地球科学进展 ›› 2000, Vol. 15 ›› Issue (2): 222 -227. doi: 10.11867/j.issn.1001-8166.2000.02.0222

全球变化研究 上一篇    下一篇

  1. 北京大学地质学系同位素实验室,北京 100871
  • 收稿日期:1999-04-12 修回日期:1999-07-26 出版日期:2000-04-01
  • 通讯作者: 高洪林,男,1963年4月出生,博士生,主要从事K-Ar与39Ar/40Ar测年及古板块演化的同位素示踪方面的研究。


GAO Honglin,MU Zhiguo,MA Peixue   

  1. Laboratory of Isotope Geochemistry,Department of Geology,Beijing University,Beijing100871,China
  • Received:1999-04-12 Revised:1999-07-26 Online:2000-04-01 Published:2000-04-01

冰芯、深海沉积物、黄土、石笋、湖相沉积物等这些古气候载体所记录的古气候(温度)变化广泛具有100 ka、41 ka、20 ka以及更短的千年周期性。2.45 Ma BP到1.6 Ma BP,低频率的166ka到333 ka周期存在;1.8 Ma BP到0.8 Ma BP,41 ka周期占主导。而从0.8 Ma BP至今,100 ka周期逐渐增强并占主导地位。全球性的100 ka周期的驱动机制可用地球轨道面倾斜理论或用宇宙尘在地球上的积累速率模式加以解释,而区域性的千年周期在北大西洋可用深海盐水的循环模式解释。新的资料和各种气候周期模式表明,长尺度的气候周期应是地外天体相互作用引发,短尺度高频率气候振荡应是地球内部各系统间相互制约影响的结果。

Ice core, deep sea sediment, loess, stalagmites, lake sediment, all these proxies record the ancient climatic variation which have cycles of 100 ka, 41 ka, 20 ka, and Millennium. For the age interval 2.45 Ma BP to 1.6 Ma BP, cycles of 166 ka and 333 ka were obvious; 1.8 to 0.8 Ma BP, cycle of 41 ka took place as the primary period of ancient climate. The 100 ka cycle has dominated from 0.8 Ma BP to the present.
The mechanism of globally existing 100 ka cycle is attributed to inclination of Earth' s orbital plane or to accretion rates of meteorites and cosmic dust on Earth, while the circulation of deep-sea brine model can interpret the regional millennial period in the North Atlantic Ocean area. New discoveries and various models show that long periodic (low frequency) climatic change seems to be caused by mutual effect of extraterrestrial celestial bodies, shorter periodic (high frequency) one are the result of restriction among various systems within Earth. Many climatic change-driven mechanism are unknown and therefore, data collation and to study cooperatively and comparatively through out the whole world are the key points in the future.


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