1 GCTE report36:the terrestrial transects:science plan.IGBP of ICSU,Stockholm,1995. 2 GCTE core research:1993 annual report.No.1,Canberra,Australia,1993. 3 Joseph M Glassy, Steven W Running.Validating diurnal climatology logic of the MTCLIM model across a climatic gradient in Oregon.Ecological Application.1994,4(2):248-257. 4 David L Peterson, Richard H Waring.Overview of the Oregon transect ecosystem research project.Ecological Application,1994,4(2):211-225. 5 Samuel N Goward,et al.Ecological rdemote sensing at OTTER:satellite macroscale observations.Ecological Application,1994,4(2):322-343. 6 Steven W Running.Testing forest-BGC ecosystem process simulations across a climatic gradient in Oregon.Ecological Application,1994,4(2):238-247. 7 Michael Spanner,et al.Remote sensing of seasonal leaf area index across the Oregon transect. Ecological Application,1994,4(2):258-271. 8 Wu Yecheng, Alan H Strahler. Remote estimation of crown size,stand density,and biomass on the Oregon transect.Ecological Application,1994,4(2):299-312. 9 Beverly E Law, Richard H Waring.Remote sensing of leaf area index and radiation intercepted by understory vegetation.Ecological Application,1994,4(2):272-279. 10 Lars L Pierce,Steven W Running, Joe Walker. Regional-scale relationships of leaf area index to specific leaf area and leaf nitrogen content.Ecological Application,1994,4(2):313-321. 11 Lee F Johnson, Christine A Hlavka, David L Peterson.Multivariate analysis of AVIRIS data for canopy biochemical estimation along the Oregon transect.Remote Sensing Environment,1994,47:216-230. 12 Pamela Matson, Lee Johnson, Christine Billow, et al.Seasonal patterns and remote spectral estimation of canopy chemistry across the Oregon transect.Ecological Application,1994,4(2):280-298. 13 Runyon J, Waring R H, Goward S N, et al.Environmental limits on net primary production and light-use efficiency across the Oregon transect.Ecological Application,1994,4(2):226-237. 14 张新时.全球变化中的陆地生态系统研究.LQVE年报,1994.41-52. |