地球科学进展 ›› 2023, Vol. 38 ›› Issue (8): 866 -878. doi: 10.11867/j.issn.1001-8166.2023.048

“事件沉积与灾害历史”专栏 上一篇    

加依娜·叶尔扎提 1 , 2( ), 陈震 1 , 3, 张献河 4, 林小明 4, 吴维盛 4, 黄孝波 4, 闫亚鹏 5, 汤永杰 1, 刘洁 1 , 6 , 7( )   
  1. 1.中山大学 地球科学与工程学院,广东 珠海 519082
    2.新疆宝地矿业股份有限公司,新疆 乌鲁木齐 830000
    3.广东中大深地科学研究院有限公司,广东 广州 510275
    4.广东省地质调查院,广东 广州 510080
    5.广东省佛山地质局,广东 佛山 528000
    6.广东省地质过程与矿产资源探查重点实验室,广东 珠海 519082
    7.南方海洋科学与工程广东省实验室(珠海),广东 珠海 519082
  • 收稿日期:2023-06-09 修回日期:2023-07-06 出版日期:2023-08-10
  • 通讯作者: 刘洁 E-mail:jiayina@mail2.sysu.edu.cn;liujie86@mail.sysu.edu.cn
  • 基金资助:

Application of 3D Digital Core Technique to the Deformation of Quaternary Soft Sediment in the Pearl River Delta

Yeerzhati JIAYINA 1 , 2( ), Zhen CHEN 1 , 3, Xianhe ZHANG 4, Xiaoming LIN 4, Weisheng WU 4, Xiaobo HUANG 4, Yapeng YAN 5, Yongjie TANG 1, Jie LIU 1 , 6 , 7( )   

  1. 1.School of Earth Sciences and Engineering, Sun Yat-sen University, Guangdong Zhuhai 519082, China
    2.Xinjiang Baodi Mining Co. , Ltd. , Urumqi 830000, China
    3.GDZD Institute on Deep-Earth Sciences Co. , Ltd. , Guangzhou 510275, China
    4.Geological Survey of Guangdong Province, Guangzhou 510080, China
    5.Guangdong Foshan Geological Survey, Guangdong Foshan 528000, China
    6.Guangdong Provincial Key Laboratory of Mineral Resources & Geological Processes, Guangdong Zhuhai 519082, China
    7.Southern Marine Science and Engineering Guangdong;Laboratory (Zhuhai), Guangdong Zhuhai 519082, China
  • Received:2023-06-09 Revised:2023-07-06 Online:2023-08-10 Published:2023-08-28
  • Contact: Jie LIU E-mail:jiayina@mail2.sysu.edu.cn;liujie86@mail.sysu.edu.cn
  • About author:JIAYINA Yeerzhati (1996-), female, Altay Prefecture, Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region, Master student. Research area inclueds rock micro CT technology. E-mail: jiayina@mail2.sysu.edu.cn
  • Supported by:
    the Specially Funded Project for Land and Resources Protection and Governance in Guangdong Province “Exploration and research on basement faults in the Pearl River Delta”(2017201);“Urban Geological Survey of Nanhai District, Foshan City” (Grant No. JF2021(NH)WZ0246)


The presence of Late Quaternary faults in the Pearl River Delta region is an important factor that may affect the development of the Greater Bay Area. Loose Quaternary sediments within active fault zones are the main markers and information carriers of fault activity, comprehensive observations of loose sediments from the point view of three-dimension are difficult. In this study, borehole cores from the main fault zones in Xilingang, Guangzhou were X-ray CT scanned using whole-core scanning devices, images were processed and visualized by using the volume rendering technique to investigate the 3D structures of the cores focusing on the deformation of Quaternary unconsolidated sediments. The study demonstrates that the CT scan of borehole cores enables us to virtually observe cores with reality from different perspectives by free rotations, which is impossible to reach physically for unconsolidated cores, and further reveals a large number of phenomena that cannot be observed from conventional core photographs, including the internal heterogeneous structures, the distribution of materials, and the extending pattern and compositions of fractures. Combined with the dating results of sediments, the time of fault activity can be estimated. Therefore, whole-core CT scanning can be a preferred new method for studying unconsolidated borehole cores and is recommended for geological exploration and active fault investigations in areas covered by soft sediments.


图1 珠江三角洲及研究区地理位置
Fig. 1 Geographical locations of the Pearl River Delta Basin and our study area
(a) Location of regional faults and some boreholes in the Pearl River Delta Basin; (b) Locations of boreholes and exploring profiles in Xilingang area
表1 ZK0053岩性特征描述
Table 1 Lithologic characterization of ZK0053
深度范围/m 地层 岩性及沉积相 其他
0~3.20 人工填土 人工填土
3.20~10.00 全新统灯笼沙(Qh dl 灰黑色、灰褐色黏土质粉砂,见螺、腐木、贝壳等发育,滨海相、潮坪相沉积 见“泥包砂”现象发育,8.80 m处见“微褶皱”发育
10.00~13.50 全新统万顷沙(Qh w 深灰色、灰白色含泥质细砂,河流相沉积为主 10.55~11.05 m处见薄层状黏土发育“微褶皱层”
13.50~15.30 更新统三角组(Qpsj 褐红色花斑土,局部见黄褐色黏土,风成沉积 发育微褶皱纹层、层内扭曲、卷曲变形等同生变形,局部发育“泥包砂”
15.30~16.50 更新统三角组(Qpsj 灰黑色黏土夹灰白色黏土质粉砂,河漫滩或沼泽相沉积 发育层状扭曲、卷曲变形
16.50~17.10 更新统三角组(Qpsj 褐红色黏土夹灰白色粉细砂,河漫滩或沼泽相沉积 17.00 m处见一宽2 mm“沙脉”
17.10~24.10 更新统三角组(Qpsj 灰黑色黏土夹薄层状灰白色粉砂,河漫滩或沼泽相沉积 发育明显同层扭曲、褶皱
24.10~24.30 更新统三角组(Qpsj 深灰色、灰白色粉细砂夹少量石英质砾,河漫滩或沼泽相沉积
24.30~26.90 更新统西南组(Qpx 深灰色、灰黑色黏土质粉细砂,滨海相或潮坪相沉积 见“挤压片理”、层内扭曲,局部见碳质夹层、绿泥石化
26.90~27.80 更新统西南组(Qpx 灰黑色粉细砂,夹少量黏土,滨海相、潮坪相沉积
27.80~28.80 更新统西南组(Qpx 黄褐色强风化碎裂化花岗岩,风成沉积 局部见硅化,未胶结,角砾大小为0.1~5.0 cm
28.80~29.40 更新统西南组(Qpx 深灰色含泥质粉细砂,河流相沉积 发育类“片理化构造”,见绿泥石、绢云母填充
29.40~29.87 更新统西南组(Qpx 浅绿色粉细砂,河流相沉积 见4条近垂直“砂脉”,呈波浪状起伏,宽1~5 mm,出露长度约50 cm
29.87~95.00 白垩系(K) 硅化、碎裂化花岗岩,褐铁矿化、硅化、绢云母化碎裂岩,绿泥石化中粒二长花岗岩,构造角砾岩、碎斑岩等 基岩破碎带
表2 ZK0065岩性特征描述
Table 2 Lithologic characterization of ZK0065
表3 ZK0053ZK0065第四纪沉积物 14C测年结果表
Table 3 14C dating results of quaternary sediments of ZK0053 and ZK0065
图2 钻孔ZK0053ZK0065岩芯照片
Fig. 2 Photographs of cores of ZK0053 and ZK0065
表4 岩芯样品 CT扫描信息
Table 4 CT scan information of core sample
图3 体渲染使用的色彩表
Fig. 3 Colormaps used for volume rendering
(a) Grayscale colormap and near-linear transparency setting; (b) Blue-yellow colormap and locally highlighted transparency setting
图4 ZK0053钻孔6~7 m17~18 m深度岩芯图像
(a)6~7 m深度岩芯照片;(b)6~7 m深度岩芯线性灰度体渲染结果图; (c)6~7 m深度岩芯伪彩色体渲染结果图;(d)17~18 m深度岩芯照片;(e)17~18 m深度岩芯线性灰度体渲染结果图
Fig. 4 Images of cores in 6~7 m and 17~18 m depth of ZK0053
(a) Photograph of the core in 6~7 m; (b) Grayscale volume rendering of the core in 6~7 m; (c) Pseudo-color volume rendering of the core in 6~7 m; (d) Photograph of the core in 17~18 m; (e) Grayscale volume rendering of the core in 17~18 m
图5 ZK0053钻孔14~15 m深度岩芯图像
Fig. 5 Images of the core in the depth of 14~15 m of ZK0053
(a) Photograph of the core segment; (b) Pseudo-color volume rendering of the core segment; (c) Pseudo-color volume rendering of the zoom-in image of the framed segment in (b); (d) Slice view of volume rendering, position indicated by the line in (c); (e) Cross-section view of YZ direction of the core in (b); (f) Cross-section view of XZ direction in (b)
图6 ZK0053钻孔18~19 m深度岩芯图像
Fig. 6 Images of the core in the depth of 18~19 m of ZK0053
(a) Photograph of the core segment; (b) Pseudo-color volume rendering of the core segment; (c)~(e) Slice views of the volume rendering in the positions indicated by lines in (b)
图7 ZK0053钻孔15~16 m29~30 m深度岩芯图像
(a)15~16 mm深度岩芯照片;(b)15~16 m深度岩芯线性灰度体渲染结果图; (c)15~16 m深度岩芯伪彩色体渲染结果图;(d)15~16 m深度裂缝处的灰度变化曲线图[对应图(b)中橙色线的位置];(e)29~30 m深度裂缝处的灰度变化曲线图[对应图(f)中橙色线的位置];(f)29~30 m深度岩芯照片;(g)29~30 m深度岩芯线性灰度体渲染结果图; (h)29~30 m深度岩芯伪彩色体渲染结果图
Fig. 7 Images of the core in the depth of 15~16 m and 29~30 m of ZK0053
(a) Photograph of the core segment in the depth of 15~16 m; (b) Greyscale volume rendering of the core segment in the depth of 15~16 m; (c) Pseudo-color volume rendering of the core segment in the depth of 15~16 m; (d) Greyscale slice view in the position indicated by the line in panel (b) with greyscale values along the bold line across the crack in the depth of 15~16 m; (e) Greyscale slice view in the position indicated by the line in panel (f) with greyscale values along the bold line in the depth of 29~30 m; (f) Photograph of the core segment in the depth of 29~30 m; (g) Greyscale volume rendering of the core segment in the depth of 29~30 m; (h) Pseudo-color volume rendering of the core segment in the depth of 29~30 m
图8 ZK0065钻孔15~16 m深度岩芯图像
Fig. 8 Images of the core in the depth of 15~16 m of ZK0065
(a) Photograph of the core segment; (b) Greyscale volume rendering of the core segment; (c) Pseudo-color volume rendering of the core segment
图9 位于广州番禺的DH07钻孔9.35~10.35 m深度岩芯图像
Fig. 9 Images of the core in the depth of 9.35~10.35 m of DH07 located in PanyuGuangzhou
(a) Photograph of the core segment; (b) Greyscale volume rendering of the core segment; (c) Pseudo-color volume rendering of the core segment
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