地球科学进展 ›› 2001, Vol. 16 ›› Issue (4): 574 -579. doi: 10.11867/j.issn.1001-8166.2001.04.0574

全球变化研究 上一篇    下一篇

孙成权 1,曲建升 1,赵转军 2   
  1. 1.中国科学院资源环境科学信息中心,甘肃 兰州 730000;
    2.兰州大学资源环境学院,甘肃 兰州 730000
  • 收稿日期:2000-11-20 修回日期:2000-12-12 出版日期:2001-08-01
  • 通讯作者: 孙成权(1946-),男,北京人,研究员,主要从事地球科学发展战略与国际全球变化比较研究. E-mail:gcinfo@ns.tzb.ac.cn
  • 基金资助:



SUN Chengquan 1, QU Jiansheng 1,ZHAO Zhuanjun 2   

  1. 1.The Scientific Information Center for Resources and Environment, CAS, Lanzhou 730000,China;
    2.College of Resource and Environment Sciences, Lanzhou University, Lanzhou 730000,China
  • Received:2000-11-20 Revised:2000-12-12 Online:2001-08-01 Published:2001-08-01

美国全球变化研究计划(USGCRP)自成立以来的10年中,取得了丰硕的研究成果,也面临新的挑战。列举了自1990年以来尤其是近几年来USGCRP的主要成果与贡献,其中在国家评估、厄尔尼诺—南方涛动的预测、全球温度记录、过去1000年中最温暖的时期、北美碳汇、 温室气体增加与臭氧损耗、臭氧损耗评估、大气污染物的长距离输送、海洋分析、热带测雨卫星、雷达卫星、火灾监测、SeaWiFS、全球环境变化信息服务等方面取得的成绩尤为显著。剖析了USGCRP在未来10年中的研究目标及其研究重点和面临的挑战。

 The U.S Global Change Research Program (USGCRP) has been implemented for 10 yrs, and so many achievements were carried out. The paper reviewed some main progresses  which were made by USGCRP over the past decade. These achievements were made in the following fields: National Assessment, El Niño-Southern Oscillation (ENSO) forecasting, global temperature record, warmest period in at least 1000 years, north America carbon sink, greenhouse gas increase and ozone depletion, assessment of ozone depletion, long-range transport of air pollution, ocean analysis, Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission (TRMM), Radarsat, fire monitoring, SeaWiFS, and global environmental change information service. Goals and Objectives for USGCRP in the coming decade were indicated in this paper. In the decade ahead, USGCRP will strengthen the researches on the following fields: understanding the Earth's Climate System, biology and biogeochemistry of ecosystems, composition and chemistry of the atmosphere, paleoenvironment/paleoclimate, human dimensions of global change, the global water cycle, carbon cycle science, observation/monitoring/data management.


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