地球科学进展 ›› 2021, Vol. 36 ›› Issue (2): 139 -153. doi: 10.11867/j.issn.1001-8166.2021.022

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庞姗姗 1 , 2( ), 王喜冬 1 , 2 , 3( ), 刘海龙 4, 邵彩霞 1 , 2   
  1. 1.河海大学 自然资源部海洋灾害预报技术重点实验室,江苏 南京 210098
    2.河海大学 海洋学院,江苏 南京 210098
    3.南方海洋科学与工程广东省实验室(珠海),广东 珠海 519000
    4.上海交通大学 海洋学院,上海 200030
  • 收稿日期:2020-12-04 修回日期:2021-01-22 出版日期:2021-04-13
  • 通讯作者: 王喜冬 E-mail:ccp@hhu.edu.cn;xidong_wang@hhu.edu.cn
  • 基金资助:

Multi-Scale Variations of Barrier Layer in the Tropical Ocean and Its Impacts on Air-Sea Interaction: A Review

Shanshan PANG 1 , 2( ), Xidong WANG 1 , 2 , 3( ), Hailong LIU 4, Caixia SHAO 1 , 2   

  1. 1.Key Laboratory of Marine Hazards Forecasting,Ministry of Natural Resources,Hohai University,Nanjing 210098,China
    2.College of Oceanography,Hohai University,Nanjing 210098,China
    3.Southern Marine Science and Engineering Guangdong Laboratory (Zhuhai),Zhuhai 519000,China
    4.Institute of Oceanography,Shanghai Jiaotong University,Shanghai 200030,China
  • Received:2020-12-04 Revised:2021-01-22 Online:2021-04-13 Published:2021-04-19
  • Contact: Xidong WANG E-mail:ccp@hhu.edu.cn;xidong_wang@hhu.edu.cn
  • About author:PANG Shanshan (1994-), female, Boai County, Henan Province, Ph. D student. Research areas include oceanic salinity-stratified barrier layer. E-mail: ccp@hhu.edu.cn
  • Supported by:
    the National Natural Science Foundation of China “Intraseasonal variability of the barrier layer in the Bay of Bengal and its effect on air-sea interaction”(41776004);“Study on the interaction between the barrier layer and the dominant air-sea coupled mode of the tropical Pacific”(41776019)


In the vertical, the isothermal layer and mixed layer are two parameters governing the upper ocean structure. High salinity stratification in the surface layer often limits the mixed layer depth and thus results in the interlayer called the barrier layer between the base of mixed layer and the top of the thermocline. The barrier layer acts as a "barrier" for the transfer of heat, monmentum, mass, and nutrient fluxes between the mixed layer and the thermocline, affecting the heat budget of the surface mixed layer and resultant air-sea interaction. Owing to the implementation of global ocean observation programs, scientists have gradually realized the importance of oceanic salinity in ocean circulation and climate change in the past two decades. Thus, the role of barrier layer caused by salinity in heat balance of upper ocean is the present hotspot in physical oceanography field. Focusing on the key scientific issues centered at the barrier layer variations and its climatic impacts, three aspects of it are introduced under the review:Spatial structures and multi-scale variations of barrier layer in the world ocean; roles of oceanic and atmospheric processes in barrier layer variations; key processes and mechanisms of interactions between barrier layer and weather, climate and biology. We mainly emphasize the ocean-atmosphere interactions associated with the barrier layer variations and their cliamtic impacts. Finally, we propose several issues that remian to be solved were proposed.


图1 温度、盐度和密度廓线
温度廓线为点线,盐度廓线为实线,密度廓线为虚线,混合层深度(Mixed Layer Depth, MLD)、等温层深度(Isothermal Layer Depth, ILD)和障碍层厚度(Barrier Layer Thickness, BLT)的分布;Argo浮标(ID 5904367):150.4°E, 4.3°S;时间:2017年12月16日
Fig.1 Temperature profile, salinity profile and density profile
Vertical distribution of temperature (dotted line), salinity (solid line), and density (dashed line) and thickness of mixed layer, thermocline layer and barrier layer. Argo profiling float (ID 5904367): 150.4°E, 4.3°S; Time: December 16, 2017
图1 温度、盐度和密度廓线
温度廓线为点线,盐度廓线为实线,密度廓线为虚线,混合层深度(Mixed Layer Depth, MLD)、等温层深度(Isothermal Layer Depth, ILD)和障碍层厚度(Barrier Layer Thickness, BLT)的分布;Argo浮标(ID 5904367):150.4°E, 4.3°S;时间:2017年12月16日
Fig.1 Temperature profile, salinity profile and density profile
Vertical distribution of temperature (dotted line), salinity (solid line), and density (dashed line) and thickness of mixed layer, thermocline layer and barrier layer. Argo profiling float (ID 5904367): 150.4°E, 4.3°S; Time: December 16, 2017
图2 障碍层形成机制示意图(据参考文献[ 20 ]修改)
Fig.2 Schematic of the mechanisms about the formation and growth of barrier layer (modified after reference [ 20 ])
图2 障碍层形成机制示意图(据参考文献[ 20 ]修改)
Fig.2 Schematic of the mechanisms about the formation and growth of barrier layer (modified after reference [ 20 ])
图3 热带海域障碍层厚度的季节分布
Fig.3 Seasonal distribution of barrier layer thickness in the tropical oceans
(a) Winter (December-February); (b) Spring (March-May); (c) Summer (June-August); (d) Autumn (September-November). The data is based on gridded dataset from French Research Institute for Exploration of the Sea (http://www.ifremer.fr/cerweb/deboyer/mld/Subsurface_Barrier_Layer_Thickness)
图3 热带海域障碍层厚度的季节分布
Fig.3 Seasonal distribution of barrier layer thickness in the tropical oceans
(a) Winter (December-February); (b) Spring (March-May); (c) Summer (June-August); (d) Autumn (September-November). The data is based on gridded dataset from French Research Institute for Exploration of the Sea (http://www.ifremer.fr/cerweb/deboyer/mld/Subsurface_Barrier_Layer_Thickness)
图4 热带海域障碍层厚度的年际变化
(a)EOF第一模态;(b)第一主成分;资料来自简单海洋数据同化数据集2.2.4版本(SODA v2.2.4),本文选取的时间范围为1951—2010年(https://www2.atmos.umd.edu/~ocean/)
Fig.4 Interannual variation of barrier layer thickness in the tropical oceans
(a) The first Empirical Orthogonal Function(EOF); (b) The first principal component time series. The data is based on gridded dataset at the period of 1951-2010 from SODA v2.2.4 (https://www2.atmos.umd.edu/~ocean/)
图4 热带海域障碍层厚度的年际变化
(a)EOF第一模态;(b)第一主成分;资料来自简单海洋数据同化数据集2.2.4版本(SODA v2.2.4),本文选取的时间范围为1951—2010年(https://www2.atmos.umd.edu/~ocean/)
Fig.4 Interannual variation of barrier layer thickness in the tropical oceans
(a) The first Empirical Orthogonal Function(EOF); (b) The first principal component time series. The data is based on gridded dataset at the period of 1951-2010 from SODA v2.2.4 (https://www2.atmos.umd.edu/~ocean/)
图5 热带海域障碍层厚度的长期变化趋势
资料来自SODA v2.2.4,本文选取的时间范围为1951—2010年,灰色散点表示通过95%的显著性检验
Fig.5 Long-term trend of barrier layer thickness in the tropical oceans
The data is based on gridded dataset at the period of 1951-2010 from SODA v2.2.4. The gray dots indicate statistical significance at the 95% level using Student’s t test
图5 热带海域障碍层厚度的长期变化趋势
资料来自SODA v2.2.4,本文选取的时间范围为1951—2010年,灰色散点表示通过95%的显著性检验
Fig.5 Long-term trend of barrier layer thickness in the tropical oceans
The data is based on gridded dataset at the period of 1951-2010 from SODA v2.2.4. The gray dots indicate statistical significance at the 95% level using Student’s t test
图6 热带海域障碍层厚度的年代际变化
(a)EOF第一模态;(b)第一主成分;资料来自SODA v2.2.4,本文选取的时间范围为1951—2010年
Fig.6 Decadal variation of barrier layer thickness in the tropical oceans
(a) The first Empirical Orthogonal Function(EOF); (b) The first principal component time series. The data is based on gridded dataset at the period of 1951-2010 from SODA v2.2.4
图6 热带海域障碍层厚度的年代际变化
(a)EOF第一模态;(b)第一主成分;资料来自SODA v2.2.4,本文选取的时间范围为1951—2010年
Fig.6 Decadal variation of barrier layer thickness in the tropical oceans
(a) The first Empirical Orthogonal Function(EOF); (b) The first principal component time series. The data is based on gridded dataset at the period of 1951-2010 from SODA v2.2.4
图7 热带气旋引起的次表层温度变化[ 3 ]
Fig.7 Sections of composite sub-surface temperature response to tropical cyclones[ 3 ]
Shading indicates the difference of sea surface temperature between the barrier layer and non-barrier layer condition
图7 热带气旋引起的次表层温度变化[ 3 ]
Fig.7 Sections of composite sub-surface temperature response to tropical cyclones[ 3 ]
Shading indicates the difference of sea surface temperature between the barrier layer and non-barrier layer condition
图8 海表温度异常(2°N~2°S纬度带平均)的时间—经度断面[ 47 ]
时间:第15年7月至第17年7月;经度:150°E~90°W;(a)控制试验结果;(b)扰动试验结果;黑色实线表示29 ℃等温线;该试验基于耦合数值模式进行,大气和海洋环流模式分别采用Météo-France气候模式和Ocean PArallélisé(OPA)模式。海洋模式选用混合参数化方案,通过调整温盐层结来调整混合的强度。控制试验:当计算浮力频率(N 2)时,温盐剖面全部使用;扰动试验:当计算N 2时,只使用温度剖面,忽略盐度的贡献,该方案可有效消除障碍层的影响
Fig.8 Time-longitude sections of sea surface temperature anomalies averaged between 2°N and 2°S[ 47 ]
Sea surface temperature anomalies in the region of 150°E~90°W from July of year 15 to July of year 17 for the (a) control and (b) perturbed experiments. Black solid line is the 29 ℃ isotherm. The AGCM used in the study is derived from the Météo-France climate model. The OGCM is based on the Ocean PArallélisé(OPA)model. The OGCM model used the vertical mixing scheme,in which the dissipation of the density gradient is related to the Brunt-V?is?l? frequency(N 2). Both temperature and salinity profiles are considered to compute the N 2 in control experiment. Only temperature profiles in the N 2 computation in perturbed experiment
图8 海表温度异常(2°N~2°S纬度带平均)的时间—经度断面[ 47 ]
时间:第15年7月至第17年7月;经度:150°E~90°W;(a)控制试验结果;(b)扰动试验结果;黑色实线表示29 ℃等温线;该试验基于耦合数值模式进行,大气和海洋环流模式分别采用Météo-France气候模式和Ocean PArallélisé(OPA)模式。海洋模式选用混合参数化方案,通过调整温盐层结来调整混合的强度。控制试验:当计算浮力频率(N 2)时,温盐剖面全部使用;扰动试验:当计算N 2时,只使用温度剖面,忽略盐度的贡献,该方案可有效消除障碍层的影响
Fig.8 Time-longitude sections of sea surface temperature anomalies averaged between 2°N and 2°S[ 47 ]
Sea surface temperature anomalies in the region of 150°E~90°W from July of year 15 to July of year 17 for the (a) control and (b) perturbed experiments. Black solid line is the 29 ℃ isotherm. The AGCM used in the study is derived from the Météo-France climate model. The OGCM is based on the Ocean PArallélisé(OPA)model. The OGCM model used the vertical mixing scheme,in which the dissipation of the density gradient is related to the Brunt-V?is?l? frequency(N 2). Both temperature and salinity profiles are considered to compute the N 2 in control experiment. Only temperature profiles in the N 2 computation in perturbed experiment
图9 印度洋海表温度、降雨及海表10 m风场的季节分布[ 13 ]
(a)夏季(6~8月)海表温度差异;(b)冬季(12~2月)海表温度差异;(c)夏季降水和10 m风场差异;(d)冬季降水和10 m风场差异;差异表示考虑盐度影响的试验结果与忽略盐度影响的试验结果间的差值
Fig.9 Seasonal distribution of sea surface temperature, rainfall and 10-m wind speed in Indian Ocean[ 13 ]
Difference of sea surface temperature averaged over (a) June-August and (b) December-February between Salinity Restoring (SR) experiment and No Salinity Restoring (NoSR) experiment. Difference of rainfall (shading) and 10-m wind speed (arrows) averaged over (c) June-August and (d) December-February between SR experiment and NoSR experiment
图9 印度洋海表温度、降雨及海表10 m风场的季节分布[ 13 ]
(a)夏季(6~8月)海表温度差异;(b)冬季(12~2月)海表温度差异;(c)夏季降水和10 m风场差异;(d)冬季降水和10 m风场差异;差异表示考虑盐度影响的试验结果与忽略盐度影响的试验结果间的差值
Fig.9 Seasonal distribution of sea surface temperature, rainfall and 10-m wind speed in Indian Ocean[ 13 ]
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