地球科学进展 ›› 2001, Vol. 16 ›› Issue (2): 184 -188. doi: 10.11867/j.issn.1001-8166.2001.02.0184

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赵振华 1,刘秉光 2,李朝阳 3
  1. 1.中国科学院广州地球化学研究所,广东 广州  510640;
    2.中国科学院地质研究所,北京  100029;
    3.中国科学院地球化学研究所,贵州 贵阳  550002
  • 收稿日期:2000-08-17 修回日期:2001-01-02 出版日期:2001-04-01
  • 通讯作者: 赵振华(1941-),男,河北新城,研究员,主要从事微量元素地球化学、矿床地球化学研究. E-mail:zhaozh@gig.ac.cn
  • 基金资助:



ZHAO Zhen-hua 1, LIU Bing-guang 2,LI Chao-yang 3

  1. 1.Guangzhou Institute of Geochemistry,Chinese Academy of Scinces,Guangzhou510640,China;
    2.Institute of Geology,Chinese Academy of Scinces,Beijing100029,China;
    3.Institute of Geochemistry,Chinese Academy of Scinces,Guiyang, 550002,China
  • Received:2000-08-17 Revised:2001-01-02 Online:2001-04-01 Published:2001-04-01


The term “superlarge ore deposits (SOD)” means that it’s lower limit of the ore reserve should be 5 times that of large size deposit. It can be devided basically into two types: the conventional and the non conventional ones. There may be a transitional type. The SODs are generally confined to one or two types of mineralization. In China, the SOD are distributed mainly on the borders of cratons or the craton edges. There are tight relationships between Pb isotope geochemical steep zones and setting of SOD along with main mineralization zones. Six new mineralization provinces for the exploration of SOD have been proposed. The Himalayan and Jinning movements are respectively important metallogenetic epoch for eastern and southern China. In addition, discussion has been made on the stretch possibility of SOD in neighbour countries to China. A brief introduction is given for the basic researches being carried on in SOD of China and the fronts of SOD studies in the world are reviewed. 


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