地球科学进展 ›› 2014, Vol. 29 ›› Issue (3): 352 -360. doi: 10.11867/j.issn.1001-8166.2014.03.0352

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潘竟虎 1( ), 刘伟圣 2   
  1. 1.西北师范大学 地理与环境科学学院,甘肃 兰州 730070
    2.兰州大学 资源环境学院,甘肃 兰州 730000
  • 收稿日期:2013-09-16 修回日期:2013-01-29 出版日期:2014-03-20
  • 基金资助:

Identification of Spatial Influence Sphere of Urban Agglomerations in China Based on Urban Hinterland Delimitation

Jinghu Pan 1, Weisheng Liu 2   

  1. 1. College of Geographic and Environmental Science, Northwest Normal University, Lanzhou 730070, China
    2. College of Resource and Environment, Lanzhou University, Lanzhou 730000, China
  • Received:2013-09-16 Revised:2013-01-29 Online:2014-03-20 Published:2014-03-10

城市群空间影响范围的界定是认清城市群内中心城市与腹地、城市与城市间相互关联的基础。采用主成分分析法计算中国287个地级及以上城市的结节性指数,利用累积耗费距离法和k阶数据场,综合测度了交通可达性与空间场能,根据场强“取大”原则对城市腹地进行了划分,依据城市腹地范围界定了城市群的空间影响范围。结果表明:①中国地级以上城市最大和最小结节性指数相差157.53倍,城市平均可达时间为193.43 min,场能平均值为5 412,最大和最小城市腹地相差3 751倍;② 23个城市群中,空间影响范围最大的是北疆城市群,空间平均场强最大的是中原城市群;③城市群在空间上呈现为发育程度不同的“11+9+3”的分布格局和逆时针90°旋转的“β”型城市群连绵带发展格局;④基于腹地划分的城市群空间影响范围充分考虑了现实的交通网络和地形地貌特点,实现了对广域空间范围内城市腹地范围和城市群空间影响范围的定量测度。

The delimitation of the sphere of spatial influence of urban agglomerations is essential for understanding the interrelationship between city and its hinterland,as well as city and city. However,to date,there is no coincident,efficient,and credible methodological system and set of techniques to identify Chinese urban agglomeration. In this research,the principal components analysis method was used to calculate urban nodality index with the indicators system. With the application of raster cost weighted distance method and k-order data fields,this paper attempts to comprehensively measure the regional accessibility and the spatial field of cities at prefecture level or above in China. Then the spatial field intensity of cities in 2010 was measured by the field model and the urban hinterlands were divided by using the maximization principle of the field strength. Finally,the spatial influence sphere of urban agglomerations were divided according to the urban hinterlands and under the correlation analysis. The results show that it is simple and vivid to measure the urban hinterland area of prefecture-level cities or above and the spatial influence sphere of urban agglomerations by using the GIS tools. The introduction of field-strength model takes full account of the dual effects of the city comprehensive scale and road traffic conditions within the range of urban hinterlands,which is closer to reflecting the actual urban development. According to the result of delimitation,it would form“11+9+3”national urban agglomerations spatial structure system comprised of 11 compliance urban agglomerations,9 urban concentrated areas,3 urban agglomeration potential areas and“β”shaped urban agglomerations continuous band.


图1 中国城市的结节性指数分级
Fig.1 Nodality index of cities for different grading in China
图2 中国地级以上城市不同时间圈的可达性分布图 hour circles in China
Fig.2 Accessibility distribution in different
图3 中国空间场能的分布格局
Fig.3 Spatial pattern of spatial field in China
图4 中国地级以上城市腹地(a)及与行政区对比(b)
Fig.4 Urban hinter land area and administrative region of cities at prefecture level or above in China
图5 中国城市群空间影响范围
Fig.5 Sphere of spatial influence of urban agglomerations in China
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