地球科学进展 ›› 2020, Vol. 35 ›› Issue (4): 404 -413. doi: 10.11867/j.issn.1001-8166.2020.034

构造地貌学专栏 上一篇    下一篇

贺鑫( ),胡小飞( ),潘保田   
  1. 兰州大学资源环境学院,甘肃 兰州 730030
  • 收稿日期:2020-01-22 修回日期:2020-03-09 出版日期:2020-04-10
  • 通讯作者: 胡小飞 E-mail:feixhu@lzu.edu.cn
  • 基金资助:

Research and Understanding of the Evolution of the Yellow River Valley in Lanzhou

Xin He( ),Xiaofei Hu( ),Baotian Pan   

  1. College of Resources and Environment, Lanzhou University, Lanzhou 730030, China
  • Received:2020-01-22 Revised:2020-03-09 Online:2020-04-10 Published:2020-05-08
  • Contact: Xiaofei Hu E-mail:feixhu@lzu.edu.cn
  • About author:He Xin (1995-), female, Handan City, Hebei Province, Master student. Research areas include quaternary geology. E-mail: hex17@lzu.edu.cn
  • Supported by:
    the Second Tibetan Plateau Scientific Expedition Program “Ice-river-lake evolution history event and coupling process”(2019QZKK0208);“Paleogeographic pattern and tectonic geomorphic process since collision”(2019QZKK0704)

兰州盆地作为黄河自青藏高原流入黄土高原的转折点,其河谷演化对黄河水系在不同地貌单元的演化研究有承上启下的意义。兰州黄河河谷演化研究至今已有近100年的历史,在研究过程中取得了重要的研究成果和认识: 兰州盆地黄河河谷之上发育1级剥蚀面,河谷中发育了宽广连续的9级阶地;利用多种测年技术较系统地测定了1级剥蚀面和9级黄河阶地的年代。 提出兰州黄河基座阶地的形成模式——在长期地面抬升的背景下,气候变化控制阶地形成的年代,抬升速率影响阶地的级数。 兰州至其上游各盆地内黄河最高级阶地年代逐渐年轻化,揭示现代黄河上游水系格局的形成是黄河自兰州盆地不断溯源侵蚀,逐渐贯通上游内流盆地的结果。同时,阶地序列年代学仍需继续深入,区域构造抬升变形特征缺乏直接证据,阶地发育模式需要模型模拟进行验证,水系变化的地貌响应不清楚,以及阶地河漫滩沉积记录的河流过程缺乏关注,这些问题将是今后研究的重点。

As the turning point of the Yellow River flowing from the Tibetan Plateau to the Loess Plateau, the valley evolution of Lanzhou Basin is of great significance to the study of the evolution of the Yellow River system in different geomorphic units. The evolution of the Yellow River Valley in Lanzhou has been studied for nearly 100 years. In the process of research, important research results and understandings have been obtained as follows: The denudation surface develops above the Yellow River Valley in Lanzhou Basin, and the broad and continuous 9-level terrace develops in the valley. The age of the denudation surface and 9-level Yellow River terrace was systematically determined by using a variety of dating techniques. The development pattern of the strath terraces of the Yellow River in Lanzhou was put forward. Under the background of long-term ground uplift, climate change controls the age of terrace formation, and the rate of uplift affects the number of terrace. The age of the highest terrace of the Yellow River in the basins from Lanzhou to the upper reaches of the Yellow River is gradually younger. It is revealed that the formation of the present pattern in the upper reach of the Yellow River is the result of the headward erosion from Lanzhou Basin and the drainage intergration of the internal flow basin. At the same time, the chronology of terrace sequence still needs to be deepened, the characteristics of regional tectonic uplift and deformation are lack of direct evidence, the development pattern of terrace needs to be verified by model simulation, the geomorphic response of drainage change is not clear, and the river process recorded by the deposition of terrace flood plain is lack of attention. All those issues will be the focus of future research.


图1 兰州盆地地理位置(a)及地质概况(b
Fig.1 Geographical location (a) and geological survey (b) of Lanzhou Basin
图2 兰州盆地各级地貌面分布(据参考文献[ 4 ]修改)
Fig.2 Distribution of geomorphic surface at all levels in Lanzhou Basinmodified after reference[ 4 ])
表1 兰州盆地地貌面年代
Table 1 The age of layered landform surfaces in Lanzhou Basin
地貌面 地点 方法 位置 年代 参考文献
剥蚀面 烟洞沟 古地磁 黄土底部 1.80 Ma [ 28 ]
剥蚀面 烟洞沟 裂变径迹 砾石层底 1.79 Ma [ 2 ]
五泉砾岩 五泉山 宇生核素埋藏 砾岩内部

2 . 72 - 0.46 + 0.54 ? M a

2 . 85 - 0.52 + 0.60 Ma

[ 12 ]
五泉砾岩 范家坪 古地磁 砾岩顶底 2.2~3.6 Ma [ 12 ]
T9 薛家湾 古地磁 黄土底部 1.66 Ma [ 28 ]
T9 薛家湾 宇生核素埋藏 砾石层 (2.81±0.44) Ma [ 42 ]
T8 九州台 古地磁 黄土底部 1~1.1 Ma [ 21 ]
T8 九州台 古地磁 黄土底部 1.3 Ma [ 22 ]
T8 九州台 古地磁 黄土底部 2.4 Ma [ 24 ]
T8 九州台 古地磁 漫滩底部 1.3 Ma [ 20 ]
T8 九州台 古地磁 黄土底部 1.2 Ma [ 20 ]
T8 九州台 古地磁+古土壤 黄土底部 1.3~1.4 Ma [ 25 ]
T8 九州台 古土壤断代 漫滩底部 1.48 Ma [ 25 ]
T8 九州台 裂变径迹 砾石层顶部 1.48 Ma [ 27 ]
T8 九州台 宇生核素埋藏 砾石层 (2.10±0.38) Ma [ 42 ]
T7 骆驼岘 古地磁+古土壤 黄土底部 1.24 Ma [ 4 ]
T7 墩洼山 宇生核素埋藏 砾石层 (2.02±0.29) Ma [ 42 ]
T6 大浪沟 古地磁+古土壤 黄土底部 1.05 Ma [ 4 ]
T6 大浪沟 宇生核素埋藏 砾石层 (1.39±0.28) Ma [ 42 ]
T5 小沙沟 古地磁+古土壤 黄土底部 0.96 Ma [ 4 ]
T5 小沙沟 宇生核素埋藏 砾石层 (0.83±0.27) Ma [ 42 ]
T4 枣树沟 古地磁 黄土底部 0.86 Ma [ 4 ]
T4 五一山 古地磁 黄土底部 0.86 Ma [ 4 ]
T4 枣树沟 宇生核素埋藏 砾石层 (0.83±0.25) Ma [ 42 ]
T3 白塔山 古土壤断代 黄土底部 0.13 Ma [ 4 ]
T3 范家坪(西盆地) 光释光 黄土底部 (54.5±6.6) ka [ 39 ]
T2 沙金坪 红外释光 黄土底部 (53.9±3.7) ka [ 37 ]
T2 沙井驿(西盆地) 光释光 河漫滩底部 (24.6±0.2) ka [ 38 ]
T2 罗锅沟 14C 河漫滩底部 (34.8±1.26) ka [ 6 ]
T1 兰州市区 14C 黄土底部 (6.68±0.18) ka [ 6 ]
图3 兰州盆地各级地貌面年代(据参考文献[ 42 ]修改)
Fig.3 Age of geomorphic surface at all levels in Lanzhou Basinmodified after reference[ 42 ])
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