地球科学进展 ›› 2008, Vol. 23 ›› Issue (6): 644 -650. doi: 10.11867/j.issn.1001-8166.2008.06.0644

千年生态系统评估 上一篇    下一篇

张永民 1,赵士洞 2   
  1. 1.河南财经学院资源与环境科学系,河南 郑州 450002;2.中国科学院地理科学与资源研究所,北京 100101
  • 收稿日期:2008-05-07 修回日期:2008-05-18 出版日期:2008-06-10
  • 通讯作者: 张永民 E-mail:zym0810@yahoo.com.cn

Ecosystems and Human Health

Zhang Yongmin 1,Zhao Shidong 2   

  1. 1.Department of Resources and Environmental Sciences, Henan University of Finance and Economics,Zhengzhou 450002, China; 2. Institute of Geographical Sciences and Natural Resources Research, CAS, Beijing 100101, China
  • Received:2008-05-07 Revised:2008-05-18 Online:2008-06-10 Published:2008-06-10

简要介绍了千年生态系统评估(MA)项目针对生态系统与人类健康编写的《生态系统与人类福祉:健康综合报告》的核心内容。报告表明:① 生态系统及其服务是人类生存和维持健康的根基,但生态系统与人类健康之间的关系多是间接性的,可能出现时空移位,而且还会受到许多动态因素的影响,因而对其认知难度较大;② 在过去的50年中,主要由人类活动造成的生态系统变化,一方面显著改善了人类的健康状况,另一方面人类也为此付出了日益昂贵的代价,并对未来的人类健康构成了新的威胁;③ 对于未来50年(2000—2050年)的生态系统变化与人类健康状况,虽然MA的4种情景的模拟结果不尽相同,但是,它们一致认为人类对食物和水资源等生态系统服务的需求将大幅增长,人类活动对生态系统的快速转化将会持续,而且难以实现食物安全及消除儿童营养不良等目标;④ 长远来看,生态系统的可持续管理与人类健康状况的改善具有相互促进作用。但是,为了实现改善人类健康和保育生态系统的双赢目标,必需对现行的管理、制度、法规和政策等进行一系列的全面改革。

The synthesis report, ecosystems and human well-being: health synthesis, was briefly introduced in this paper. This report indicates:① Ecosystems and their services are indispensable to the health of people everywhere. The causal links between ecosystem changes and human health are complex because often they are indirect, displaced in space and time, and dependent on a number of modifying forces. ② Human societies have achieved benefits for health by restructuring and managing various ecosystems in the second half of the twentieth century. However, these gains have been achieved at increasing cost. ③ In the scenarios with more promising health prospects, the number of undernourished children is reduced, while under a less optimistic scenario, the number of malnourished children increases. The health and social conditions for rich and poor countries diverge and a negative spiral of poverty, declining health and degraded ecosystems could develop. ④ Measures to ensure ecological sustainability could safeguard ecosystem services and therefore benefit health in the long term. To achieve the goal of enhancing human health while converving ecosystems, wide-ranging reforms of governance, institutions, laws and policies are required.


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