地球科学进展 ›› 2021, Vol. 36 ›› Issue (2): 125 -138. doi: 10.11867/j.issn.1001-8166.2021.023

所属专题: “火星地貌”虚拟专刊

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董治宝( ), 李超, 吕萍, 胡光印   
  1. 陕西师范大学行星风沙科学研究院,陕西 西安 710119
  • 收稿日期:2020-11-18 修回日期:2021-01-28 出版日期:2021-04-13
  • 基金资助:

Eroded Dunes: Inspiration from Mars

Zhibao DONG( ), Chao LI, Ping LÜ, Guangyin HU   

  1. Planetary Aeolian Research Institute,Shaanxi Normal University,Xi'an 710119,China
  • Received:2020-11-18 Revised:2021-01-28 Online:2021-04-13 Published:2021-04-19
  • About author:Dong Zhibao (1966-), male, Hengshan County, Shaanxi Province, Professor. Research areas include physics of blown sand and aeolian geomorphology. E-mail: zbdong@snnu.edu.cn
  • Supported by:
    the National Natural Science Foundation of China "Weathering rate of the dry denudated mountains surrounding the Tarim Basin"(41930641);"Formation of the meagadune system in China's Badain Jaran Sand Sea"(41871008)


Aeolian landforms are divided into two categories: wind deposition landforms and wind erosion landforms. The former refers to various types of sand dunes with their shapes being determined by the spatio-temporal variation of wind erosion and deposition. Wind erosion may play a significant role in reshaping the cumulated dunes which results in the formation of eroded dunes. This discovery is contrary to traditional understanding, therefore, eroded dunes have been ignored for a long time. However, many Martian dunes with subtle differences from dunes on the earth due to limited sediment supply have been found. We reviewed the description of eroded dunes by French M. Mainguet, and conceptual framework of controlling factors on dune morphology, and then pointed out clearly the necessity of studying eroded dunes. After systematic study on Martian dunes, we found ten types of eroded dunes, and then analyzed the morphology, development environment and possible formation mechanism. The vast saline-alkali land in the arid area of the earth which is similar to the limited sand supply environment on Mars is most likely to develop eroded dunes. Based on this, it can be inferred that eroded dunes are common on the earth, and the study on them is of great significance to the development of aeolian geomorphology theories and the Mars exploration in China.


图1 沙丘类型与风、沙源供应和植被的关系(据参考文献[ 8 ]修改)
Fig.1 Relationship between dune forms, strength of the wind, sediment availability and vegetation coverage (modified after reference [ 8 ])
图1 沙丘类型与风、沙源供应和植被的关系(据参考文献[ 8 ]修改)
Fig.1 Relationship between dune forms, strength of the wind, sediment availability and vegetation coverage (modified after reference [ 8 ])
图2 澳大利亚沙漠沙丘类型与风向变率(RDP/DP)及沉积物等效厚度(EST)的关系(据参考文献[ 11 ]修改)
Fig.2 Relationship between dune forms, wind directional variability (RDP/DP), and Equivalent Sand Thickness (EST) in the Australian dune fields (modified after reference [ 11 ])
图2 澳大利亚沙漠沙丘类型与风向变率(RDP/DP)及沉积物等效厚度(EST)的关系(据参考文献[ 11 ]修改)
Fig.2 Relationship between dune forms, wind directional variability (RDP/DP), and Equivalent Sand Thickness (EST) in the Australian dune fields (modified after reference [ 11 ])
图3 纳米布沙漠沙丘类型与风向变率(RDP/DP)及沉积物等效厚度 (EST)的关系(据参考文献[ 13 ]修改)
Fig.3 Relationship between dune forms, wind directional variability (RDP/DP), and Equivalent Sand Thickness (EST) in the Namib dune fields (modified after reference [ 13 ])
图3 纳米布沙漠沙丘类型与风向变率(RDP/DP)及沉积物等效厚度 (EST)的关系(据参考文献[ 13 ]修改)
Fig.3 Relationship between dune forms, wind directional variability (RDP/DP), and Equivalent Sand Thickness (EST) in the Namib dune fields (modified after reference [ 13 ])
图4 沙丘类型与风向变率和沙源供应度关系的概念模型(据参考文献[ 7 ]修改)
Fig.4 Conceptual model of relationship between dune forms, wind directional variability, and sediment availability (modified after reference [ 7 ])
图4 沙丘类型与风向变率和沙源供应度关系的概念模型(据参考文献[ 7 ]修改)
Fig.4 Conceptual model of relationship between dune forms, wind directional variability, and sediment availability (modified after reference [ 7 ])
图5 火星典型的砂岩化古沙丘(来源:NASA/JPL/UA
(a)阿波里那沟南部砂岩化古沙丘(HiRISE影像PSP_010453_1675_RED,中心点位置:12.60°S, 178.08°E);(b)科普莱特斯深谷东部砂岩化古沙丘(HiRISE影像ESP_025389_1690_RED,中心点位置:11.14°S, 284.90°E);箭头代表沙丘发育风向
Fig.5 Typical fossilized dunes on Marssource: NASA/JPL/UA
(a) Fossilized dunes in the south of Apollinaris Sulci (HiRISE image PSP_010453_1675_RED, center point: 12.60°S, 178.08°E); (b) Fossilized dunes in the east of Coprates Chasma (HiRISE image ESP_025389_1690_RED, center point: 11.14°S, 284.90°E);Arrows represent the wind direction of dune development
图5 火星典型的砂岩化古沙丘(来源:NASA/JPL/UA
(a)阿波里那沟南部砂岩化古沙丘(HiRISE影像PSP_010453_1675_RED,中心点位置:12.60°S, 178.08°E);(b)科普莱特斯深谷东部砂岩化古沙丘(HiRISE影像ESP_025389_1690_RED,中心点位置:11.14°S, 284.90°E);箭头代表沙丘发育风向
Fig.5 Typical fossilized dunes on Marssource: NASA/JPL/UA
(a) Fossilized dunes in the south of Apollinaris Sulci (HiRISE image PSP_010453_1675_RED, center point: 12.60°S, 178.08°E); (b) Fossilized dunes in the east of Coprates Chasma (HiRISE image ESP_025389_1690_RED, center point: 11.14°S, 284.90°E);Arrows represent the wind direction of dune development
图6 火星类黏土型沙丘(来源:NASA/JPL/UA
(a)火星赫谢尔陨击坑北部类黏土型沙丘;(b)图(a)中黑色方框区域新月形沙丘(HiRISE ESP_036880_1760_RED,中心位置:14.8°S, 127.9°E);箭头代表沙丘发育风向
Fig.6 Clay-like dunes on the Marssource: NASA/JPL/UA
(a) Clay-like dunes in the north of Herschel Crater;(b) Barchan dune of the black box in (a) (HiRISE ESP_036880_1760_RED, center point: 14.8°S, 127.9°E);Arrows represent the winddirection of dune development
图6 火星类黏土型沙丘(来源:NASA/JPL/UA
(a)火星赫谢尔陨击坑北部类黏土型沙丘;(b)图(a)中黑色方框区域新月形沙丘(HiRISE ESP_036880_1760_RED,中心位置:14.8°S, 127.9°E);箭头代表沙丘发育风向
Fig.6 Clay-like dunes on the Marssource: NASA/JPL/UA
(a) Clay-like dunes in the north of Herschel Crater;(b) Barchan dune of the black box in (a) (HiRISE ESP_036880_1760_RED, center point: 14.8°S, 127.9°E);Arrows represent the winddirection of dune development
图7 火星北极地区落沙坡遭受侵蚀的沙丘(来源:NASA/JPL/UA
(a)新月形沙丘(HiRISE ESP_017746_2860_RED,中心点位置:328.19°E, 73.56°N);(b)新月形沙丘链(HiRISE ESP_036404_2590_RED,中心点位置:143.08°E, 79.01°N);箭头代表沙丘发育风向
Fig.7 Dunes with eroded slip face in the North Polar region of Marssource: NASA/JPL/UA
(a) Barchan dunes (HiRISE ESP_017746_2860_RED, center point: 328.19°E, 73.56°N); (b) Barchanoid dunes (HiRISE ESP_036404_2590_RED, center point: 143.08°E, 79.01°N); Arrows represent the wind direction of dune development
图7 火星北极地区落沙坡遭受侵蚀的沙丘(来源:NASA/JPL/UA
(a)新月形沙丘(HiRISE ESP_017746_2860_RED,中心点位置:328.19°E, 73.56°N);(b)新月形沙丘链(HiRISE ESP_036404_2590_RED,中心点位置:143.08°E, 79.01°N);箭头代表沙丘发育风向
Fig.7 Dunes with eroded slip face in the North Polar region of Marssource: NASA/JPL/UA
(a) Barchan dunes (HiRISE ESP_017746_2860_RED, center point: 328.19°E, 73.56°N); (b) Barchanoid dunes (HiRISE ESP_036404_2590_RED, center point: 143.08°E, 79.01°N); Arrows represent the wind direction of dune development
图8 火星奥林匹亚沙漠峡谷冰冻障碍物沙丘(来源:NASA/JPL/UA
HiRISE SP_036669_2610_RED,中心点位置:102.22°E,80.81°N;箭头代表沙丘发育风向
Fig.8 Frosted dunes in Olympia Canyon of Mars (source: NASA/JPL/UA)
HiRISE SP_036669_2610_RED,center point:102.22°E,80.81°N;Arrows represent the wind direction of dune development
图8 火星奥林匹亚沙漠峡谷冰冻障碍物沙丘(来源:NASA/JPL/UA
HiRISE SP_036669_2610_RED,中心点位置:102.22°E,80.81°N;箭头代表沙丘发育风向
Fig.8 Frosted dunes in Olympia Canyon of Mars (source: NASA/JPL/UA)
HiRISE SP_036669_2610_RED,center point:102.22°E,80.81°N;Arrows represent the wind direction of dune development
图9 火星北极博勒拉峡谷拉长型沙丘(来源:NASA/JPL/UA
HiRISE SP_026626_2645_RED,中心点位置:322.56°E,84.20°N;箭头代表沙丘发育风向
Fig.9 Elongated dunes in Chasma Boreale (source: NASA/JPL/UA)
HiRISE SP_026626_2645_RED,center point:322.56°E,84.20°N;Arrows represent the wind direction of dune development
图9 火星北极博勒拉峡谷拉长型沙丘(来源:NASA/JPL/UA
HiRISE SP_026626_2645_RED,中心点位置:322.56°E,84.20°N;箭头代表沙丘发育风向
Fig.9 Elongated dunes in Chasma Boreale (source: NASA/JPL/UA)
HiRISE SP_026626_2645_RED,center point:322.56°E,84.20°N;Arrows represent the wind direction of dune development
图10 火星直线形沙丘(来源:NASA/JPL/UA
(a)火星北极博勒拉峡谷直线形沙丘(HiRISE影像ESP_046168_2645_RED,中心点位置:84.62°N, 333.79°E);(b)直线型沙丘的早期阶段(HiRISE影像ESP_045100_2650_RED,中心点位置:84.79°N, 333.76°E);箭头代表沙丘发育风向
Fig.10 Rectilinear dunes on Marssource: NASA/JPL/UA
(a) Rectilinear dunes in Chasma Boreale (HiRISE ESP_046168_2645_RED, center point: 84.62°N, 333.79°E); (b) Early stages of the rectilinear dunes (HiRISE ESP_045100_2650_RED, center point: 84.79°N, 333.76°E); Arrows represent the wind direction of dune development
图10 火星直线形沙丘(来源:NASA/JPL/UA
(a)火星北极博勒拉峡谷直线形沙丘(HiRISE影像ESP_046168_2645_RED,中心点位置:84.62°N, 333.79°E);(b)直线型沙丘的早期阶段(HiRISE影像ESP_045100_2650_RED,中心点位置:84.79°N, 333.76°E);箭头代表沙丘发育风向
Fig.10 Rectilinear dunes on Marssource: NASA/JPL/UA
(a) Rectilinear dunes in Chasma Boreale (HiRISE ESP_046168_2645_RED, center point: 84.62°N, 333.79°E); (b) Early stages of the rectilinear dunes (HiRISE ESP_045100_2650_RED, center point: 84.79°N, 333.76°E); Arrows represent the wind direction of dune development
图11 火星串珠状沙丘来源(来源:NASA/JPL/UA
(a)火星北极奥林匹亚沙漠西南部串珠状新月形沙丘链;(b)为图(a)中黑色方框区域的影像(CTX d16_033305_2586_xi_78n220w,中心点位置:139.62°E, 78.36°N);箭头代表沙丘发育风向
Fig.11 Beaded dunes on Marssource: NASA/JPL/UA
(a) Beaded barchanoid dunes in the southeast of the Olympia Desert; (b) is the image of black box in (a) (CTX d16_033305_2586_xi_78n220w, center point: 139.62°E, 78.36°N); Arrows represent the wind direction of dune development
图11 火星串珠状沙丘来源(来源:NASA/JPL/UA
(a)火星北极奥林匹亚沙漠西南部串珠状新月形沙丘链;(b)为图(a)中黑色方框区域的影像(CTX d16_033305_2586_xi_78n220w,中心点位置:139.62°E, 78.36°N);箭头代表沙丘发育风向
Fig.11 Beaded dunes on Marssource: NASA/JPL/UA
(a) Beaded barchanoid dunes in the southeast of the Olympia Desert; (b) is the image of black box in (a) (CTX d16_033305_2586_xi_78n220w, center point: 139.62°E, 78.36°N); Arrows represent the wind direction of dune development
图12 火星北极奥林匹亚沙漠西南部碰撞新月形沙丘链(来源:NASA/JPL/UA
CTX p02_001659_2594_xn_79n227w,中心点位置:134.52°E,77.51°N;箭头代表沙丘发育风向
Fig.12 Merged Barchanoid dunes in the southeast of the Olympia Desert (source: NASA/JPL/UA)
CTX p02_001659_2594_xn_79n227w,center point:134.52°E,77.51°N;Arrows represent the wind direction of dune development
图12 火星北极奥林匹亚沙漠西南部碰撞新月形沙丘链(来源:NASA/JPL/UA
CTX p02_001659_2594_xn_79n227w,中心点位置:134.52°E,77.51°N;箭头代表沙丘发育风向
Fig.12 Merged Barchanoid dunes in the southeast of the Olympia Desert (source: NASA/JPL/UA)
CTX p02_001659_2594_xn_79n227w,center point:134.52°E,77.51°N;Arrows represent the wind direction of dune development
图13 火星北极奥林匹亚沙漠西部片状新月形沙丘链(来源:NASA/JPL/UA
CTX B01_009934_2811_XN_78N226W,中心点位置:135.45°E,79.48°N;箭头代表沙丘发育风向
Fig.13 Lamellate Barchanoid dunes in the southeast of the Olympia Desert (source: NASA/JPL/UA)
CTX B01_009934_2811_XN_78N226W,center point:135.45°E,79.48°N;Arrows represent the wind direction of dune development
图13 火星北极奥林匹亚沙漠西部片状新月形沙丘链(来源:NASA/JPL/UA
CTX B01_009934_2811_XN_78N226W,中心点位置:135.45°E,79.48°N;箭头代表沙丘发育风向
Fig.13 Lamellate Barchanoid dunes in the southeast of the Olympia Desert (source: NASA/JPL/UA)
CTX B01_009934_2811_XN_78N226W,center point:135.45°E,79.48°N;Arrows represent the wind direction of dune development
图14 火星“幽灵沙丘”(来源:NASA/JPL/UA
(a)海拉斯盆地“幽灵沙丘”(CTX P19_008558_1398_XI_40S281W,中心点位置:93.16°E, 40.94°S);(b)华莱士撞击坑北部“幽灵沙丘”(HiRISE ESP_059708_1305_RED,中心位置:113.05°E, 49.34°S);(c)夜迷宫地区“幽灵沙丘”(HiRISE ESP_048967_1720_RED,中心位置:267.18°E, 7.89°S);箭头代表沙丘发育风向
Fig.14 Ghost dunes on Marssource: NASA/JPL/UA
(a) Ghost dunes in Hellas Basin (CTX P19_008558_1398_XI_40S281W, center point: 93.16°E, 40.94°S); (b) Ghost dunes in the north of Wallace Crater (HiRISE ESP_059708_1305_RED, center point: 113.05°E, 49.34°S); (c) Ghost dunes in Noctis Labyrinthus (HiRISE ESP_048967_1720_RED, center point: 267.18°E, 7.89°S); Arrows represent the wind direction of dune development
图14 火星“幽灵沙丘”(来源:NASA/JPL/UA
(a)海拉斯盆地“幽灵沙丘”(CTX P19_008558_1398_XI_40S281W,中心点位置:93.16°E, 40.94°S);(b)华莱士撞击坑北部“幽灵沙丘”(HiRISE ESP_059708_1305_RED,中心位置:113.05°E, 49.34°S);(c)夜迷宫地区“幽灵沙丘”(HiRISE ESP_048967_1720_RED,中心位置:267.18°E, 7.89°S);箭头代表沙丘发育风向
Fig.14 Ghost dunes on Marssource: NASA/JPL/UA
(a) Ghost dunes in Hellas Basin (CTX P19_008558_1398_XI_40S281W, center point: 93.16°E, 40.94°S); (b) Ghost dunes in the north of Wallace Crater (HiRISE ESP_059708_1305_RED, center point: 113.05°E, 49.34°S); (c) Ghost dunes in Noctis Labyrinthus (HiRISE ESP_048967_1720_RED, center point: 267.18°E, 7.89°S); Arrows represent the wind direction of dune development
图15 火星北极新月形沙丘上风向的残余胶结层(来源:NASA/JPL/UA
(a)博勒拉峡谷沙丘胶结层(HiRISE PSP_001374_2650_RED,中心点位置:338.95°E, 84.95°N; 白色箭头指示其位置);(b)奥林匹亚沙漠东南部沙丘胶结层 (CTX B01_009934_2811_XN_78N226W,中心点位置:134.46°E,79.12°N),黑色箭头指示其位置;右上角圆圈中箭头代表沙丘发育风向
Fig.15 Residual cemented layer at the upwind of barchan dunes in the north polar region of Mars (source: NASA/JPL/UA
(a)Residual cemented layer in Chasma Boreale(HiRISE PSP_001374_2650_RED,center point:338.95°E,84.95°N; White arrows indicate the locations);(b)Residual cemented layer in the southeast of Olympia Desert(CTX B01_009934_2811_XN_78N226W,center point:134.46°E,79.12°N;Black Arrows indicate the locations);Arrows in the circle of upper right corner represent the wind direction of dune development
图15 火星北极新月形沙丘上风向的残余胶结层(来源:NASA/JPL/UA
(a)博勒拉峡谷沙丘胶结层(HiRISE PSP_001374_2650_RED,中心点位置:338.95°E, 84.95°N; 白色箭头指示其位置);(b)奥林匹亚沙漠东南部沙丘胶结层 (CTX B01_009934_2811_XN_78N226W,中心点位置:134.46°E,79.12°N),黑色箭头指示其位置;右上角圆圈中箭头代表沙丘发育风向
Fig.15 Residual cemented layer at the upwind of barchan dunes in the north polar region of Mars (source: NASA/JPL/UA
(a)Residual cemented layer in Chasma Boreale(HiRISE PSP_001374_2650_RED,center point:338.95°E,84.95°N; White arrows indicate the locations);(b)Residual cemented layer in the southeast of Olympia Desert(CTX B01_009934_2811_XN_78N226W,center point:134.46°E,79.12°N;Black Arrows indicate the locations);Arrows in the circle of upper right corner represent the wind direction of dune development
图16 火星博勒拉峡谷具有弧形胶结层的新月形沙丘(来源:NASA/JPL/UA
HiRISE ESP_026784_2645_RED,中心点位置:323.5°E,84.23°N;箭头代表沙丘发育风向
Fig.16 Barchans with arched cemented layer in the Chasma Boreale (source: NASA/JPL/UA
HiRISE ESP_026784_2645_RED,center point:323.5°E,84.23°N;Arrows represent the wind direction of dune development
图16 火星博勒拉峡谷具有弧形胶结层的新月形沙丘(来源:NASA/JPL/UA
HiRISE ESP_026784_2645_RED,中心点位置:323.5°E,84.23°N;箭头代表沙丘发育风向
Fig.16 Barchans with arched cemented layer in the Chasma Boreale (source: NASA/JPL/UA
HiRISE ESP_026784_2645_RED,center point:323.5°E,84.23°N;Arrows represent the wind direction of dune development
图17 火星沙丘脊部胶结层(来源:NASA/JPL/UA
(a)火星北极巨型新月形沙丘脊部胶结层(箭头代表沙丘发育风向);(b)为图a中黑色方框区域的影像,白色箭头指示硬化的脊(HiRISE ESP_018011_2565_RED,中心点位置:95.26°E, 76.22°N)
Fig.17 Cemented layer at the ridge of dunes on Mars sourceNASA/JPL/UA
(a) Cemented layer at the ridge of giant barchans in the north polar region of Mars (Arrows represent the wind direction of dune development); (b) The image of black box area in (a), white arrow indicates the cemented ridge (HiRISE ESP_018011_2565_RED, center point: 95.26°E, 76.22°N)
图17 火星沙丘脊部胶结层(来源:NASA/JPL/UA
(a)火星北极巨型新月形沙丘脊部胶结层(箭头代表沙丘发育风向);(b)为图a中黑色方框区域的影像,白色箭头指示硬化的脊(HiRISE ESP_018011_2565_RED,中心点位置:95.26°E, 76.22°N)
Fig.17 Cemented layer at the ridge of dunes on Mars sourceNASA/JPL/UA
(a) Cemented layer at the ridge of giant barchans in the north polar region of Mars (Arrows represent the wind direction of dune development); (b) The image of black box area in (a), white arrow indicates the cemented ridge (HiRISE ESP_018011_2565_RED, center point: 95.26°E, 76.22°N)
图18 柴达木盆地侵蚀型新月形沙丘(来源:Google Earth
Fig.18 Eroded Barchan dunes in the Qaidam Basin (source: Google Earth)
Center point:93.77°E,37.11°N; Arrows represent the wind direction of dune development
图18 柴达木盆地侵蚀型新月形沙丘(来源:Google Earth
Fig.18 Eroded Barchan dunes in the Qaidam Basin (source: Google Earth)
Center point:93.77°E,37.11°N; Arrows represent the wind direction of dune development
图19 柴达木盆地的不对称新月形沙丘(来源:Google Earth
中心点位置: 92.09°E,37.33°N;箭头代表沙丘发育风向
Fig.19 Asymmetrical Barchans in the Qaidam Basin (source: Google Earth)
Center point:92.09°E,37.33°N; Arrows represent the wind direction of dune development
图19 柴达木盆地的不对称新月形沙丘(来源:Google Earth
中心点位置: 92.09°E,37.33°N;箭头代表沙丘发育风向
Fig.19 Asymmetrical Barchans in the Qaidam Basin (source: Google Earth)
Center point:92.09°E,37.33°N; Arrows represent the wind direction of dune development
图20 柴达木盆地的长直线形沙丘(来源:Google Earth
Fig.20 Rectilinear dunes in the Qaidam Basin (source: Google Earth)
Center point:93.90°E,37.04°N; Arrows represent the wind direction of dune development
图20 柴达木盆地的长直线形沙丘(来源:Google Earth
Fig.20 Rectilinear dunes in the Qaidam Basin (source: Google Earth)
Center point:93.90°E,37.04°N; Arrows represent the wind direction of dune development
图21 柴达木盆地新月形沙丘与线形沙丘的共生现象(来源:Quick bird
Fig.21 Coexistence of barchans and linear dunes in the Qaidam Basin (source: Quick bird)
Center point:93.77°E,37.10°N;Arrows represent the wind direction of dune development
图21 柴达木盆地新月形沙丘与线形沙丘的共生现象(来源:Quick bird
Fig.21 Coexistence of barchans and linear dunes in the Qaidam Basin (source: Quick bird)
Center point:93.77°E,37.10°N;Arrows represent the wind direction of dune development
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