地球科学进展 ›› 2017, Vol. 32 ›› Issue (11): 1126 -1136. doi: 10.11867/j.issn.1001-8166.2017.11.1126

所属专题: 深海科学研究

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李丽( ), 徐沁   
  1. 同济大学,海洋地质国家重点实验室,海洋与地球科学学院,上海 200092
  • 收稿日期:2017-09-06 修回日期:2017-10-26 出版日期:2017-11-10
  • 基金资助:
    国家自然科学基金项目“南海沉积物中支链四醚膜脂的组成和碳同位素特征及其对古气候研究的启示”(编号:41673042)和“两种温度指标(U k' 37和TEX 86) 的现代水体调查和沉积记录整合研究”(编号:41376046)资助

Review of Studies in Sea Level Change of Sunda Shelf Since Pliocene

Li Li( ), Qin Xu   

  1. State Key Laboratory of Marine Geology, School of Ocean and Earth Sciences, Tongji University, Shanghai 200092,China
  • Received:2017-09-06 Revised:2017-10-26 Online:2017-11-10 Published:2018-01-10
  • About author:

    First author:Li Li(1974-),femal,Changzhi City, Shanxi Province, Professor. Research areas include marine organic geochemistry and paleoceanography.E-mail:lilitju@tongji.edu.cn

  • Supported by:
    Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China “Composition and carbon isotopic characteristics of branched tetraethers in the sediments of the South China Sea and its implications for the study of paleo-climate”(No.41673042);“Integration research of two temperature proxies ({Invalid MML} and TEX 86) by modern ocean investigation and deposition record”(No.41376046)

海平面变化是全球变化的重要组成部分,不仅涉及自然环境和生态的变化,而且对人类社会的经济和发展也有重大影响。只有了解海平面变化历史,发现和掌握海平面变化规律,才能建立可靠的海平面变化模型,提高未来海平面变化的预能力。巽他陆架地处太平洋和印度洋的交界,位居世界陆架面积第二,陆架宽,坡缓水浅,对海平面变化敏感,是研究海平面变化的理想之所。简要介绍了海平面重建的方法,回顾了巽他陆架区域不同地质时期海平面变化的研究成果:总体而言,上新世巽他陆架海平面比现在高50~100 m,之后随两极冰盖发育海平面逐渐下降,在第四纪海平面受冰盖消涨影响而周期性升降,波动幅度达130 m, 记录较多的全新世研究显示了末次冰消期以来海平面的快速上升以及中全新世高海平面时期,近代观测表明最近200多年海平面呈上升趋势并且自20世纪开始上升加速。同时不同的研究方法和区域造成的结论差异说明海平面重建影响因素的复杂性和时空分布的多变性。

The sea level change is an important part of global change. It not only relates to the natural environment and ecological changes, but also has a significant impact on the economy and the development of human society. Understanding the sea level history and dynamic rule is a basic condition to build reliable models and improve the future forecast. Sunda Shelf is located between the Pacific Ocean and India Ocean. Owing to the feature of the second continental shelf area, wide shelf and gentle slope, Sunda Shelf is sensitive to sea-level change and an ideal place for sea level study. In this paper, we introduced the method of sea level reconstruction briefly, and reviewed the researches in the Sunda Shelf of different geological periods: Overall, the sea level in Sunda Shelf during Pliocene was as high as 50~100 m, then fell gradually along with the development of the polar ice sheets, and fluctuated among 130 m with the ice volume shrinking and growing in Quaternary. Holocene researches with the most records exhibited the fast elevating in the last deglaciation and the mid-Holocene highstand. Recent observations showed a rising trend of sea-level of past 200 years and the accelerating rate since twentieth century. Meanwhile, the divergence conclusions because of the various research method and regions indicated the complex of the influencing factors and the variability of the spatial and temporal distribution for the sea level reconstruction.


图1 巽他陆架地区在不同海平面高度的地形图(据参考文献[5,6]修改 )
(a) 中全新世高海平面时期;(b)末次冰期低海平面时期(蓝色虚线为巽他陆架暴露后发育的河流体系)
Fig.1 Topographic map of Sunda Shelf at different sea level (modified after references[5,6])
(a) Highstand sea level during the mid-Holocene; (b) Lowstand sea level during last glaciation (blue dashed line indicating the glacial drainage systems on the exposed Sunda Shelf)
图2 巽他陆架地区不同时期的海平面变化
(a)来自马来半岛东部沿岸的有孔虫的近代记录 [ 29 ] ;(b)来自新加坡红树林沼泽和遗址的早—中全新世记录 [ 33 ];(c)来自印度尼西亚Belitung岛微环礁的中全新世记录 [ 47 ];(d)巽他陆架地区末次冰期以来的综合记录(橙色:马六甲海峡; 紫色:新加坡;蓝色:巽他陆架;绿色:新加坡;黑色:巽他陆架) [ 5 ] ;(e)过去120 ka以来巽他陆架海平面变化模拟重建 [ 5 ];(f)有孔虫δ 18O重建450 ka以来的复合海平面变化曲线(黑线:复合曲线;灰线:置信区间;绿色星号:珊瑚记录) [ 59 ];(g) 巽他陆架北部地震层序方法重建晚新生代5 Ma海平面曲线 [ 22 , 71 ]
Fig.2 Sea level changes in Sunda Shelf during different periods
(a)Recent record from foraminiferal data in east coast of Peninsular Malaysia [ 29 ] ; (b)Early to mid-Holocene record from mangrove swamps and excava-tions documents in Singapore [ 33 ]; (c)Mid-Holocene record from microatoll data in Belitung island of Indonesia [ 47 ]; (d)Record since Last glacial period from intergrated data in Sunda Shelf cores (orange: Strait of Malacca, purple: Singapore, blue: Sunda Shelf, green: Singapore, black: Sunda Shelf) [ 5 ]; (e)Simulation model of the sea level in Sunda Shelf since 120 ka BP [ 5 ]; (f)Composite sea level curve (bold black line) derived from foraminifer δ 18O spanning past 450 ka (thin gray lines: Confidence interval, green crosses: Coral reef records) [ 59 ]; (g)Estimated sea level curve spanning past 5 Ma of late Cenozoic according seismic profiles in northern Sunda Shelf [ 22 , 71 ]
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