地球科学进展 ›› 1994, Vol. 9 ›› Issue (5): 48 -53. doi: 10.11867/j.issn.1001-8166.1994.05.0048

干旱气候变化与可持续发展 上一篇    下一篇

左军成,于宜法, 陈宗镛   
  1. 青岛海洋大学 青岛 266003
  • 收稿日期:1993-10-06 修回日期:1994-04-25 出版日期:1994-09-01
  • 通讯作者: 左军成


Zuo Juncheng,Yu Yifa,Chen Zongyong   

  1. Ocean University of Qingdao, 266003
  • Received:1993-10-06 Revised:1994-04-25 Online:1994-09-01 Published:1994-09-01

对中国沿岸的月均海平面的变化原因进行了较为细致的分析,讨论了温、压、降水对中国沿岸海平面的影响。得出渤海是我国月均海平面变化最大的海区;黄海月均海面的变化仅次于渤海;东海更次;南海最小。出现极值的时间自北向南依次滞后。静压效应的影响也是自北而南逐渐变小。月均海面中除包含了8~9年及10多年的长周期变化外,14.0和18.0个月左右的周期对海平面有明显的影响,3年的周期不是一种沿岸传播的波动周期。El Niño对中国沿岸海平面起补偿平衡作用。黑潮的增强使中国沿岸海平面均有明显的抬升。

This paper analyses the causes of monthly mean sealevel change along China coast in detail, and the effect of temperature, pressure and precipitation to sealevel is discussed.The variation of monthly mean sealevel in Bohai Sea is the greatest;the Huanghai Sea, the second;the East Sea, the third;and the South Sea, the smallest. The time of extreme value is delaying in order, and the static pressrue is becoming smaller successively from north to south. Except for the variation of 8-9 and 10 more years long period, the effect of about 14. 0 months variation is remarkable, and the amplitude is 1-2cm, this is the effect of pole tide. The influence of 18 months variation is also notable. The period of 3 years is not a wave, but a synchronous action along China coast. The yearly mean sealevel value in El Niño year is in the medium value of maximum and minimum, and El Niño act as a indemnifying balance function to the sealevel variation along China coast. The increasing of Krushio of PN section causes the rising of sealevel along China coast, the action at the mouth of Yangtze River is most remarkable, and is weakening with the distance longer from Yangtze River.

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