地球科学进展 ›› 2020, Vol. 35 ›› Issue (11): 1113 -1126. doi: 10.11867/j.issn.1001-8166.2020.102

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中国 19512018年气温和降水的时空演变特征研究
刘凯 1( ),聂格格 1,张森 2   
  1. 1.河南财经政法大学资源与环境学院,河南 郑州 450046
    2.江苏海洋大学海洋技术 与测绘学院,江苏 连云港 222005
  • 收稿日期:2020-09-17 修回日期:2020-10-20 出版日期:2020-11-10
  • 基金资助:

Study on the Spatiotemporal Evolution of Temperature and Precipitation in China from 1951 to 2018

Kai Liu 1( ),Gege Nie 1,Sen Zhang 2   

  1. 1.College of Resources and Environment,Henan University of Economics and Law,Zhengzhou 450046,China
    2.School of Geomatics and Marine Information,Jiangsu Ocean University,Lianyungang 222005,China
  • Received:2020-09-17 Revised:2020-10-20 Online:2020-11-10 Published:2021-01-25
  • About author:Liu Kai (1972-), male, Biyang County, Henan Province, Professor. Research areas include geography philosophy and GIS application. E-mail: liukai106@126.com
  • Supported by:
    National Natural Science Foundation of China “The theoretical study of Geography Ontology”(41771445)


This study used daily temperature and precipitation data from 699 weather stations in China from 1951 to 2018 to study the spatiotemporal evolution characteristics of temperature and precipitation in China, by using Mann-Kendall test, wavelet analysis, and RClimDex extreme temperature index methods. The results show that: In terms of time, the temperature in China presents an obvious increasing trend; the increase in precipitation is lagging and slow; the temperature and precipitation have multi-period changes; and there is a correlation on a large time scale. With the number of freezing days ID0 expressed by the highest temperature and abnormal warmth compared with the number of frost days FD0 and the number of warm night days TN90p expressed in the lowest temperature, the number of continuous days TX90p has a smaller change. The longest continuous precipitation days CWD and the longest drought duration CDD show a downward trend. Climate change is mainly characterized by warming and humidification. Spatially, the average temperature and precipitation both show a decreasing trend in the latitude direction. The contours move northward as a whole, which is largely affected by the topography, showing complementary spatial distribution characteristics. The number of warm days TX90p and the number of summer days SU25 are positive across the country. The number of freezing days ID0 and the number of frost days FD0 decrease in most areas. The longest continuous dry days CDD and the longest continuous humid days CWD have a certain degree of opposite spatial variation, and there is an increasing trend in extreme precipitation events. Studying the temporal and spatial evolution characteristics of temperature and precipitation is an important part of understanding and coping with the impact of climate change on the region.


图1 全国699个气象站分布示意图
Fig.1 Schematic diagram of the distribution of 699 weather stations nationwide
图2 19512018年全国699个气象站平均气温变化
Fig.2 Average temperature change of 699 weather stations nationwide from 1951 to 2018
图3 19512018年全国699个气象站年总降水量变化
Fig.3 Annual total precipitation change of 699 weather stations nationwide from 1951 to 2018
图4 19512018年年均气温Mann-Kendall统计量
Fig.4 Average annual temperature Mann-Kendall statistic from 1951 to 2018
图5 19512018年总降水量Mann-Kendall统计量
Fig.5 Annual total precipitation Mann-Kendall statistic from 1951 to 2018
图6 19512018年中国气温(a)与降水(b)的小波系数实部等值线图
Fig.6 The real contour map of the wavelet coefficient of China's temperature (left) and precipitation (right) from 1951 to 2018
图7 中国气温和降水的小波方差图
Fig.7 Wavelet variance diagram of temperature and precipitation in China
表1 极端气温和降水指数的时间序列的变化速率
Table 1 Time series change rate of extreme temperature and precipitation index
图8 19512018年中国年均气温等温线图
Fig.8 China's annual average temperature isotherm chart from 1951 to 2018
图9 19512018年中国年均总降水量等值线图
Fig.9 Contour map of China's annual average precipitation from 1951 to 2018
图10 19512018年每10年中国年均气温等值线分布图
Fig.10 The average annual temperature contour map of China in every decade from 1951 to 2018
图11 19512018年每10年中国年均总降水量等值线分布图
Fig.11 Equivalent distribution of annual average precipitation in China from 1951 to 2018
图12 19512018年中国气温极端指数变化速率图
Fig.12 Rate of change of temperature extreme index in China from 1951 to 2018
图13 19512018年中国降水极端指数变化速率图
Fig.13 Rate of change of precipitation extreme index in China from 1951 to 2018
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