地球科学进展 doi: 10.11867/j.issn.1001-8166.2022.080


2022 年度地球化学学科基金项目评审与资助成果分析
  1. 国家自然科学基金委员会地球科学部,北京 100085

An Introduction to the Proposals and Programs under Division of Geochemistry, Department of Earth Sciences, National Natural Science Foundation of China in 2022

LI Wei, XIAO Jun, HAO Lulu, HU Dongmei   

  1. Department of Earth Sciences, National Natural Science Foundation of China, Beijing 100085, China
  • About author:LI Wei (1971- ), female, Qingdao City, Shandong Province, Professor. Research areas include physical oceanography research and management of natural science funds. E-mail: liwei@nsfc.gov.cn
对2022 年度国家自然科学基金委员会地球科学部地球科学二处地球化学学科(申请代码:D03)所管理的基金项目进行总结,包括申请和受理、同行通讯评议和会评送审以及资助情况等,并对2021 年度结题项目的研究成果进行介绍。①2022 年度地球化学学科基金项目的申请量保持稳定;②申请项目的格式规范性有所提高,初审合格率明显高于往年;③面上项目、青年科学基金项目和地区科学基金项目的平均送审率为143.5%;④通过3 年的“负责任、讲信誉、计贡献”评审机制试点,地球化学学科对约2 000 名评审专家的评审态度与公正性及其对评审工作的贡献进行记录,探索如何更好发挥同行评议对科学基金资助决策的核心作用;⑤2021 年度结题的项目在同位素地球化学、元素地球化学、地质年代学、宇宙化学和行星化学等方面取得重要进展。
We summarized the application, peer review, and acceptance of projects managed by Division of Geochemistry (D03), Department of Earth Sciences, National Natural Science Foundation of China in 2022, and introduced the research advances of completed projects in 2021. The results are: ① In 2022, the number of project applications for the discipline of geochemistry remains constant; ② The application formats have been improved and the rates of applications passing preliminary examination are significantly higher than ever before; ③ The submission rates of the General Program, Young Scientists Fund and Fund for Less Developed Regions
exceed 143.5%; ④ By piloting the mechanism of “Responsibility, Credibility, Contribution” within three years, the Division of Geochemistry has recorded the attitude, justice and contributions of ca. 2000 peer-review experts, in order to explore how to better play the central role of peer-review in funding decisions;⑤ Significant progress have been made in Isotopic Geochemistry, Elemental Geochemistry, Geochronology, and Cosmochemistry in 2021.
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