地球科学进展 ›› 1997, Vol. 12 ›› Issue (1): 43 -50. doi: 10.11867/j.issn.1001-8166.1997.01.0043

全球变化研究 上一篇    下一篇

  1. 中国科学院植物研究所 北京 100093
  • 收稿日期:1996-03-19 修回日期:1996-08-20 出版日期:1997-02-01
  • 通讯作者: 王权,男,1970年7月出生,博士研究生,主要从事全球变化的研究。


WANG Quan   

  1. Institute of Botany,CAS,Beijing 100093
  • Received:1996-03-19 Revised:1996-08-20 Online:1997-02-01 Published:1997-02-01


Transect research is being a focus of IGBP in recent years.The paper answered the reasons for research on transects and their distribution and respective research objects on the globe,especially detaily discussed the two transects among them,American' s OTTER and China' s NECT.The finish of the OTTER has indicated that the mechanistic models,such as Forest-BGC,even they need numerious environmental variations to run them,most variations can be deduced via the way of remote sensing.This enables us to develop mechanistic models at regional level,Thus improves their manipulation and in the meantime ensures their simulation accuracy.The ongoing Chinese northeast transect has also had many progresses in the decision on Ecotone area,setting up spatial simulation model and deducing parameters of the model from NDVI and so on.


1 GCTE report36:the terrestrial transects:science plan.IGBP of ICSU,Stockholm,1995.
2 GCTE core research:1993 annual report.No.1,Canberra,Australia,1993.
3 Joseph M Glassy, Steven W Running.Validating diurnal climatology logic of the MTCLIM model across a climatic gradient in Oregon.Ecological Application.1994,4(2):248-257.
4 David L Peterson, Richard H Waring.Overview of the Oregon transect ecosystem research project.Ecological Application,1994,4(2):211-225.
5 Samuel N Goward,et al.Ecological rdemote sensing at OTTER:satellite macroscale observations.Ecological Application,1994,4(2):322-343.
6 Steven W Running.Testing forest-BGC ecosystem process simulations across a climatic gradient in Oregon.Ecological Application,1994,4(2):238-247.
7 Michael Spanner,et al.Remote sensing of seasonal leaf area index across the Oregon transect. Ecological Application,1994,4(2):258-271.
8 Wu Yecheng, Alan H Strahler. Remote estimation of crown size,stand density,and biomass on the Oregon transect.Ecological Application,1994,4(2):299-312.
9 Beverly E Law, Richard H Waring.Remote sensing of leaf area index and radiation intercepted by understory vegetation.Ecological Application,1994,4(2):272-279.
10 Lars L Pierce,Steven W Running, Joe Walker. Regional-scale relationships of leaf area index to specific leaf area and leaf nitrogen content.Ecological Application,1994,4(2):313-321.
11 Lee F Johnson, Christine A Hlavka, David L Peterson.Multivariate analysis of AVIRIS data for canopy biochemical estimation along the Oregon transect.Remote Sensing Environment,1994,47:216-230.
12 Pamela Matson, Lee Johnson, Christine Billow, et al.Seasonal patterns and remote spectral estimation of canopy chemistry across the Oregon transect.Ecological Application,1994,4(2):280-298.
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