地球科学进展 ›› 2020, Vol. 35 ›› Issue (10): 1006 -1015. doi: 10.11867/j.issn.1001-8166.2020.080

所属专题: “火星地貌”虚拟专刊

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董治宝( ),吕萍,李超,胡光印   
  1. 陕西师范大学行星风沙科学研究院,陕西 西安 710119
  • 收稿日期:2020-05-25 修回日期:2020-09-07 出版日期:2020-10-10
  • 基金资助:

Characteristics and Formation Mechanism of Large Ripples on Mars

Zhibao Dong( ),Lü Ping,Chao Li,Guangyin Hu   

  1. Planetary Aeolian Research Institute,Shaanxi Normal University,Xi'an 710119,China
  • Received:2020-05-25 Revised:2020-09-07 Online:2020-10-10 Published:2020-11-30
  • About author:Dong Zhibao (1966- ), male, Hengshan County, Shaanxi Province, Professor. Research areas include aeolian geomorphology and physics of blown sand. E-mail: zbdong@snnu.edu.cn
  • Supported by:
    the National Natural Science Foundation of China "Weathering rate of the dry denudated mountains surrounding the Tarim Basin"(41930641);"Determination of time and length scales of dune dynamical model"(41871011)


Large Ripples (LRs) on Mars come into the subject of researchers with the acquisition of high resolution image data. LRs are a kind of aeolian bedforms with meter-scale wavelength, and outstanding features of their morphology, bedform patterns, mobility and formation processes. However, due to the limited exploration data, especially the lack of high resolution image data, the research scope and depth are extremely limited, which leads to the long-term neglect of their uniqueness, therefore, researches simply consider them as common sand ripples on Earth. Following the geomorphology law and based on the existing limited research, this paper introduces the morphology, sedimentology and formation mechanism of LRs, and discusses their potential research significance. Compared with ordinary sand ripples, LRs are larger with sinuous and sharp crest lines, asymmetric topographic profiles, the downwind slope angle is much bigger than that of upwind, and slip faces are marked by the presence of grainflows and grainfalls. LRs have strong mobility with obvious longitudinal extension of ridges, and the lateral migration is very small. They have various orientations and network patterns which can be used to inverse the complex wind regimes over a long period of time. Three hierarchical order aeolian bedforms of sand ripples, large ripples, and sand dunes can co-exist. Preliminary explorations show that the sedimentology of LRs is the well sorted fine-to-medium sand. Three formation hypotheses were proposed for LRs: dune hypothesis, impacting hypothesis and fluid-drag hypothesis, with more evidences supporting the fluid-drag hypothesis. LRs are different from normal sand ripples, and their uniqueness is of great significance to comprehend Martian aeolian geomorphology, environmental characteristics, and revolution history, and therefore, they are worth making an intensive study of.


图1 HiRISE高分辨率影像显示的火星大沙波纹(据参考文献[ 1 ]修改)
Fig.1 Typical large ripples and mixed square patterns in Bagnold dunes of Gale CraterHiRISE image)(modified after reference [ 1 ])
图2 “好奇号”火星车显示的火星另一个床面形态概率分布峰值—大沙波纹(据参考文献[ 3 ]修改)
Fig.2 Distinct modes of Martian aeolian ripples revealed by Curiosity Rover (modified after reference [ 3 ])
图3 拜格诺沙地山丘上大沙波纹的波长变化(据参考文献[ 5 ]修改)
Fig.3 Variation of wavelength of large ripples over a dune in the Bagnold Dunefield (modified after reference [ 5 ])
图4 栏杆相机照片显示的大沙波纹及其上叠置的沙波纹(据参考文献[ 3 ]修改)
Fig.4 Large ripples and their superimposed ripples revealed by Mastcam camera (modified after reference [ 3 ])
图5 火星机械臂透镜成像仪照片显示的大沙波纹坡面上的颗粒滑落与滑塌现象(据参考文献[ 3 ]修改)
Fig.5 Grainflow and grainfall on a large ripple slope revealed by MAHLI camera (modified after reference [ 3 ])
图6 火星拜格诺沙地沙丘上大沙波纹的网格状格局(据参考文献[ 5 ]修改)
Fig.6 Network patterns of large ripples on a dune of the Bagnold Dunefield (modified after reference [ 5 ])
图7 火星拜格诺沙地沙丘上大沙波纹的两期照片对比显示的大沙波纹移动量(据参考文献[ 5 ]修改)
Fig.7 Minimum migration axial field computed for the interval between two images (modified after reference [ 5 ])
图8 火星拜格诺沙地沙丘上大沙波纹显示的几种不同风况(据参考文献[ 5 ]修改)
Fig.8 Length-weighted circular distributions of trends of large ripples (modified after reference [ 5 ])
图9 火星维多利亚陨击坑开铺圣玛丽露头显示的埋藏大沙波纹(据参考文献[ 3 ]修改)
Fig.9 Candidate wind-drag ripple stratification on Mars: Mars Exploration Rover Panoramic Camera image (P2441, sol 1212) of Cape St. Mary outcrop, Victoria crater, Mars (modified after reference [ 3 ])
(a) Mars Exploration Rover Panoramic Camera image of Cape St. Mary outcrop, Victoria crater, Mars; (b) Decimeter-scale cross-strata of the white box shows the location of (a); (c) An interpretation of stratal features from (b);(d) Uninterpreted (top) and interpreted (bottom) stratification produced by kinematic modeling of compound bedforms. Yellow and red lines represent erosional surfaces produced by migration of dunes and wind-drag ripples separately; Blue lines indicate wind-drag ripple cross-stratification; Black lines represent uninterpreted stratification
图10 火星大沙波纹的纵向延伸(据参考文献[ 3 ]修改)
Fig.10 Longitudinal migration of LRs (modified after reference [ 3 ])
(a) Longitudinal migration of LRs in the Bagnold dunefield, Gale crater, Mars (at T1~T3); (b)The location of Y junction with time; (c) Comparation of longitudinal direction of Y junction and crest orientation of LRs; Yellow, red, and blue lines in figure (a) and (b) represent longitudinal migration of LRs during the period of T1, T2, and T3
图11 美国亚利桑州那切里大峡谷现代河流中的中细沙水下沙波纹(据参考文献[ 3 ]修改)
Fig.11 Subaqueous ripples in fine-to-medium sand, in a modern river near the Canyon de Chelly, Arizona, United States (modified after reference [ 3 ])
图12 流体拖拽沙波纹的尺度比例关系(据参考文献[ 3 ]修改)
Fig.12 Scaling of fluid-drag ripples (modified after reference [ 3 ])
Large Martian ripples match fluid-drag ripple theory, in contrast to Martian dunes and small Martian ripples
图13 火星风力拖拽沙波纹波长随大气密度的变化(据参考文献[ 3 ]修改)
Fig.13 Wavelength of wind-drag ripples on Mars as a function of atmospheric density (modified after reference [ 3 ])
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