地球科学进展 ›› 2014, Vol. 29 ›› Issue (7): 810 -818. doi: 10.11867/j.issn.1001-8166.2014.07.0810

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张大林( ), 刘希林( )   
  1. 中山大学地理科学与规划学院,广东 广州 510275
  • 出版日期:2014-07-10
  • 基金资助:

Analysis of the Grain Size Properties and Flow Body Classes of the Mud Sand Flow: An Example of Liantanggang Collapsing Hill and Gully in Wuhua County of Guangdong

Dalin Zhang( ), Xilin Liu( )   

  1. School of Geography and Planning, Sun Yat-Sen University, Guangzhou 510275, China
  • Online:2014-07-10 Published:2014-07-10

崩岗泥砂流是降雨过程中在崩岗流域内形成的一种固液两相流,是崩岗侵蚀泥沙向外输移的主要方式,泥砂流流体类型的判别也是崩岗治理的依据之一。通过野外考察与现场采样,对崩岗泥砂流的粒度组成特性进行了分析。结果表明,泥砂流容重介于1.16~1.60 t/m3之间,含沙量为257.03~960.55 kg/m3,且均自沟道上部至下部逐渐降低。泥砂流浆体以粉砂和黏粒物质为主。随着容重的增加,粒度曲线由单峰型转变为与风化壳土体类似的双峰型,呈现无分选搬运的特点,且流体粒度逐渐粗化。泥砂流固体物质中值粒径与流体容重有较好的线性正相关关系。通过对泥砂流与泥石流和黄土丘陵沟壑区高含沙水流粒度特性的对比后发现,泥砂流属于高含沙水流向泥石流过渡的中间类型,但与泥石流具有更为密切的关系,可以认为泥砂流是广义泥石流的一个亚类,即崩岗型泥石流。

Mud sand flow is a kind of solid-liquid two-phase flow formed in collapsing hill and gully basin during rainfall. It is the main way to export erosion product. The discrimination of its fluid type is one of the collapsing hill and gully control theoretical basis. This paper analyzed the basic characteristics of mud sand flow like grain size and so on through fieldwork and sampling. The results show that the density of mud sand flow is between 1.16~1.60 t/m3 and the solids content is between 257.03~960.55 kg/m3, both of which decrease from the upper to the lower channel. The slurry of mud sand flow is composed mainly of silt and clay. As the density increases, the particle size distribution curve transforms from a single peak to the bimodal distribution similar to the weathering crust with no sorting, and the grain size of mud sand flow becomes coarser which shows a well positive linear correlation between the sediment median particle diameter and density of mud sand flow. The comparison during mud sand flow, hyperconcentrated flow and debris flow shows that collapsing hill and gully mud sand flow, which belongs to an intermediate class between hyperconcentrated flow and debris flow, has a closer link with debris flow. Therefore, mud sand flow can be considered as a sub-class of generalized debris flow that may be called as collapsing hill and gully type debris flow.


图1 发育旺盛的莲塘岗崩岗崩口地貌
Fig.1 Full-developed outlet topography of Liantanggang collapsing hill and gully
图2 莲塘岗崩岗泥砂流(2013年5月21日)
Fig.2 Mud sand flow of Liantanggang collapsing hill and gully (May 21,2013)
表1 莲塘岗崩岗泥砂流容重和含沙量
Table 1 Mud sand flow specific density and sediment concentration of Liantanggang collapsing hill and gully
图3 莲塘岗崩岗主沟自沟头至沟口泥砂流容重逐渐变小、含沙量逐渐降低 (a)沟头;(b)沟道中部;(c)沟口
Fig.3 Mud sand flow specific density and sediment concentration decreased from the head to the outlet in the main ditch of Liantanggang collapsing hill and gully (a) Gully head; (b) Gully central; (c) Gully outlet
图4 莲塘岗崩岗泥砂流前锋堆积体(2013年5月21日)
Fig.4 Mud sand flow front accumulation of Liantanggang collapsing hill and gully (May 21, 2013)
表2 莲塘岗崩岗泥砂流固体物质及风化壳粒度组成
Table 2 Grain size of mud sand flow and weathering crust of Liantanggang collapsing hill and gully
图5 莲塘岗崩岗泥砂流固体物质粒度分布曲线
Fig.5 Particle size distribution curve of mud sand flow of Liantanggang collapsing hill and gully
图6 莲塘岗崩岗泥砂流固体物质中值粒径与容重的关系
Fig.6 Relationship between sediment median particle diameter and specific density of mud sand flow of Liantanggang collapsing hill and gully
图7 莲塘岗崩岗泥砂流的冲刷作用
Fig.7 Scour of mud sand flow of Liantanggang collapsing hill and gully
图8 莲塘岗崩岗纵剖面图
Fig.8 Longitudinal section of Liantanggang collapsing hill and gully
图9 莲塘岗崩岗沟谷侵蚀形成的沟间陡脊地形
Fig.9 Gully erosion formed steep ridge in Liantanggang collapsing hill and gully
表3 泥砂流、高含沙水流和泥石流特性的比较
Table 3 Properties compared between mud sand flow, hyperconcentrated flow and debris flow
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