地球科学进展 ›› 2024, Vol. 39 ›› Issue (9): 930 -944. doi: 10.11867/j.issn.1001-8166.2024.016

研究论文 上一篇    下一篇

韦馨杰 1( ), 黄小倩 2 , 3, 管晓丹 1 , 3( ), 马婷婷 1, 杨坤 1   
  1. 1.兰州大学 大气科学学院,甘肃 兰州 730000
    2.福建省泉州市气象局,福建 泉州 362000
    3.西部生态安全省部共建协同创新中心,甘肃 兰州 730000
  • 收稿日期:2023-06-29 修回日期:2024-02-24 出版日期:2024-09-10
  • 通讯作者: 管晓丹 E-mail:weixj20@lzu.edu.cn;guanxd@lzu.edu.cn
  • 基金资助:
    国家重点研发计划项目(2024YFE0103200);秦惠 与李政道中国大学生见习进修基金(LZU-JZH2637);国家重大科技基础设施项目(2023-EL-PT-000320)

Influence of Internal and External Circulation of Water Vapor on Summer Precipitation in the Upper and Middle Reaches of the Yellow River Basin

Xinjie WEI 1( ), Xiaoqian HUANG 2 , 3, Xiaodan GUAN 1 , 3( ), Tingting MA 1, Kun YANG 1   

  1. 1.College of Atmospheric Sciences, Lanzhou University, Lanzhou 730000, China
    2.Quanzhou Meteorological Bureau of Fujian, Quanzhou Fujian 362000, China
    3.Collaborative Innovation Center for Western Ecological Safety, Lanzhou 730000, China
  • Received:2023-06-29 Revised:2024-02-24 Online:2024-09-10 Published:2024-11-22
  • Contact: Xiaodan GUAN E-mail:weixj20@lzu.edu.cn;guanxd@lzu.edu.cn
  • About author:WEI Xinjie, research areas include changes in the water cycle in the Yellow River Basin. E-mail: weixj20@lzu.edu.cn
  • Supported by:
    National Key Research & Development Program of China(2024YFE0103200);Hui-Chun Chin and Tsung-Dao Lee Chinese Undergraduate Research Endowment(LZU-JZH2637);National Key Scientific and Technological Infrastructure Project(2023-EL-PT-000320)

黄河流域是中国重要的生态文明建设中心,其上中游水循环过程对流域整体水资源变化和分配影响显著。过去40年,黄河上中游夏季降水呈年际变化,与区域上空水汽含量密切相关。相较于1982—2002年,2003—2019年净水汽输入明显增加,局地蒸散发显著减少,大气水汽含量受二者的共同影响,因此没有明显的年代际变化。进一步利用动态降水再循环模型和水汽源地贡献定量分析方法探究水汽来源及其贡献,结果表明黄河上中游的水汽主要来源于外界输入(83.4%)和局地供应(11.4%),其中外界输入的水汽源地分别为亚欧大陆中部地区(32.5%)、青藏高原地区(23.6%)、中国南海—西太平洋地区(12.3%)、南亚—北印度洋地区(10.7%)和北非—西亚地区(4.3%)。各水汽源地子区域水汽贡献的年代际变化与局地蒸发降水差(E-P)的年代际变化一致。与1982—2002年相比,2003—2019年亚欧大陆中部地区、北非—西亚地区和中国南海—西太平洋地区的水汽供应能力增强,水汽贡献呈年代际增加,为黄河上中游提供更多的水汽,是促进黄河上中游降水增加的主要水汽源地。而黄河上中游局地蒸散发呈显著年代际减少,局地水汽供应能力减弱。探究2 m温度、风速、归一化植被指数以及浅层土壤(0~7 cm)湿度对局地蒸散发的影响,结果表明局地蒸散发与2 m温度、风速和归一化植被指数呈负相关,而与浅层土壤湿度呈正相关,其中浅层土壤湿度相关性最高。浅层土壤湿度变干导致黄河上中游大部分地区局地蒸散发显著下降,进而抵消了部分水汽输入的增加,降水主要呈年际变化。

The Yellow River Basin is an important center of ecological civilization in China and its upstream and midstream water circulation processes have a notable impact on the overall water resource changes and distribution in the basin. Over the past 40 years, summer precipitation in the upper and middle reaches of the Yellow River has shown interannual variability, which is closely related to the water vapor content in the region. Compared with that in 1982-2002, the net water vapor input increased and evapotranspiration decreased significantly in 2003-2019 and the atmospheric water vapor content did not show significant interdecadal variability owing to the combined effect of both. Dynamic precipitation recycling model and moisture source attribution method were further used to investigate the moisture sources and contribution. Results show that the water vapor in the upper and middle reaches of the Yellow River mainly came from external input (83.4%) and local supply (11.4%), of which the sources of external input were the central Eurasian (32.5%), the Tibetan Plateau (23.6%), the South China Sea-western Pacific (12.3%), the South Asia-northern Indian Ocean (10.7%), and the North Africa-West Asian areas (4.3%). The interdecadal variation in the moisture contribution of each moisture source subregion were consistent with that in the local difference between evaporation and precipitation. Compared with that in 1982-2002, the water vapor supply capacity of the central Eurasian, North Africa-West Asian, and South China Sea-western Pacific areas increased in 2003-2019 and the moisture contribution showed an interdecadal increase, providing more water vapor to the upper and middle reaches of the Yellow River, which were the major moisture sources contributing to the increase in precipitation in the upper and middle reaches of the Yellow River. Conversely, evapotranspiration in the upper and middle reaches of the Yellow River showed a significant decrease. The results showed that evapotranspiration was negatively correlated with two-meter temperature, wind speed, and normalized difference vegetation index and positively correlated with shallow soil moisture (0~7 cm), with shallow soil moisture having the highest correlation. The drying of shallow soil moisture caused a significant decrease in evapotranspiration in most of the upper and middle reaches of the Yellow River, which, in turn, offset some of the increase in water vapor input, with precipitation showing mainly interannual variability.


图1 19822019年黄河上中游夏季平均降水的空间分布(a)和时间序列(b
Fig. 1 Spatial distributionaand time seriesbof mean summer precipitation in the upper and middle reaches of the Yellow River during 1982-2019
图2 19822019年黄河上中游夏季平均水汽含量、外界净水汽输入和局地蒸散发的时间序列
Fig. 2 Time series of mean summer water vapor contentnet water vapor influxand local evapotranspiration in the upper and middle reaches of the Yellow River during 1982-2019
图3 19822019年夏季空气块到达黄河上中游前1天(a)、前5天(b)和前10天(c)平均水汽轨迹数的空间分布
Fig. 3 Spatial distribution of the mean amount of moisture trajectory 1 daya), 5 daysb), and 10 dayscbefore the water vapor arrived at the upper and middle reaches of the Yellow River in summer during 1982-2019
图4 19822019年夏季黄河上中游水汽源地的水汽贡献率空间分布及占比
Fig. 4 Spatial distribution and percentage of moisture contribution from moisture sources in the upper and middle reaches of the Yellow River in summer during 1982-2019
(a) Spatial distribution of moisture sources and their mean moisture contribution rates for summer precipitation in the upper and middle reaches of the Yellow River; (b) Mean moisture contribution rates of each moisture source subregion to summer precipitation in the upper and middle reaches of the Yellow River. Defined geographic subregions: I (the Tibetan Plateau area: 73°~104°E, 26°~39°N), II (Central Eurasian area: 0°~120°E, 35°~60°N, except the Loess Plateau and the Tibetan Plateau area), III (North Africa-West Asia area: 0°~60°E, 10°~35°N), IV (South Asia-northern Indian Ocean area: 60°~100 °E, 0°~35°N, except the Tibetan Plateau area), V (South China Sea-western Pacific area: 100°~140°E, 0°~35°N, except the Tibetan Plateau area)
图5 19822002年与20032019年夏季黄河上中游水汽源地的水汽供应差异
Fig. 5 Difference in water vapor supply at moisture sources in the upper and middle reaches of the Yellow River in summer between 1982-2002 and 2003-2019
(a) Difference of mean moisture contribution and (b) difference of local E-P in each moisture source subregion for summer precipitation in the upper and middle reaches of the Yellow River. The difference is latter period minus former period; Red stars indicate the relative growth rate of E-P in each moisture source subregion during 2003-2019 compared to 1982-2002; I: the Tibetan Plateau area: 73°~104°E, 26°~39°N, II:Central Eurasian area: 0°~120°E, 35°~60°N, except the Loess Plateau and the Tibetan Plateau area, III: North Africa-West Asia area: 0°~60°E, 10°~35°N, IV: South Asia-northern Indian Ocean area: 60°~100 °E, 0°~35°N, except the Tibetan Plateau area, V: South China Sea-western Pacific area: 100°~140°E, 0°~35°N, except the Tibetan Plateau area
图6 19822002年与20032019年夏季水汽输送通量差异
差异为后一时段减前一时段;打点区域表示该区域的差异通过了90%显著性水平的 t检验。区域Ⅰ为青藏高原地区:73°~104°E,26°~39°N;区域Ⅱ为亚欧大陆中部地区:0°~120°E,35°~60°N,黄土高原地区和青藏高原地区除外;区域Ⅲ为北非—西亚地区:0°~60°E,10°~35°N;区域Ⅳ为南亚—北印度洋地区:60°~100°E,0°~35°N,青藏高原地区除外;区域Ⅴ为中国南海—西太平洋地区:100°~140°E,0°~35°N,青藏高原地区除外
Fig. 6 Difference in water vapor flux in summer between 1982-2002 and 2003-2019
The difference is latter period minus former period; Dotted areas indicate that the difference in the region passes the t-test at the 90% significance level. I: the Tibetan Plateau area: 73°~104°E, 26°~39°N; II: Central Eurasian area: 0°~120°E, 35°~60°N, except the Loess Plateau and the Tibetan Plateau area; III: North Africa-West Asia area: 0°~60°E, 10°~35°N; IV: South Asia-northern Indian Ocean area: 60°~100 °E, 0°~35°N, except the Tibetan Plateau area; V: South China Sea-western Pacific area: 100°~140°E, 0°~35°N, except the Tibetan Plateau area
图7 19822019年夏季黄河上中游各因子气候态的空间分布
Fig. 7 Spatial distribution of climatology of factors in the upper and middle reaches of the Yellow River in summer during 1982-2019
图8 19822002年与20032019年夏季黄河上中游各因子年代际差值的空间分布
Fig. 8 Spatial distribution of interdecadal differences of factors in the upper and middle reaches of the Yellow River in summer between 1982-2002 and 2003-2019
表1 19822019年夏季黄河上中游各因子与局地蒸散发的相关系数、回归系数和方差贡献率
Table 1 Correlation coefficientsregression coefficientsand variance contribution of each factor with local evapotranspiration in the upper and middle reaches of the Yellow River in summer during 1982-2019
图9 19822019年夏季黄河上中游局地蒸散发与浅层土壤(0~7 cm)湿度的相关程度
(a)局地蒸散发与浅层土壤(0~7 cm)湿度相关系数的空间分布,打点区域表示该区域的相关系数通过了95%显著性水平的 t检验;(b)局地蒸散发与浅层土壤(0~7 cm)湿度的时间序列
Fig. 9 Correlation between local evapotranspiration and shallow soil0~7 cmmoisture in the upper and middle reaches of the Yellow River in summer during 1982-2019
(a) Spatial distribution of the correlation coefficients between local evapotranspiration and shallow soil moisture (0~7 cm); Dotted areas indicate that the correlation coefficients of the region pass the t-test at the 95% significance level. (b) Time series of local evapotranspiration and shallow soil moisture (0~7 cm)
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