地球科学进展 ›› 2014, Vol. 29 ›› Issue (9): 1037 -1045. doi: 10.11867/j.issn.1001-8166.2014.09.1037

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魏学琼 1( ), 叶瑜 1, 2, *( ), 崔玉娟 1, 李蓓蓓 3, 袁存 1, 方修琦 1   
  1. 1. 北京师范大学地理学与遥感科学学院,北京 100875
    2. 北京师范大学环境演变与自然灾害教育部重点实验室,北京 100875
    3. 南京信息工程大学语言文化学院,江苏 南京 210041
  • 收稿日期:2014-06-03 修回日期:2014-09-01 出版日期:2014-09-10
  • 通讯作者: 叶瑜 E-mail:xueqiong.wei@mail.bnu.edu.cn;yeyuleaffish@bnu.edu.cn
  • 基金资助:
    * 基金项目:国家自然科学基金项目“过去300年中国北方东部地区耕地覆盖变化重建与数据整合研究” (编号: 41471156);全球变化研究国家重大科学研究计划课题“暖期气候对中国社会经济的影响与人类适应研究”(编号: 2010CB950103)

Review of China’s Historical Land Cover Change Reconstructions

Xueqiong Wei 1( ), Yu Ye 1, 2( ), Yujuan Cui 1, Beibei Li 3, Cun Yuan 1, Xiuqi Fang 1   

  1. 1. School of Geography,Beijing Normal University,Beijing 100875,China
    2. Key Laboratory of Environment Change and Natural Disaster,Beijing Normal University,Beijing 100875, China 3. School of Language and Cultures,Nanjing University of information Science and Technology,Nanjing 210044,China
  • Received:2014-06-03 Revised:2014-09-01 Online:2014-09-10 Published:2014-09-10

为对中国已有区域历史土地覆被数据集有一个综合全面的认识,并为今后的研究方向提供参考,筛选了30篇空间表达清晰的面向全球变化研究的中国历史土地覆被重建文献,从数据源选取与数字提取和订正处理、时间尺度与覆盖时段、空间范围与空间分辨率、重建的主要土地覆被类型几个方面进行总结和评述。主要结论有:历史文献是重建历史土地覆被的最主要数据源,数字提取和订正方法因数据源不同而各异;国外关于历史土地覆被研究的最长时段达过去12 000年,国内研究时段多为过去300年,时间分辨率均以几十年到百年居多;重建研究的空间范围分为中国全国、中国东部和某个行政单元或地理形态上比较完整或典型的区域3种空间尺度系列,第三系列中还存在研究空白区;在不同土地覆被类型的重建方面,现有研究集中于耕地覆被重建。充分利用不同数据源、加强研究空白区内历史土地覆被重建、改进网格化处理方法及已有数据的整合在今后研究中尤为必要。

To have a better understand of China’s historical land cover datasets and provide reference for future reconstruction study, 30 papers on reconstructions of China’s historical land cover change were summarized based on the source of data, the extraction and calibration of data, the time period, the time resolution, the spatial scale,the spatial resolution, and the reconstructed land cover types. All datasets of the studies included have clear spatial resolution and are able to serve global change study. The main conclusions are as follows: Historical documents are the main sources of historical land cover change reconstruction and the methods of data’s extraction and calibration are different according to their data sources; the longest time period of foreign resultsis from 10000BC to 2000AD, while most of the domestic datasets cover the past 300 years, the main time resolution is decades or centuries; there are three types of study areas, including the whole China, the Eastern China and one or several provinces or a region with complete geographic pattern; the existing studies still focus on historical cropland cover change. It is important to make full use of different data sources, to enhance the study in areas with no historical land cover change data approaching the international requirement, to improve the gridding method and to integrate the existing data.


图1 不同数据源的文献数量分布
Fig.1 Distribution of literature quantity using different data sources
表1 各研究所取时段与时间分辨率
Table1 Time period and resolution in 30 papers
图2 中国已有面向全球变化土地覆被重建研究的区域 a. 东北过去300年CNEC数据集,据文献[32,33],东北过去300年林地覆盖率和网格化数据,据文献[51,52],19世纪末黑龙江省耕地覆被,据文献[53];b. 20世纪中国北方农牧交错带东段县级垦殖率数据,据文献[55];c. 热察绥地区过去300年县级土地覆被数据,据文献[54];d. 清代关中地区县级垦殖率数据,据文献[58];e. 明代以来河南省县级耕地数据,据文献[59];f. 苏皖地区1500—1937年县级耕地数据,据文献[60];g. 黄土高原近300年来县级垦殖率数据,据文献[57];h. 青藏高原东北部河湟谷地1726年耕地格局,据文献[64];i. 黑河流域中游历史时期拟耕地网格化数据,据文献[65, 67];j. 云南省清代耕地网格化数据,据文献[63];k. 西南地区清代耕地和森林网格化数据,据文献[61,62];l. 西藏中部1830—1990年县级耕地数据,据文献[66]
Fig.2 Regions of historical land cover reconstructionserving global change research in China a. CNEC dataset,forest cover dataset in Northeast China during past 300a and cropland over Heilongjiang in the late 19th century from references[32,33, 51~53];b.Cultivation ratio in the eastern farming-pastoral ecotone in northern China during the twentieth century, from reference[55];c. Land cover data on county level in Re-Cha-Sui area during past 300a, from reference[54]; d. Cultivation ratio of Guanzhong region in the Qing Dynasty, from reference[58];e.Cropland data on county levelin He’nan Province from 1368 to 1953, from reference[59]; f. Cropland data on county level in the region of Su-Wan from 1500 to 1937, from reference[60];g. Cultivation ratioin Loess Plateau over past 300 years, from reference[57]; h. Cropland spatial patterns for 1726 on Yellow River-Huangshui River vally in northeast Qinghai Tibet Plateau, from reference[64]; i. Historical cultivated land distribution in middle reached of Heihe River Basin, from references[65, 67];j. Gridding cropland data of Yunnan Province in the Qing Dynasty, from reference[63];k. Gridding cropland and forest data in Southwest in the Qing Dynasty, from references[61,62]; l. Cropland data on county level in Central Tibet from 1830 to 1990, from reference[66]
图3 土地覆被重建类型的文献分布
Fig.3 Distribution of literature quantity on reconstructed land cover types
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