地球科学进展 ›› 2016, Vol. 31 ›› Issue (3): 277 -285. doi: 10.11867/j.issn.1001-8166.2016.03.0277.

所属专题: IODP研究

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张洪瑞( ), 刘传联 *( ), 梁丹   
  1. 同济大学海洋地质国家重点实验室,上海 200092
  • 收稿日期:2016-01-25 修回日期:2016-02-25 出版日期:2016-03-20
  • 通讯作者: 刘传联 E-mail:103443_rui@tongji.edu.cn;liucl@tongji.edu.cn

Tropical Marine Productivity:The Modern Progress and Paleoproductivity Records

Hongrui Zhang( ), Chuanlian Liu( ), Dan Liang   

  1. Ocean and Earth Sciences School, Tongji University, Shanghai 200092,China
  • Received:2016-01-25 Revised:2016-02-25 Online:2016-03-20 Published:2016-03-10
  • About author:

    First author:Zhang Hongrui(1992-), male, Panjin City, Liaoning Province, PhD candidate. Research area include paleoceanography.E-mail:103443_rui@tongji.edu.cn

    Corresponding author:Liu Chuanlian (1963-), male, Jining City,Shandong Province, Professor. Research areas include marine micropaleontology and paleoceanography.E-mail:liucl@tongji.edu.cn

  • Supported by:
    Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China “From indoor culturing to geological records: Exploring the role of coccolithophores in the carbon cycle of the South China Sea” (No.91228204) and “Modern coccolithophores in the Yellow Sea and the East China Sea and their response to environment” (No.41376047)

首先综述了现代热带海洋生产力的分类与影响因素,然后讨论了古生产力替代性指标的分类与各类方法的优点与局限性。在此基础上,通过收集整理前人使用不同替代性指标对热带海洋古生产力重建的结果,讨论了热带海洋古生产力记录的特征、周期性与驱动机制。发现从末次冰期到全新世热带海洋古生产力在冰期时明显偏高,但冰期生产力高间冰期生产力低的规律并不一直适用,MIS 22前后西太平洋初级生产力在冰期—间冰期的变化发生反转。热带海洋古生产力的周期性也与高纬海区显著不同,岁差和斜率的信号更为显著。还存在约30 ka等不同轨道周期叠加之后形成的周期。颗石藻计算的海洋生产力可能存在约400 ka周期,这对全球碳同位素的影响有待深入研究。

The classification and influencing factors of modern marine productivity were reviewed at the beginning. We discussed the pros and cons of different paleoproductivity proxies. Based on these discussions, we collected paleoproductivity reconstructions in tropical marine from previous studies and focus on the glacial-interglacial features, periodicity and forcing mechanisms of tropical marine productivity. We found that the productivity in most tropical sites decreased from MIS 2 to MIS 1. The productivity was not always higher in glacial: The glacial-interglacial pattern of productivity turned at MIS 22 in western Pacific. There were remarkable differences between tropical productivity and high latitude productivity. The precession and obliquity bands were more significant in tropical productivity and ~30 ka cycles caused by the superimposing of different orbital cycles were common in tropical. The coccolith based productivity seemed to have a quasiperiod of 400 ka and more researches are needed to discover the relationship between productivity and global 13C in this band.


图1 从末次冰期到全新世海洋生产力变化以及现代海洋初级生产力的分布
(a)为输出生产力;(b)为初级生产力;红色点代表该站位海洋生产力在MIS 2>MIS 1;蓝色点代表MIS 2<MIS 1;灰色点表示2个时间内海洋生产力大致相当;白色表示不同指标的数据存在差异难以确定或是存在非生产力过程对结果造成了影响;现代海洋生产力数据使用VGPM算法计算 [ 40 ],单位为gC/ (m 2·a),来源于Ocean Productivity网站
Fig.1 The variation of marine productivity from the last glacial to Holocene and the distribution of modern primary productivity
(a)The pattern of export productivity;(b)The pattern of primary productivity;Red points mean the productivity in MIS 2 was larger than that in MIS 1 at the site; Blue points mean the productivity in MIS 1 was larger than that in MIS 2; Gray points mean the productivity in MIS 2 was similar to the productivity in MIS 1; White points mean the results of different proxies are contrary or there were other progress that may influence the results; The modern primary productivity data(gC/ (m 2 ·a)) are based the VGPM [ 40 ], which can be downloaded from the website ‘Ocean Productivity’
图2 暖池区输出生产力和初级生产力的频谱分析
ODP 807生产力数据来自于参考文献[12]
Fig.2 Frequency analysis of the export productivity and primary productivity in the West Pacific Warm Pool
The productivity data of ODP 807 is from reference[12]
图3 0.6 Ma以来颗石藻记录的海洋生产力
(a)岁差指数:反映了太阳辐射的季节性分布;(b)赤道东太平洋ODP-1204钙质超微化石的堆积速率 [ 43 ];(c)西太平洋暖池KX08-97321-2中 F. profunda百分含量;(d)南海南部ODP-1143中 F. profunda百分含量 [ 50 ]
Fig.3 The 0.6 Ma marine PP reconstructed by coccolith proxies
(a) Precession index: Indicating the distribution of solar insolation in different seasons; (b) The Nannofossil Accumulation Rate (NAR) of tropical western Pacific site ODP-1204 [ 43 ]; (c) The relative abundance of F. profunda in the WPWP site KX08-97321-2; (d) The relative abundance of F. profunda in the southern SCS site ODP-1143[ 50 ]
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