地球科学进展 ›› 2014, Vol. 29 ›› Issue (8): 890 -902. doi: 10.11867/j.issn.1001-8166.2014.08.0890

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陈汉林 1, 2, *( ), 陈沈强 1, 2, *, 林秀斌 1, 2, *   
  1. 1 浙江大学地球科学系, 浙江 杭州 310027
    2 教育部含油气盆地构造研究中心, 浙江 杭州 310027
  • 收稿日期:2014-05-26 修回日期:2014-07-02 出版日期:2014-09-16
  • 通讯作者: 陈汉林,陈沈强,林秀斌 E-mail:hlchen@zju.edu.cn
  • 基金资助:

A Review of the Cenozoic tectonic evolution of Pamir Syntax

Hanlin Chen 1, 2, *( ), Shenqiang Chen 1, 2, Xiubin Lin 1, 2   

  1. 1 Department of Earth Sciences, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou 310027, China
    2 Research Center for the Structures in Oil and Gas Bearing Basin, Ministry of Education, Hangzhou 310027, China
  • Received:2014-05-26 Revised:2014-07-02 Online:2014-09-16 Published:2014-09-17
  • Contact: Hanlin Chen E-mail:hlchen@zju.edu.cn

帕米尔弧形构造带有巨大的地壳缩短量、近双倍的地壳增厚、巨大的海拔高程、同造山伸展作用, 对塔西南新生代构造变形、沉积和古气候影响重大。但是, 对于帕米尔的构造过程尚存在争议。基于前人研究成果, 可将帕米尔新生代构造演化过程归结如下:印度—欧亚板块的碰撞导致帕米尔在新生代早期开始构造抬升, 并在新生代晚期持续抬升。帕米尔北缘的主帕米尔逆冲断裂(MPT)和帕米尔前缘逆冲推覆系(PFT)可能在早—中中新世开始活动;东缘喀喇昆仑断裂(KKF)北段的起始活动时间在早—中中新世, 喀什—叶城走滑系统(KYTS)则于晚始新世—早中新世开始活动, 表明帕米尔可能在约20 Ma BP开始呈弧形向北挤入欧亚板块。10~7 Ma BP帕米尔内部的公格尔伸展系统开始发育。至上新世, KKF北段停止活动;KYTS在晚中新世或上新世的走滑速率大幅减小, 表明帕米尔与塔里木板块间的相对运动量在不断减少。对于帕米尔弧形构造带形成及其演化动力学机制的更清晰界定还有赖于构造过程时空分布、造山带与盆地以及地壳浅表与地球深部过程的系统研究。

Pamir syntax, a region with vast crustal shortening, doubled crust thickness, huge topographic elevation, and synorogenic extension, profoundly influences the structural deformation, sedimentation and paleoclimate in southwestern Tarim basin. However, the orogenic process of the Pamir is still controversial. Based on the previous research work, the Cenozoic tectonic evolution of the Pamir is summarized as follows. Due to the northward propagation of the IndiaAsia collision and subsequently south dipping subduction along the Main Pamir Thrust, the Pamir experienced tectonic uplift during the Cenozoic. The onset of thrusting and/or slipping along the Main Pamir Thrust, Pamir Frontal Thrust, northern segment of the Karakorum fault and Kashgar-Yecheng transfer system indicates that the northward motion of the Pamir happened at least since ca. 20 Ma BP. The eastwest extension along the Kongur Shan extensional system has an initiation age of 10~7 Ma BP. The termination of slip along the northern segment of the Karakorum fault occurred in the Pliocene and the slip rate of the Kashgar-Yecheng transfer system decreased substantially during the late Miocene or Pliocene, possibly reflecting the substantial decrease of the relative motion magnitude between the Pamir and Tarim plate. To specifically understand the orogeny in Pamir, a couple of aspects of studies should be addressed in the future, involving the spatio-temporal variations of orogenic process, the basin-range coupling and the coupling between shallow crust and deep process.


图1 帕米尔构造简图(据文献[ 10 , 23 ]修改)
Fig.1 Simplified structural map of major tectonic domains within the Pamir (modified from references [ 10 , 23 ])
图2 帕米尔深部结构示意图(据文献[40]修改)
Fig.2 Cartoon showing the deep structure of the Pamir (modified from reference [40])
图3 帕米尔构造活动时间分布图 条带代表构造活动时间
Fig.3 Summary of the timing of tectonic activities in Pamir Boxes indicate the duration of tectonic activities
图4 帕米尔新生代构造演化图(据文献[ 68 ]修改)
Fig.4 Four schematic cross-sections illustrating the Cenozoic evolution of the Pamir (modified from reference [ 68 ])
图5 帕米尔构造演化运动学模型((a)~(d)据文献[23]修改;(e)和(f)据文献[10, 84]修改)
Fig.5 Models for the evolution of the Pamir ((a)~(d) are modified from reference [23]; (e) and (f) are modified from references [10, 84])
图6 帕米尔周缘地区古地磁旋转量分布简图(据文献[ 84 ]修改) 深灰色为白垩系数据, 灰色为古近系数据, 浅灰色为新近系数据
Fig.6 Simplified structural map of the Pamir collision zone showing the distribution of paleomagnetic rotations from Cretaceous and Cenozoic strata around the Pamir (modified from reference [ 84 ]) Dark grey indicates Cretaceous data, medium grey indicates Paleogene data, and light grey indicates Neogene data
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