地球科学进展 ›› 2011, Vol. 26 ›› Issue (10): 1015 -1022. doi: 10.11867/j.issn.1001-8166.2011.10.1015

973项目研究进展    下一篇

刘纪远 1,邵全琴 1, 延晓冬 2, 樊江文 1, 邓祥征 1, 战金艳 3, 高学杰 4, 黄麟 1, 徐新良 1, 胡云峰 1, 王军邦 1, 匡文慧 1   
  1. 1.中国科学院地理科学与资源研究所,北京100101;
  • 收稿日期:2011-08-18 修回日期:2011-09-02 出版日期:2011-10-10
  • 通讯作者: 刘纪远(1965-),男,上海人,研究员,主要从事陆地系统时空信息分析研究 E-mail:liujy@igsnrr.ac.cn
  • 基金资助:


An Overview of the Progress and Research Framework on the Effects of Land Use Change upon Global Climate

Liu Jiyuan 1, Shao Quanqin 1, Yan Xiaodong 2, Fan Jiangwen 1, Deng Xiangzheng 1, Zhan Jinyan 3, Gao Xuejie 4, Huang Lin 1, Xu Xinliang 1, Hu Yunfeng 1, Wang Junbang 1, Kuang Wenhui 1   

  1. 1.The Institute of Geographic Sciences and Natural Resources Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing100101,China;
    2.The Institute of Atmospheric Physics,Chinese Academy of Sciences,Beijing 100029,China;
    3. Beijing Normal University, Beijing 100875, China;
    4. The National Climate Centre of China Meteorological Administration, Beijing100081, China
  • Received:2011-08-18 Revised:2011-09-02 Online:2011-10-10 Published:2001-10-10


In this paper, the primary scientific issues about the impacts of land use and land cover change (LUCC) on global climate are analyzed, and its research progress is reviewed. LUCC-climate-ecosystem research system  integrated with satellite and field observation is constructed, with the consideration of  the intercross, integration and interpenetration among subjects to study the land use change effects on global climate. Furthermore, dynamic patterns and mechanisns  of LUCC, research approaches about the mechanisms and effectiveness of LUCC impacts on ecosystem and climate, and then the technical routes for the application of integrated satellite-earth research system to land use change effects on global climate  are discussed and analyzed. The following scientific objectives will  be realized based on above research approaches and technical routes. ① to further study the basic regulation, driving forces and its climatic/ecological effects of LUCC in three spatial scales: typical regions, key nations and global; ② to illustrate the mutual-feedback mechanisms among anthropogenic activities, climate change and LUCC processes, and to reveal the impact mechanisms of large scale LUCC processes on climate and terrestrial ecosystem; ③ to construct integrated simulated platform on multiple scale LUCC and its climatic and ecological effectiveness, and to quantitatively simulate the different spatial and temporal scale of LUCC trends and its climatic/ecological effects in different scenarios, then to define the contribution rate of large scale LUCC impacts on climate change in two ways, that is through initiation of the budget change of greenhouse gases and through the change in land surface and atmosphere processes; ④ to propose the strategy to responding to the impacts of LUCC on climate and ecosystem in the future, and to supply scientific basis for nations to respond to  global change and to achieve  sustainable development.


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