地球科学进展 ›› 2021, Vol. 36 ›› Issue (7): 694 -711. doi: 10.11867/j.issn.1001-8166.2021.055

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贾诗超 1( ),张廷军 1( ),范成彦 1,刘琳 2,邵婉婉 1   
  1. 1.兰州大学 资源环境学院 西部环境教育部重点实验室,甘肃 兰州 730000
    2.香港中文大学 理学院 地球系统科学课程,香港 999077
  • 收稿日期:2021-02-20 修回日期:2021-05-22 出版日期:2021-07-10
  • 通讯作者: 张廷军 E-mail:jiashch19@lzu.edu.cn;tjzhang@lzu.edu.cn
  • 基金资助:

Research Progress of InSAR Technology in Permafrost

Shichao JIA 1( ),Tingjun ZHANG 1( ),Chengyan FAN 1,Lin LIU 2,Wanwan SHAO 1   

  1. 1.Key Laboratory of Western China's Environmental Systems (Ministry of Education),College of Earth and Environmental Sciences,Lanzhou University,Lanzhou 730000,China
    2.Earth System Science Programme,Faculty of Science,The Chinese University of Hong Kong,Hong Kong 999077,China
  • Received:2021-02-20 Revised:2021-05-22 Online:2021-07-10 Published:2021-08-20
  • Contact: Tingjun ZHANG E-mail:jiashch19@lzu.edu.cn;tjzhang@lzu.edu.cn
  • About author:JIA Shichao (1993-), male, Maanshan City, Anhui Province, Ph. D student. Research areas include InSAR technology to monitor permafrost changes. E-mail: jiashch19@lzu.edu.cn
  • Supported by:
    the Chinese Academy of Sciences Class A Leading Science and Technology Project "Permafrost changes and hydrological ecological effects in Qilian Mountains"(XDA20100103);"Third Pole and Pan-Third Pole and its linkage with the North and South Pole"(XDA20100313)

多年冻土随气候变暖逐渐发生退化,严重影响多年冻土区工程建设的稳定性,因此实时、准确地监测多年冻土变化迫在眉睫。合成孔径雷达干涉测量(Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar,InSAR)作为一种新型对地观测技术,可以全天时、全天候的对多年冻土区地表进行大范围监测,成为一种有效的监测手段。主要介绍InSAR技术在多年冻土区近20年的研究进展与未来发展趋势。首先介绍了InSAR技术的基本原理和常用的SAR系统,然后基于InSAR技术的发展,概述了D-InSAR和时序InSAR技术在多年冻土区的应用,并对目前发展的冻融模型进行总结,分析了多年冻土区地表形变影响因素,最后展望未来InSAR技术在多年冻土监测中的发展趋势与面临的主要问题,以期为科研人员提供系统的应用介绍。

Permafrost is gradually degraded with climate warming, which seriously affects the stability of engineering construction in permafrost regions. Therefore, real-time and accurate monitoring of permafrost changes is urgent. Synthetic Aperture Radar Interferometry (InSAR), as a new type of earth observation technology, can monitor the surface of permafrost regions on a large scale at all times and in all weather, and become an effective monitoring method. This paper aims to introduce the research progress and future development trends of InSAR technology in permafrost regions in the past two decades. Firstly, the basic principle of InSAR technology and SAR system are introduced. Then, based on the development of InSAR technology, the application of D-InSAR and multi-temporal InSAR in permafrost regions is outlined. It also summarizes the currently developed freeze-thaw models and analyzes the influencing factors of surface deformation in permafrost regions. Finally, look forward to the future development trend and main problems of InSAR technology in permafrost monitoring, in order to provide scientific research personnel with a systematic application introduction.


图1 InSAR技术原理图 36
Fig. 1 Schematic diagram of InSAR technology 36
图2 InSAR技术中常用的民用SAR系统
Fig. 2 Civil SAR systems commonly used in InSAR technology
表1 主要民用卫星 SAR系统的设计参数
Table 1 Design parameters of major civil satellite SAR systems
SAR传感器 运行起止时间 重放周期/d 宽幅/km 波段 分辨率/方位向×距离向 极化方式 入射角
SEASAT 1978.06~10 17 100 L 25 m×25 m HH 20°~26°
SIR-A 1981.11—1981.11 50 L 40 m×40 m HH 47°
SIR-B 1983.10—1984.10 50 L 40 m×40 m HH 15°~64°
ERS-1 1991.07—2000.03 35、3、168 100 C 30 m×30 m VV 20°~26°
JERS-1 1992.02—1998.10 44 75 L 18 m×18 m HH 35°
ERS-2 1995.04—2011.09 35、3 100 C 30 m×30 m VV 20°~26°
Radarsat-1 1995.11—2013.03 24 精细模式:50 C 9 m×8.9 m HH 37°~47°
标准模式:100 28 m×(21~27) m 20°~49°
扫描模式:500 28 m×(23,27,35) m 20°~45°
Envisat 2002.03—2012.04 35、30 极化模式:58~100 C 30 m×(30~150) m VV+HH、HH+HV、VV+VH 15°~45°
图像模式:58~100 30 m×(30~150) m VV、HH 15°~45°
波模式:5 10 m×10 m 15°~45°
带宽模式:405 150 m×150 m 17°~42°
ALOS-1 2006.01—2011.05 46 单极化/双极化模式:70 L 10 m×(7,14) m HH、VV、HH+HV、VV+VH 8°~60°
全极化模式:30 10 m×24 m HH+HV+VV+VH 8°~30°
TerraSAR-X 2007.06至今 11 高分辨率聚束模式:10 X 1 m×(1.5~3.5) m HH、VV、HH+VV 20°~55°
聚束模式:10 2 m×(1.5~3.5) m HH、VV、HH+VV 20°~55°
条带模式:30 3 m×(3~6) m HH、VV、HH+VV、HH+HV、VV+VH、HH+HV+VV+VH 20°~45°
扫描模式:100 26 m×16 m HH、VV 20°~45°
COSMO-SkyMed 2007.06至今 24 聚束模式:10 X 1 m×1 m HH、VV 25°~50°
条带模式:30~40 3~15 m HH、HV、VV、VH、HH+VV、HH+HV、VV+VH 25°~50°
扫描模式:100~200 30~100 m HH、HV、VV、VH 25°~50°
Radarsat-2 2007.12至今 24 聚束模式:20 C 0.8 m×(2.1~3.3) m HH、HV、VV、VH 20°~49°
条带模式:20~150 (3.0~25.6) m×(2.5~42.8) m HH,HH+HV+VV+VH 20°~60°
扫描模式:300~500 (46~113) m×(43~183) m HH、HV、VV、VH、HH+VV、VV+VH 20°~49°
Sentinel-1A 2014.04至今 12 条带模式:80 C 5 m×5 m HH、VV、HH+HV、VV+VH 20°~45°
干涉宽带模式:250 5 m×20 m HH、VV、HH+HV、VV+VH 29°~46°
超幅宽模式:400 20 m×40 m HH、VV、HH+HV、VV+VH 19°~47°
波模式:20 5 m×5 m HH、VV



ALOS-2 2014.05至今 14 聚束模式:25 L 1 m×3 m HH、HV、VV、VH 8°~70°
条带模式:50/70 3 m、6 m、10 m HH、HV、VV、VH、HH+VV、VV+VH
扫描模式:350/490 100 m、60 m HH、HV、VV、VH、HH+VV、VV+VH
Sentinel-1B 2016.04至今 12 条带模式:80 C 5 m×5 m HH、VV、HH+HV、VV+VH 20°~45°
干涉宽带模式:250 5 m×20 m HH、VV、HH+HV、VV+VH 29°~46°
超幅宽模式:400 20 m×40 m HH、VV、HH+HV、VV+VH 19°~47°
波模式:20 5 m×5 m HH、VV



GF-3 2016.08至今 20 12种模式:10~650 C 1~500 m



表2 D-InSAR技术在多年冻土形变监测中的应用
Table 2 Application of D-InSAR technology in permafrost deformation monitoring
图3 PS技术和SBAS技术SAR影像组合特征 62
Fig. 3 Combination characteristics of PS technology and SBAS technology SAR image 62
图4 融化季节活动层状态的示意图
Fig. 4 Schematic diagram of the state of the active layer during the melting season
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