地球科学进展 ›› 2007, Vol. 22 ›› Issue (7): 698 -707. doi: 10.11867/j.issn.1001-8166.2007.07.0698

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CO 2的地质埋存与资源化利用进展
  1. 中国科学院地质与地球物理研究所,北京 100029
  • 收稿日期:2007-03-12 修回日期:2007-05-18 出版日期:2007-07-10
  • 通讯作者: 许志刚(1977-),男,湖北汉川人,博士研究生,主要从事CO2地质存储、油气储层描述等方面的研究.E-mail:x_zhigang@126.com E-mail:x_zhigang@126.com
  • 基金资助:


Geological Storage of CO 2 and Commercial Utilization

XU Zhi-gang, CHEN Dai-zhao, ZENG Rong-shu   

  1. Institute of Geology and Geophysics,CAS,Beijing 100029,China

  • Received:2007-03-12 Revised:2007-05-18 Online:2007-07-10 Published:2007-07-10

把CO2注入油气藏、煤层提高油气采收率的方法(CO2-EOR、CO2-EGR、CO2-ECBM),因其在提高石油、天然气和煤层气采收率的同时,又能使一部分CO2永久地埋存于地下,实现油气增产和CO2减排的双赢效果,而成为当今CO2减排最具潜力的现实选择。CO2-EOR(Enhanced Oil Recovery)方法适用于油田开发晚期,通过把CO2注入到比较稳定的油藏,一般可提高油藏采收率达10%~15%;另外把CO2注入到气田中,实施CO2-EGR(Enhanced Gas Recovery)。一方面,接近枯竭的气田在没有地层水入侵之前具有巨大的埋存能力,为CO2提供巨大的埋存空间;另一方面注入CO2后,使地层重新增压保持储层中原始的压力,可以保持储层的完整性和安全性。同时,原有的油气圈闭可作为良好的埋存箱能有效地阻止CO2泄漏,使部分CO2能永久地埋存于地下。此外,也可以把CO2注入到煤层中,实施CO2-ECBM(Enhanced Coalbed Methane Recovery),利用煤层对CO2和煤层气(主要为甲烷)吸附能力的差异,实现CO2排替CH4,提高CH4的采收率。

Injecting  CO2 into the subsurface oil and gas reservoirs and coalbeds, at the moment, is the most realistic choice in reducing the  CO2  emission into the atmosphere, which can not only enhance the recoveries of the oil and gas, and coal bed methane, but also can sequestrate partial CO2 within the subsurface reservoirs and coal beds permanently.  CO2  enhanced oil recovery ( CO2 -EOR) is generally performed in the late stage of oil exploration and development, by which  CO2  is injected into the oil reservoirs to enhance the oil recoveries, in general, up to 10-15% by volume. Similarly,  CO2  enhanced gas recovery ( CO2 -EGR) is to inject the  CO2  into the gas reservoirs to enhance the gas recoveries. The extracted gas reservoirs can provide voluminous pore spaces for CO2  storage prior to flooding by formation waters. In this case, Injecting  CO2  into the subsurface gas reservoirs would increase the reservoir pressure and maintain the primary formation pressure, which can keep the integrity and reduce the damage of reservoirs. In the meantime, the traps of oil and gas pools are also good compartments from which leakage of injected  CO2  is prevented, such that the  CO2  is sequestrate in the subsurface permanently. In addition, the  CO2  can also be used to enhance the recovery of coalbed methane by injecting  CO2  into the coalbeds ( CO2 -ECBM), due to the differences in coal adsorption for  CO2  and CH4. Higher absorption of  CO2  related to CH4 by coals would result in the displacement of CH4 by  CO2  in place, thereby enhancing the recovery of coalbed methane when the  CO2  is injected into the CH4-bearing coalbeds.


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