in the Western Sichuan Basin is a reference for the reconstruction of paleogeography and paleo-plate.Therefore, the research is meaningful for the analysis of paleogeography, tectonics and their evoulution of the Sichuan Basin.


表1 川西地区二叠—三叠纪地层序列
Table 1 Stratigraphic sequence of Permian-Triassic in Western Sichuan Basin
地 层 地层代号 地层厚度/m 岩 性 简 述

上统 须家河组 五段 T3x5 345~715 粉砂质泥岩夹岩屑砂岩
四段 T3x4 489~580 长石石英砂岩夹粉砂岩
三段 T3x3 280~582 粉砂质泥岩、夹粉砂质泥岩
二段 T3x2 51~238 泥质粉砂岩及泥岩
小塘子组 T3t 0~217 砂岩为主,含粉砂岩、粘土岩
马鞍塘组 垮洪洞组 T3m T3k 0~37 灰色钙质泥岩与生物灰岩、泥灰岩互层,上部为粉砂质泥岩
中统 天井山组 T2t 0~373 灰色灰岩,下部夹云质灰岩
雷口坡组 四段 T2l4 34~590 浅灰色白云岩夹薄层石膏
三段 T2l4 84~451 浅灰色粉晶云岩、粉晶灰岩
二段 T2l2 54~284 浅灰色微晶云岩、泥质云岩
一段 T2l1 21~115 浅灰色粉晶云岩、含灰质云岩
下统 嘉陵江组 五段 T1j5 49~270 灰褐色白云岩及灰岩、石膏质云岩、鲕状灰岩夹石膏层
四段 T1j4
三段 T1j3 13~297 粉晶灰岩夹灰质云岩
二段 T1j2 36~160 灰色粉晶云岩、云质灰岩
一段 T1j1 47~269 灰色泥晶灰岩、泥质粉砂岩
飞仙关组 四段 T1f4 100~350 凝灰质粉砂岩、粉砂质泥岩
三段 T1f3 微晶灰岩、鲕粒灰岩夹粉砂岩
二段 T1f2 47~232 粉砂质页岩夹泥岩
一段 T1f1 64~149 细粉晶灰岩、泥质灰岩

上统 长兴组 大隆组 P2c P2d 50~250 灰色生物灰岩;硅质泥页岩
龙潭组 吴家坪组 P2l P2w 50~200 砂岩、粘土岩、黑色碳质页岩夹灰岩、煤层;灰岩及硅质页岩
峨眉山玄武岩组 P1β 玄武岩为主,底部含煤碎屑岩
中统 茅口组 P1m 140~340 生物碎屑灰岩夹泥灰岩
栖霞组 P1q 90~210 灰色灰岩、生物碎屑灰岩
梁山组 P1l 0~20 深灰色泥岩、泥灰岩
下统 马平组 C2mp 0~495 灰、浅灰色厚-块状云岩、灰质云岩、生物碎屑灰岩
表2 川西地区中二叠世—中三叠世生物相模式及特征
Table 2 Middle Permian to middle Triassic biofacies pattern and their characters
图 1 内缓坡底栖型生物相
Fig.1 Benthic biofacies of inner gentle slope
图2 开阔台地底栖型生物相
Fig.2 Benthic biofacies of open platform
图3 外缓坡底栖型生物相
Fig.3 Benthic biofacies of outer gentle slope
图4 陆棚斜坡底栖型生物相
Fig.4 Benthic biofacies of shelf slope
图5 深水盆地游泳型生物相
Fig.5 Swimming biofacies of deep-water basin.
图6 局限台地底栖型生物相
Fig.6 Benthic biofacies of restricted platform
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