地球科学进展 ›› 2015, Vol. 30 ›› Issue (5): 589 -601. doi: 10.11867/j.issn.1001-8166.2015.05.0589

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林春明 1( ), 张霞 1, 徐振宇 2, 邓程文 1, 殷勇 3, 承秋泉 4   
  1. 1. 内生金属矿床成矿机制研究国家重点实验室,南京大学地球科学与工程学院,江苏南京 210046
    2. 南京地调中心石油勘察研究院,江苏南京 210016
    3. 南京大学地理与海洋科学学院,江苏南京 210046
    4. 中国石化石油勘探开发研究院无锡石油地质研究所,江苏无锡 214151
  • 出版日期:2015-06-09
  • 基金资助:

Sedimentary Characteristics and Accumulation Conditions of Shallow-biogenic Gas for the Late Quaternary Sediments in the Changjiang River Delta Area

Chunming Lin 1, Xia Zhang 1, Zhenyu Xu 2, Chengwen Deng 1, Yong Yin 3, Qiuquan Cheng 4   

  1. 1. State Key Laboratory for Mineral Deposits Research, School of Earth Sciences and Engineering, Nanjing University, Nanjing 210046, China
    2. Nanjing Central China Geological Survey, Nanjing, 210016, China
    3. Geographic and Oceanographic Sciences, Nanjing University, Nanjing, 210023, China
    4. Wuxi Research Institute of Petroleum Geology of SINOPEC, Wuxi, 214151, China
  • Online:2015-06-09 Published:2015-05-06


This paper deals with the characteristics, distribution pattern, and accumulation features of the late Quaternary shallowbiogenic gas in the Changjiang River delta area based on the detailed analysis of sedimentary characteristics, facies, and sequence stratigraphic framework, and organic geochemistry. The results show that there are three episodes of incised valley developing in the study area, resulting in the formation of distinct sedimentary sequences. The early two systems are incomplete due to the late strong incision and erosion, and are characterized by the superposition of fluvial sediments; while the last postglacial sequence is relatively complete with different sedimentary facies assemblages. The shallow gas in the study area has a biogenic origin, and the gas reservoir belongs to a syngenetic type of self-generating and self-reservoir. The muddy clay and silty clay of estuary-floodplain and shallow marine facies occur as both gas source and cap sediments, and the muddy clay of the shallow marine facies can be used as good regional cap beds. As main biogenic gas reservoirs, the sand sediments of estuary-floodplain and fluvial channel facies distributed within the incised valleys. The study area and its adjacent area are characterized by several times of incised valleys, in favor of the development of gas source, cap and reservoir sediments. As a consequence, the incised valley is the most favorable zone for the shallow-biogenic gas exploration, and the sand bodies of estuary-floodplain and fluvial channels especially the former within the incised valleys have the high priority of exploration.


图1 长江三角洲的分区图 (修改自文献[ 28 ]) I.三角洲主体;II.三角洲南翼,II1.南翼前缘,II2.南翼后缘;III.三角洲北翼,III1.北翼前缘,III2.北翼后缘
Fig. 1 Subdivision of the Changjiang River delta area (modified from reference [ 28 ]) I.The main body of delta; II.The south margin of delta; II1.The front edge of south margin; II2.The trailing edge of south margin; III.The north margin of delta; III1.The front edge of north margin; III2.The trailing edge of north margin
图2 长江三角洲晚第四纪N-S剖面地质图 (修改自文献[31]) 14C测年 a:(5 750±150) a BP,11.70 m;b:(11 030±1230) a BP,38.80 m;c:(34 900±960) a BP,94.50 m
Fig.2 Late Quaternary geological section (N-S) in Changjiang River delta area (modified from reference [31]) 14C age a: (5 750±150) a BP, 11.70 m; b: (11 030±1230 )a BP, 38.80 m: c: (34 900±960) a BP, 94.50 m
图3 长江三角洲启东地区ZK01孔综合柱状图
Fig. 3 The columnar section of ZK01 borehole in the Qidong area, Changjiang River delta
图4 长江三角洲启东地区ZK01孔沉积特征 (a)末次冰期以来沉积层序底部层序界面 (红线所示,83.4 m),a:晚第四纪中期 (40—20 kyr B.P) 河漫滩淡褐色黏土,b:末次盛冰期以来河床相灰黄色砾质粗砂;(b)河漫滩相,a:青灰色粉砂质砂,b:灰色黏土;(c)河口湾相,a:灰白色细砂,b:灰色黏土;(d)浅海相,深灰色淤泥质黏土夹灰色粉砂薄层;(e)三角洲相,a:青灰色粉砂质细砂,b:灰黄色黏土薄层
Fig. 3 Selected photographs of typical sedimentary characteristics from ZK01 borehole in Qidong area, Changjiang River delta (a)The sequence boundary of last postglacial sedimentary sequence indicated by the red line, 83.4 m. a: the light brown floodplain clay sediments during the medium period of late Quaternary (40-20 kyr B.P); b:the grayish yellow gravelly coarse sand of fluvial channel facies since last postglaciation. (b)Floodplain facies. a: the gray silty sand, and b :the gray clay. (c)Estuary facies. a: gray fine sand, b:gray clay. (d)The dark gray muddy clay interbedded by gray silt of shallow marine facies. (e)Delta facies. a: the gray silty fine sand, and b: the grayish yellow clay sediments
表1 长江三角洲浅层天然气化学组分及甲烷碳同位素特征
Table 1 Chemical composition and methane carbon isotope characteristics of the shallow-biogenic gas in Changjiang River delta area
表2 长江三角洲晚第四纪不同沉积环境中的泥质沉积物有机质丰度
Table 2 Organic abundance of late Quaternary muddy sediments from different sedimentary environments in Changjiang River area
图5 长江三角洲晚第四纪浅层生物气气源岩不溶有机质演化轨迹
Fig. 5 Organic types and their evolution paths for the source sediments of late Quaternary shallow-biogenic gas in Changjiang River delta area
表3 长江三角洲晚第四纪浅层生物气气源岩热解
Table 3 Pyrolysis parameters of source sediments for the late Quaternary shallow-biogenic gas in the Changjiang River area
图6 长江三角洲启东地区静力触探曲线解释图 (a)为剖面图;(b)为钻孔平面分布图
Fig. 6 Profile across the Qidong shallow-biogenic gas area based on static-sounding boreholes, Changjiang River delta (a) Profile showing the facies distribution; (b)Plan view of the static-sounding boreholes
表4 启东地区ZK01孔生物气直接盖层、间接盖层和储层变水头渗透率实验测试结果
Table 4 The tested permeabilities of direct cap beds, indirect cap beds and the reservoirs in the ZK01 borehole, Changjiang River delta area
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