地球科学进展 ›› 2022, Vol. 37 ›› Issue (7): 680 -691. doi: 10.11867/j.issn.1001-8166.2022.025

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舒乐乐 1 , 2( ), 常燕 1 , 2, 王建 1 , 3, 陈昊 1 , 2, 李照国 1 , 2, 赵林 1 , 2, 孟宪红 1 , 2( )   
  1. 1.中国科学院西北生态环境资源研究院,甘肃 兰州 730000
    2.中国科学院寒旱区陆面过程与 气候变化重点实验室,甘肃 兰州 730000
    3.甘肃省遥感重点实验室,甘肃 兰州 730000
  • 收稿日期:2022-01-12 修回日期:2022-06-16 出版日期:2022-07-10
  • 通讯作者: 孟宪红 E-mail:shulele@lzb.ac.cn;mxh@lzb.ac.cn
  • 基金资助:

A Brief Review of Numerical Distributed Hydrological Model SHUD

Lele SHU 1 , 2( ), Yan CHANG 1 , 2, Jian WANG 1 , 3, Hao CHEN 1 , 2, Zhaoguo LI 1 , 2, Lin ZHAO 1 , 2, Xianhong MENG 1 , 2( )   

  1. 1.Northwest Institute of Eco-Environment and Resources, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Lanzhou 730000, China
    2.Key Laboratory of Land Surface Process and Climate Change in Cold and Arid Regions, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Lanzhou 730000, China
    3.Key Laboratory of Remote Sensing of Gansu Province, Lanzhou 730000, China
  • Received:2022-01-12 Revised:2022-06-16 Online:2022-07-10 Published:2022-07-21
  • Contact: Xianhong MENG E-mail:shulele@lzb.ac.cn;mxh@lzb.ac.cn
  • About author:SHU Lele (1983-), male, Xi’an City, Shaanxi Province, Associate professor. Research areas include numerical hydrological model and coupled landsurface-hydrology modeling. E-mail: shulele@lzb.ac.cn
  • Supported by:
    the Chinese Academy 100-Talent Program “Numerical hydrological model”(E0290304);The National Natural Science Foundation of China “The evolution of hydrological cycle and its mechanism under the climate change on the Sanjiangyuan region in China”(41930759);The Open Fund of Qinghai Key Laboratory of Disaster Prevention “Streamflow change and hydrological mechanism in Buha River”(QFZ-2021-Z02)


Hydrological models are efficient and economical tools for conducting scientific studies. They are not only useful in validating scientific theories and guiding the deployment of observation networks, but they also play an indispensable role in facilitating decision-making within socioeconomic spheres such disaster prevention and mitigation. Distributed hydrological modelling via numerical methods entail the application of hydrological equations to express the spatial heterogeneity of hydrological parameters at a fine-scale. This fine-scale analysis allows for a detailed characterization of hydrological processes, which is a critical step within the context of developing robust hydrological models. The SHUD model adopts the finite volume method to resolve integrated surface-subsurface hydrological processes. The model uses an irregular triangular network, which can rapidly realize an ultra-high-resolution numerical simulation (i.e., from meters to kilometers). The AutoSHUD automated hydrological simulation system, which consists of the SHUD model, rSHUD tool, and global essential terrestrial data, can facilitate pre- and post-processing of the model and has been applied to several research projects; hence, the validity and applicability of the model have been verified. At present, the exploration, development, and application of distributed hydrological models by numerical methods are limited in our hydrological community, and there is an urgent need for more original research in this field. The global development of new models as well as the validation, promotion, and improvement of existing models is a worthwhile goal.


表1 SHUD模型所用的控制方程和水量平衡公式
Table 1 The governing equations and mass-balance equations used in SHUD model
水文过程 控制方程 计算方法 一阶水量平衡公式
冠层截留 水量平衡 水桶模型

d S i c d t = P - E i c - P t f

S i c 为冠层水储量(m), P 为降水量[m3/(m2⋅d)], E i c 为冠层截留水蒸发量[m3/(m2⋅d)], P t f 为穿透冠层的降水量[m3/(m2⋅d)]

积雪模型 水量平衡 度日模型

d S s n d t = P s n - E s n - q s m

S s n 为积雪储量(m), P s n 为降雪量[m3/(m2⋅d)], E s n 为积雪升华[m3/(m2⋅d)], q s m 为积雪融化量[m3/(m2⋅d)]

蒸散发 PM公式 PM公式,水分胁迫

λ E 0 = Δ ( R n - G ) + ρ a c p e s - e a r a Δ + γ ( 1 + r s r a )

E 0 为彭曼—蒙迪斯公式计算的潜在蒸散发[m3/(m2⋅s)], λ 为汽化潜热(MJ/kg), Δ 为饱和蒸气压曲线的斜率(kPa/K), R n 为净辐射[MJ/(m2⋅s)], G 为地面热传导[MJ/(m2⋅s)], ρ a 为空气密度(kg/m3), c p 为空气热容[MJ/(kg⋅K)], e s 为气温下的空气饱和水汽压(kPa), e a 为气温下的空气水汽压(kPa), γ 为湿度常数(kPa/K), r a 为总体空气动力学扩散阻抗(s/m), r s 为总体冠层扩散阻抗(s/m)

地表水流 圣维南方程 扩散波或动力波

d Y 1 d t = P n - E s p - q i - j = 1 3 Q s j A c

Y 1 为地表积水高度(m), P n 为到达地面的净降水量[m3/(m2⋅d)], E s p 为地表水面蒸发量[m3/(m2⋅d)], q i 为入渗量[m3/(m2⋅d)], Q s j 为三角形沿方向j的坡面漫流量(m3/d), A c 为三角形坡面单元面积(m2

非饱和层流动 理查兹方程 理查兹方程

S y d Y 2 d t = q i - q r - E s m

S y 为储水系数(m/m), Y 2 为非饱和水基势(m), q i 为入渗量[m3/(m2⋅d)], q r 为地下水补给量[m3/(m2⋅d)], E s m 为土壤蒸发蒸腾量[m3/(m2⋅d)]

饱和层流动 达西定律 达西定律,Dupuit假设

S y d Y 3 d t = q r - E t g - j = 1 3 Q g j A c

S y 为储水系数(m/m), Y 3 为饱和层(自基岩以上)水头高度(m), q r 为地下水补给量[m3/(m2⋅d)], E t g 为植被由饱和层进行的蒸腾量[m3/(m2⋅d)], Q g j 为三角形沿方向j的饱和地下水基流(m3/d), A c 为三角形坡面单元面积(m2

河道水流动 圣维南方程 扩散波或动力波

d Y 4 d t = 1 A r j = 1 N c Q s r j + j = 1 N c Q g r j + j = 1 N u Q u p j + Q d n

Y 4 为河道水位(m), A r 为河道顶部面积(m2), Q s r j 为由坡面单元通过地表漫流流入河道的流量(m3/d), Q g r j 为由坡面单元通过地下基流流入河道的流量(m3/d), Q u p j 为由上游河道进入当前河道的流量(m3/d), Q d n 为由当前河道进入下游河道的流量(m3/d), N c 为与河道相交的三角数量, N u 为上游河道数量

图1 SHUD模型的水平空间结构、河流网络拓扑关系和垂直分层关系
Fig. 1 The lateral spatial structureriver topology and vertical layers
(a) The hydrological computation domain is consisted of irregular triangles; (b) Crossing relation between triangular slope units and river units; (c) The vertical layering of a slope unit and hydrological processes in them;SHUD uses irregular triangles as hydrological computational units, where river cross the triangular units; The vertical profile is consisted of three layers: land-surface, unsaturated and saturated zones
图2 SHUD模型在指定时间步长内的迭代计算流程图
Fig. 2 The iteration workflow within user-specific time step in the SHUD model
图3 SHUD模型模拟的基本流程图
Fig. 3 The basic workflow of simulation with SHUD model
表2 用于构建 SHUD模型的基础数据列表
Table 2 The fundamental data used for deployment of SHUD model
图 4 原始的地形和河网数据以及生成的模型计算单元(以黄河源为例)
Fig. 4 The raw DEMriver networkand the model computational unitsthe Yellow River source is used as an example
表3 SHUD模型输出结果变量列表
Table 3 The variables of result files of SHUD model
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