地球科学进展 ›› 2020, Vol. 35 ›› Issue (9): 881 -889. doi: 10.11867/j.issn.1001-8166.2020.079

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我国城市大气化石源 CO214C示踪研究进展
周卫健 1, 2, 3( ),吴书刚 1, 2,熊晓虎 1, 2,程鹏 1, 2,王鹏 1, 2,侯瑶瑶 1, 2,牛振川 1, 2,杜花 1, 2,陈宁 1, 2,卢雪峰 1, 2,付云翀 1, 2,刘林 4   
  1. 1.中国科学院地球环境研究所 黄土与第四纪地质国家重点实验室,中国科学院第四纪科学与全球变化 卓越创新中心,陕西 西安 710061
    2.陕西省加速器质谱技术及应用重点实验室,西安加速器质谱中心,陕西 西安 710061
    3.西安地球环境创新研究院,陕西 西安 710061
    4.北京师范大学,北京 100875
  • 收稿日期:2020-09-01 修回日期:2020-09-08 出版日期:2020-09-10
  • 基金资助:

Progress of Tracing Fossil Fuel CO 2 by Radiocarbon in Chinese Cities

Weijian Zhou 1, 2, 3( ),Shugang Wu 1, 2,Xiaohu Xiong 1, 2,Peng Cheng 1, 2,Peng Wang 1, 2,Yaoyao Hou 1, 2,Zhenchuan Niu 1, 2,Hua Du 1, 2,Ning Chen 1, 2,Xuefeng Lu 1, 2,Yunchong Fu 1, 2,Lin Liu 4   

  1. 1.State Key Laboratory of Loess and Quaternary Geology,CAS Center for Excellence in Quaternary Science and Global Change,Institute of Earth Environment,Chinese Academy of Sciences,Xi'an 710061,China
    2.Shaanxi Provincial Key Laboratory of Accelerator Mass Spectrometry Technology and Application,Joint Xi'an AMS Center Between IEECAS and Xi'an Jiaotong University,Xi'an 710061,China
    3.Xi'an Institute for Innovative Earth Environment Research,Xi'an 710061,China
    4.Beijing Normal University,Beijing 100875,China
  • Received:2020-09-01 Revised:2020-09-08 Online:2020-09-10 Published:2020-10-28
  • About author:Zhou Weijian (1953-), female, Nanle County, He‘nan Province, Professor, Academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences. Research areas include environmental tracing by cosmogenic nuclides. E-mail: weijian@loess.llqg.ac.cn
  • Supported by:
    the National Science Foundation of China "The spatial-temporal distribution and regional transportation of fossil fuel CO2 using radiocarbon and model in main Chinese cities"(41730108);The Natural Science Basic Research Program of Shaanxi "Research on the technology and application of quantitative tracing of urban atmospheric fossil CO2 using radiocarbon"(2020JCW-18)


The main cause of increase in atmospheric CO2 concentration is the carbon emissions from fossil fuel combustions and so on. Cities are regarded as the hot spots of carbon emissions. On the basis of obtaining the levels and spatial-temporal variation characteristics of atmospheric fossil fuel CO2 (CO2ff), we can provide scientific data for government policy-making and international negotiations on carbon reductions. In the recent ten years, some important progresses have been achieved in the study of tracing urban atmospheric CO2ff using 14C by Chinese scientists. The variation characteristics of urban CO2ff at different temporal and spatial scales were obtained through the analysis of 14C in air, tree ring and annual plant samples. Our results show that the northern cities are the key points to reduce carbon emissions, and that the CO2ff emissions can be reduced simultaneously by controlling atmospheric pollutant emissions, indicating a synergistic emission reduction. It was found that CO2ff in Xi'an was mainly from local coal-burning emissions with the use of improved WRF-CHEM model and δ13C. Finally, the yearly CO2ff traced by tree-ring 14C in Xi'an showed similar trends and amplitudes with the statistical data of carbon emissions, which indicates that the 14C tracing method and statistical method can be mutually validated to ensure the reliability of the data. In order to promote the 14C trace study to serve the national carbon emission reduction task, we suggest that the urban atmospheric Δ14CO2 observation network should be established as soon as possible, and that this study should be enhanced with more scientists involved in it and more financial resources to support it.


图1 201110月至201612月西安大气Δ14CO2(红色圆点)和CO2ff(蓝色条形图)的变化
红色实线和黑色虚线分别为Δ 14CO 2和CO 2 ff的傅里叶变换平滑线(周期为6个数据点)(修改自参考文献[ 25 ])
Fig.1 Variations of Δ14CO2 (red dots) and CO2ff (blue bars) in Xi'an during 2011/10-2016/12
The solid and dashed lines are Fourier Transform-smoothed (period of 6 data points) for Δ 14CO 2 and CO 2 ff, respectively (modified after reference [ 25 ])
图2 西安树轮重建的Δ14C(黑色圆圈)及CO2ff(蓝色条形图)变化(数据来自参考文献[ 28 ])
Fig.2 Variations of Δ14C (black circle) and CO2ff (blue bar) in Xi’an constructed from tree rings (data from reference [ 28 ])
图3 全国15个城市20142016年冬季(a)和夏季(bCO2ff浓度
Fig.3 Winter (a) and summer (b) CO2ff concentrations from 2014 to 2016 in 15 Chinese cities
图4 渭南、西安和咸阳CO2ff浓度
条形图上方字母(a, b, ab)不同表示均值差异显著
Fig.4 CO2ff concentrations of Weinan, Xi’an and Xianyang
The letters (a, b, ab) above the bars indicate the differences of the mean values are significant
图5 中国部分城市CO2ffPM2.5的关系(数据来自参考文献[ 25 ])
Fig.5 Relationships between CO2ff and PM2.5 in some Chinese cities (data from reference [ 25 ])
图6 模拟的20141月关中地区CO2ff浓度空间分布
(a)不含关中地区排放,(b)含关中地区排放;图中黑色圆实点代表CO 2观测点的位置,红色区域以西安为中心,黑色虚线代表西安三环线,黑色实线显示的是西安北方黄土高原和南方秦岭的海拔1 000 m等高线,表明了关中盆地的区域;大气CO 2 ff浓度通过改进后的WRF-CHEM模式模拟(引用自参考文献[ 25 ])
Fig.6 Spatial distributions of simulated CO2ff concentrations in the Guanzhong Basin in January 2014
(a) Without Guanzhong basin CO 2 ff emissions and (b) with Guanzhong basin CO 2 ff emissions. The black dot indicates the location of the CO 2 measurements. The red zone is centered on Xi'an. The dashed line shows the position of the outermost ring road in Xi'an. The black curves show the 1 000 m topographic contour along the Chinese Loess Plateau to the north, and Qinling Mountains to the south, indicating the area of the Guanzhong Basin. The atmospheric mixing of CO 2 ffis simulated with a modified WRF-CHEM model (cited from reference [ 25 ])
图7 西安树轮14C示踪[ 28 ]CO2ff浓度(红线)与统计计算的排放量(蓝线)的趋势对比
Fig.7 Comparison of CO2ff concentration derived from tree ring 14C[ 28 ] (red curve) with carbon dioxide emission based on statistical data (blue line) in Xi’an
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