地球科学进展 ›› 2006, Vol. 21 ›› Issue (2): 192 -200. doi: 10.11867/j.issn.1001-8166.2006.02.0192

“土地利用/覆盖变化与综合减灾”专辑 上一篇    下一篇

Ernan Rustiadi 1, Dyah R. Panuju 1, B.H. Trisasongko 1, Ruchyat Deni Djakapermana 2   
  1. 1. 印度尼西亚茂物农业大学规划与发展系区域系统分析中心,茂物 16001,印度尼西亚;2.印度尼西亚公共事业部国家空间规划理事会,茂物 16001,印度尼西亚
  • 收稿日期:2005-12-20 出版日期:2006-02-15
  • 通讯作者: Ernan Rustiadi E-mail:ernan@indo.net.id

Land Cover Change and Coastal Spatial Zoning in Aceh-Indonesia in the Aftermath of the Tsunami

Ernan Rustiadi 1, Dyah R. Panuju 1, B.H. Trisasongko 1, Ruchyat Deni Djakapermana 2   

  1. 1.Center for Regional Systems Analysis,Planning and Development(CRESTPENT),Bogor Agricultural University;2.Directorate of National Spatial Planning, Ministry of Public Works, Bogor 16001, Indonesia
  • Received:2005-12-20 Online:2006-02-15 Published:2006-02-15

    2004年12月26日,由于欧亚板块的碰撞,40年以来最大的地震灾害发生在印度洋。地震诱发的海啸影响到Nangroe Aceh Darussalam省的许多城市,包括省会城市班达阿齐。在这地区共有超过12万人死亡,100万人无家可归。基于遥感数据的分析表明,有12万亩的土地受到了灾害。在班达阿齐市,鱼塘、住宅用地和保护区的变化是这一地区最显著的土地利用/覆盖变化,受灾前后这些用地类型的面积相应的变化了61.5%、57.8% 和77.6%。目前,印度尼西亚中央政府正在计划一个新的海岸带土地利用规划,在原来密集的海岸带建立一个缓冲区(约距海岸带2 km)。政府已经要求许多海岸带的社区代表与非政府组织参与到决策的过程中。

    On 26 December 2004 the biggest earthquake in 40 years occured between the Australian plate and Eurasian plate in the Indian Ocean. The quake triggered a tsunami (series of large waves) that spread out to several coastal cities in Nangroe Aceh Darussalam Province, including its Capital, Banda Aceh City. In this region over 120 000 lives have lost and 1 million is homeless. Based on analysis remote sensing data (preliminary report of LAPAN), more than 120 000 hm2 of land are damaged. In Banda Aceh City, the changes of fishponds, residential areas and conservation areas (mangrove and other forest) were dominated the land use/cover changes. These three land use/covers were decreased about 61.5%, 57.8% and 77.6% from the former respectively. The central government is preparing a new coastal spatial planning which promotes a buffer zone (about 2 km from the seashore) in the formerly most dense areas. Many groups of coastal communities and NGOs are asking for the involvement of local community in decision making process.     
    In order to select and adopt the best use of the land, the coastal spatial zoning in the aftermath of the tsunami should determine several basic issues. This study is focusing on Banda Aceh City as center of many socio-economic activities. This study examines the changes of land use-cover (including physical damages) due to the impact of tsunami especially for agriculture and settlement uses and analyzes the typology of affected villages based on land use/cover changes and socioeconomic aspects. Moreover, this study examines the government spatial planning in the aftermath of tsunami and the local people needs to seek some sustainable options for the future spatial arrangements.


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