地球科学进展 ›› 2021, Vol. 36 ›› Issue (9): 883 -898. doi: 10.11867/j.issn.1001-8166.2021.085

综述与评述    下一篇

许丽晓 1, 2( ),刘秦玉 1, 2( )   
  1. 1.中国海洋大学深海圈层与地球系统前沿科学中心&物理海洋教育部重点实验室,山东 青岛 266100
    2.青岛海洋科学与技术试点国家实验室,山东 青岛 266237
  • 收稿日期:2021-06-07 修回日期:2021-08-25 出版日期:2021-09-10
  • 通讯作者: 刘秦玉 E-mail:lxu@ouc.edu.cn;liuqy@ouc.edu.cn
  • 基金资助:

Mesoscale Eddy Effects on Subduction and Transport of the North Pacific Subtropical Mode Water

Lixiao XU 1, 2( ),Qinyu LIU 1, 2( )   

  1. 1.Frontier Science Center for Deep Ocean Multispheres and Earth System (FDOMES) and Physical Oceanography Laboratory,Ocean University of China,Qingdao 266100,China
    2.Qingdao National Laboratory for Marine Science and Technology,Qingdao 266237,China
  • Received:2021-06-07 Revised:2021-08-25 Online:2021-09-10 Published:2021-10-15
  • Contact: Qinyu LIU E-mail:lxu@ouc.edu.cn;liuqy@ouc.edu.cn
  • About author:XU Lixiao (1985-), female, Laiwu County, Shandong Province, Associated Professor. Research areas include air-sea interaction. E-mail: lxu@ouc.edu.cn
  • Supported by:
    the Natural Science Foundation of China "Mesoscale eddy effect on the transport of the North Pacific Subtropical Mode Water"(41876006)


Mode Mode water is important for the climate system as memories of climate variability and by 'breathing in' anthropogenic carbon dioxide. Due to the lack of subsurface observations, many fundamental questions remain regarding how it is subducted and transported by mesoscale eddies.


from a field campaign from March 2014 that captured the eddy effects on mode water subduction and transport south of the Kuroshio Extension east of Japan are reviewed here. The experiment deployed 17 Argo floats in an Anticyclonic Eddy (AE) with enhanced daily sampling. Analysis of over 5 000 hydrographic profiles following the eddy reveals that: ①the eddy-induced North Pacific Subtropical Mode Water (STMW) subduction process is successfully captured for the first time, and the eddy subduction mechanism is revealed. We find potential vorticity and apparent oxygen utilization distributions are asymmetric outside the AE core, with enhanced subduction near the southeastern rim of the AE. There, the southward eddy flow advects newly ventilated mode water from the north into the main thermocline. Our results show that subduction by eddy lateral advection is comparable in magnitude to that by the mean flow—an effect that needs to be better represented in climate models. ②A new mode water transport pathway by anticyclonic eddies is found. AEs transport STMW westward across the Izu Ridge through a bathymetric gap between the Hachijojima and Bonin Islands, forming a cross-ridge pathway for STMW transport. Because of the eddy transport, the shallow STMW (< 400 m) intrudes through the gap westward, which is also observed in Argo climatology. ③the formation mechanism of STMW multicore structure is clarified. We find that AEs formed east of 150°E could trap the local cold and dense STMW and migrate westward. Since sea surface temperatures increase toward the west, warmer and lighter STMWs are formed during the winter ventilation process as the AEs move westward. The newly formed STMW ride on the preexisting cold and dense STMW inside the eddy core, forming a multicore structure in the STMW. These findings update the traditional understanding of mode water. Mesoscale eddies are usually accompanied by submesoscale processes, whose effects on mode water seems to be considerably significant as well and need to be studied in the future.


图2 涡旋引起潜沉过程示意图
图5 STMW核心密度面上的反气旋涡特征
(a)~(c)混合层深度(MLD, m);(d)~(f) 表观耗氧量 (mL/kg); (g)~(i) 位涡 (10-10m-1 s-1)。坐标零点代表反气旋涡的核心,定义涡旋核心的边界为相对涡度为0的闭合等值线,此处将涡旋的边界标准化为[-1, 1]。(Δx, Δy) 坐标的[-1,1]代表标准化的涡旋半径。箭头表示地转流(m/s)。最底排的(j)表示在STMW核心密度面(25.3 σθ)上纬向平均(135°~150°E)的PV沿经向的分布。蓝色实线表示3~4月平均结果,绿色虚线为5~6月平均,红色长虚线为7~8月平均。在对应时间内涡旋所在的纬度用黑色*标出。OFES模拟观测采样的结果:(k)1个涡旋个例,(l)14个涡旋个例的结果,颜色表示PV,箭头为地转流速
图6 反气旋涡引起的PV经向输运 x坐标为穿过涡心的纬向断面,[-1,1]内代表涡旋的核心, 单位为标准化的涡旋半径。最左列(a),(d)和(g)为涡旋的切向速度(v'r单位m/s),中间列(b),(e)和(h)为与纬向断面上气候平均态PV相比的PV异常(q',单位10-10 m-1 s-1),最右列(c),(f)和(i)为涡旋引起的经向PV输运(v'rq',单位10-10 s-2)。黑色点表示位于涡心内(这里涡旋携带输运为主),红色点表示涡旋核心的外围(±[1,2]涡旋切向流速最强的地方,涡旋平流输运为主)。涡心携带输运(Cy)在最右列用蓝色点表示。从上数第一排(a)~(c)为Argo观测结果,(d)~(f)为OFES其中的一个涡旋个例结果,(g)~(i)为OFES14个涡旋个例的结果。绿色实线代表每0.1 bin内所有样本的平均值,而(d)~(i)的黄色实线则表示用OFES完整数据计算的“真实值” 
图3 P-MoVE Argo CTD投放站位图
黑色三角为17个P-MoVE Argo浮标的投放位置,黑色三角和圆点处都有CTD站位,背景颜色为2014年3月27日实时的海平面异常
图4 P-MoVE Argo浮标及其追踪的2个反气旋涡轨迹图
红色线(蓝色线)表示AE1(AE2)的轨迹;这2个反气旋涡的生成地点用五角星表示,开始被P-MoVE Argo浮标追踪的位置用方框表示;P-MoVE Argo浮标具有高分辨率(2~10 m)的垂向温度盐度及溶解氧廓线;P-MoVE Argo浮标站位用绿色点表示,橙色点为截止2017年其他垂向小于10 m分辨率的Argo浮标站位。灰色阴影表示水深浅于4 000 m的地形分布(CI:1 000 m)
图1 图1   观测和不同分辨率模式中3月北太平洋副热带模态水核心密度
(a)观测(Obs),(b) (1/10)°(涡分辨率)并行海洋模式(POPH),(c)1°(低分辨率)并行海洋模式(POPL)结果37;深蓝色代表新潜沉的低位涡(10-10m-1s-1)模态水,黑线代表等密度面上的流线,紫色实线为混合层深度锋面
根据P-MoVE Argo浮标重构的[(a)~(c)]AE1和[(d)~(f)]AE2的垂直结构剖面图
图9 经度—深度坐标下位涡、位势密度、扩散系数和耗散率在(左)AE1和(右)AE2移动轨迹上的分布特征
(a),(b)位涡(颜色,10 m-1·s-1)及位势密度(黑色等值线,25.0和27.0σθ加粗显示),海底地形用黑色阴影表示;在地形上方的时间标签表示当AE1和AE2到达该处的时间;y坐标在-1 000 m以下非等间隔标注;(c),(d)扩散系数(log10K, 单位:m2/s);(e),(f)耗散率(log10ε,单位:m2/s3
图10  2901554Argo浮标自2015131日至2015421日之间垂向剖面的演化为例,来示例模态水多核结构的形成过程
颜色阴影代表PV(10-10 m-1s-1),黑色等值线为位势温度(),红色等值线为混合层深度
图8 反气旋涡(AEs)携带副热带模态水(STMW)穿越伊豆海脊罅隙向西输运通道
(a)在黑潮延伸体以南伊豆海脊以东形成的反气旋涡的移动轨迹(红色线条),蓝点(绿色三角)表示AE的形成位置(消亡位置);(b)较强北太平洋副热带模态水出现概率密度分布(Probability Density Function,PDF,%);(c)较强北太平洋副热带中层水出现概率密度分布(PDF,%)。(b),(c)中的红色等值线表示 1 500 m水深线,可代表伊豆海脊的位置
图1 观测和不同分辨率模式中3月北太平洋副热带模态水核心密度
(a)观测(Obs),(b) (1/10)°(涡分辨率)并行海洋模式(POPH),(c)1°(低分辨率)并行海洋模式(POPL)结果 37 ;深蓝色代表新潜沉的低位涡(10 -10m -1s -1)模态水,黑线代表等密度面上的流线,紫色实线为混合层深度锋面
Fig. 1 Isopycnal PV on the core layer of STMW in March for gridded observations and models of different resolution
(a) Observations; (b)The (1/10)° high resolution Parallel Ocean Program (POPH); (c)The 1° low resolution Parallel Ocean Program (POPL) results 37 . The newly subducted mode water of low PV is shown in blue shading(10 -10m -1s -1); The streamlines are superimposed in black line; The winter MLD front is denoted in thick magenta line
图2 涡旋引起潜沉过程示意图
Fig. 2 Schematic diagram illustrates the eddy subduction process
On the eastern rim of anticyclonic eddies south of the Kuroshio Extension region, the southward eddy flow advects low PV water from the northern deep mixed layer into the main thermocline . The climatological mean isopycnals are denoted in black thick lines, and the MLD in green solid line. While the advective current outside the eddy core flow is shown in red thick arrows,the mean flow is denoted in blue arrow
图3 P-MoVE Argo CTD投放站位图
黑色三角为17个P-MoVE Argo浮标的投放位置,黑色三角和圆点处都有CTD站位,背景颜色为2014年3月27日实时的海平面异常 38
Fig. 3 Deployment stations of the P-MoVE Argo floats and CTD
Black triangles indicate deployment stations of the 17 P-MoVE Argo floats. Both black triangles and dots have CTD stations. Color shading is SLA (Sea Level Anomaly) 38 on March 27, 2014
图4 P-MoVE Argo浮标及其追踪的2个反气旋涡轨迹图 39
红色线(蓝色线)表示AE1(AE2)的轨迹;这2个反气旋涡的生成地点用五角星表示,开始被P-MoVE Argo浮标追踪的位置用方框表示;P-MoVE Argo浮标具有高分辨率(2~10 m)的垂向温度盐度及溶解氧廓线;P-MoVE Argo浮标站位用绿色点表示,橙色点为截止2017年其他垂向小于10 m分辨率的Argo浮标站位。灰色阴影表示水深浅于4 000 m的地形分布( CI:1 000 m) 39
Fig. 4 Stations of the 17 P-MoVE Argo floats and trajectories of the two AEs 39
Trajectories of AE1 (AE2) are shown in red (blue) line; the star signs denote where the AEs form, and the squares denote where the AEs begin to be tracked by our Argo floats. Green dots are samples from our 17 P-MoVE Argo floats, while orange ones are from other programs with 15 m resolution or better in the upper 1 000 m. The grey shading indicates water depth shallower than 4 000 m ( CI = 1 000 m) 39
图5 STMW核心密度面上的反气旋涡特征
(a)~(c)混合层深度(MLD, m);(d)~(f) 表观耗氧量 (mL/kg); (g)~(i) 位涡 (10 -10m -1 s -1)。坐标零点代表反气旋涡的核心,定义涡旋核心的边界为相对涡度为0的闭合等值线,此处将涡旋的边界标准化为[-1, 1]。(Δ x, Δ y) 坐标的[-1,1]代表标准化的涡旋半径。箭头表示地转流(m/s)。最底排的(j)表示在STMW核心密度面(25.3 σθ)上纬向平均(135°~150°E)的PV沿经向的分布。蓝色实线表示3~4月平均结果,绿色虚线为5~6月平均,红色长虚线为7~8月平均。在对应时间内涡旋所在的纬度用黑色*标出。OFES模拟观测采样的结果:(k)1个涡旋个例,(l)14个涡旋个例的结果,颜色表示PV,箭头为地转流速 38
Fig. 5 The AE fields in the core layer of STMW
(a)~(c) mixed layer depth (MLD, m), (d)~(f) AOU (mL/kg), and (g)~(i) PV (10 -10m -1 s -1). A coordinate system (Δ x, Δ y) is used relative to the AC centre. The outer boundary of the eddy core, defined as the zero relative vorticity contour, is normalized here as between [-1, 1]. Arrows denote geostrophic currents in m/s. The bottom left plot (j) denotes the zonally averaged (135°~150°E) PV on the core layer of STMW (25.3 σθ) as a function of latitude: the solid blue line for March-April, dotted green line for May-June and dash red line for July-August. The latitude of AC is marked in black * in (j). (k)~(l) Data dots of PV (color shading) and geostrophic current (vectors) for March to April, sampled by synthetic Argo profiles deployed in OFES to mimic the sampling of the field campaign; (k) One AE in OFES and (l) 14 AEs in OFES 38
图6 反气旋涡引起的PV经向输运
x坐标为穿过涡心的纬向断面,[-1,1]内代表涡旋的核心, 单位为标准化的涡旋半径。最左列(a),(d)和(g)为涡旋的切向速度( v ' r 单位m/s),中间列(b),(e)和(h)为与纬向断面上气候平均态PV相比的PV异常( q ' ,单位10 -10 m -1 s -1),最右列(c),(f)和(i)为涡旋引起的经向PV输运( v ' r q ' ,单位10 -10 s -2)。黑色点表示位于涡心内(这里涡旋携带输运为主),红色点表示涡旋核心的外围(±[1,2]涡旋切向流速最强的地方,涡旋平流输运为主)。涡心携带输运( C y )在最右列用蓝色点表示。从上数第一排(a)~(c)为Argo观测结果,(d)~(f)为OFES其中的一个涡旋个例结果,(g)~(i)为OFES14个涡旋个例的结果。绿色实线代表每0.1 bin内所有样本的平均值,而(d)~(i)的黄色实线则表示用OFES完整数据计算的“真实值” 38
Fig. 6 The meridional PV advection by AEs
The abscissa represents zonal sections across the AE center. Recall that [-1, 1] defines the eddy core. The unit is the normalized distance from the eddy centre to the outer boundary of the eddy core. (a),(d),(g) The tangential velocity of AC ( v ' r in m/s); (b),(e),(h) the PV anomaly from the zonal-averaged background climatology ( q ' in 10 -10 m -1 s -1); and (c),(f),(i) the eddy-advective transport ( v ' r q ' in 10 -10 s -2). The black dots are within the eddy core where the integrated eddy flow transport is offset, and the red dots are in ±[1, 2]. The eddy-trapping transport ( C y in blue dots) is superimposed in the right panels. (a)~(c) for Argo observations, (d)~(f) for one AE and (g)~(i) for 14 AEs in OFES. The green lines denote the average for each 0.1 bin calculated with the Argo sampling. The yellow lines in (d)~(i) are the exact calculation of the time average based on the full model data 38
图7 根据P-MoVE Argo浮标重构的[(a~c)]AE1和[(d~f)]AE2的垂直结构剖面图
Black solid contours are potential density in 0.2 kg/m intervals, and the 25.0 and 25.4 σθ isopycnals are thickened to highlight STMW 40
Fig. 7 Anatomy of AE1 [(a~c)] and AE2 [(d~f)] based on the P-MoVE Argo profiles等值线为位势密度(kg/m),其中25.0 和25.4 σθ等密度线被加粗用来表示STMW的范围 40
图8 反气旋涡(AEs)携带副热带模态水(STMW)穿越伊豆海脊罅隙向西输运通道
(a)在黑潮延伸体以南伊豆海脊以东形成的反气旋涡的移动轨迹(红色线条),蓝点(绿色三角)表示AE的形成位置(消亡位置);(b)较强北太平洋副热带模态水出现概率密度分布(Probability Density Function,PDF,%);(c)较强北太平洋副热带中层水出现概率密度分布(PDF,%)。(b),(c)中的红色等值线表示 1 500 m水深线,可代表伊豆海脊的位置 40
Fig. 8 AEs trap and transport STMW westward across the bathymetry gap of the Izu Ridge
(a) Trajectories (red lines) for the AEs generated south of KE and east of the Izu Ridge. The AEs' generation (decay) sites are marked in blue (green) filled circles (triangles). The probability density function (PDF, %) of (b) the strong STMW, and (c) the strong NPIW. The 1 500 m bathymetry is superimposed in (b),(c) in red contour to denote the position of the Izu Ridge 40
图9 经度—深度坐标下位涡、位势密度、扩散系数和耗散率在(左)AE1和(右)AE2移动轨迹上的分布特征
(a),(b)位涡(颜色,10 m -1·s -1)及位势密度(黑色等值线,25.0和27.0 σθ加粗显示),海底地形用黑色阴影表示;在地形上方的时间标签表示当AE1和AE2到达该处的时间;y坐标在-1 000 m以下非等间隔标注;(c),(d)扩散系数(log 10 K, 单位:m 2/s);(e),(f)耗散率(log 10 ε单位:m 2/s 3
Fig. 9 Depth-longitude distributions of PV potential density diapycnal diffusivity and dissipation rate averaged along the trajectory of left AE1 and right AE2
(a), (b) PV (color shade in 10 - 10 m - 1 s - 1 ) and potential density (black contours, thickened to highlight the 25.0 and 27.0 σθ), along with the sea floor topography in black shade; the time tag above sea floor topography denotes when AE1 and AE2 arrived at the longitude. The y axis is irregularly spaced below -1 000 m. (c), (d) Diapycnal diffusivity (log 10 K in ? m 2 / s ). (e), (f) Dissipation rate (log 10 ε in m 2 / s 3
图10 2901554Argo浮标自2015131日至2015421日之间垂向剖面的演化为例,来示例模态水多核结构的形成过程
颜色阴影代表PV(10 -10 m -1s -1),黑色等值线为位势温度( ),红色等值线为混合层深度 41
Fig. 10 The STMW multicore structure formation process based on vertical sections of Argo Float 2901554 between January 31 2015 and April 21 2015
PV is shown by color shade (10 -10 m -1s -1), and potential temperature ( ) is superimposed in black contours, the red curves represent MLD 41
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