地球科学进展 ›› 2014, Vol. 29 ›› Issue (4): 456 -463. doi: 10.11867/j.issn.1001-8166.2014.04.0456

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常玉光, 白万备, 齐永安, 孙凤余, 王敏   
  1. 河南理工大学资源环境学院, 河南省生物遗迹与成矿过程重点实验室, 河南 焦作 454000
  • 收稿日期:2014-01-07 出版日期:2014-04-10
  • 基金资助:

    国家自然科学基金青年科学基金项目“豫西寒武纪叠层石形态变化与微生物席底变迁的环境与资源意义”(编号:41202071); 河南理工大学博士基金项目“豫西寒武纪叠层石演化机理研究”(编号:B2014-069)资助.

Microfossil Assemblage and Its Sedimentary Environment in Cambrian Stromatolites, Western He’nan

Chang Yuguang, Bai Wanbei, Qi Yongan, Sun Fengyu, Wang Min   

  1. Institute of Resources & Environment, Key Laboratory of Biogenic Traces &Sedimentary Minerals of He’nan Province, He’nan Polytechnic University, Jiaozuo 454000, China
  • Received:2014-01-07 Online:2014-04-10 Published:2014-04-10

叠层石的生物成因是地质学家长期争论的焦点之一, 以豫西寒武纪叠层石为研究对象, 以偏光显微镜和扫描电镜为手段, 发现了豫西寒武纪碳酸盐岩叠层石中赋存大量微生物化石, 形态特征明显, 为典型蓝细菌属的丝状葛万菌(Girvanella)和球状肾形菌(Renalcis), 且具有明显的组合特征, 分别表现为片状或席状组合、球状组合、蜂窝状组合和格网状组合等。研究发现叠层石微生物化石及其组合的分布状态与宏观形态和明暗纹层存在着十分密切的联系, 并建立了豫西寒武纪叠层石微生物化石及其4类10种组合的沉积环境分布模式, 同时表明, 叠层石的生长环境特别是水动力条件是叠层石微生物化石组合保存及其分布状态的重要影响因素之一。

Biogenic stromatolites is one of the focus of geologists for a long time. In this paper, the research object is Cambrian stromatolites of western He’nan. Abundant microbial fossils are discovered in Cambrian carbonate stromatolites of western Henan, which are Girvanella and Renalcis of cyanobacteria with filamentous and spherical features, by means of polarizing microscope and Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM). They display the distinct characteristics of assemblage, such as the sheet or mat assemblage, the globular assemblage, the cellular and the grid assemblage. Study shows that there exists very close ties between the distribution of microbial fossils and microfossils assemblage and the macroscopic forms and their layers. The sedimentary environmental models of microbial fossils and 4 categories and 10 types of microfossils assemblage have been established. The growth environment, especially the hydrodynamic condition of stromatolites is one of the important effect factors of the microfossils assemblage preservation and distribution.


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