地球科学进展 ›› 1991, Vol. 6 ›› Issue (4): 24 -29. doi: 10.11867/j.issn.1001-8166.1991.04.0024
干旱气候变化与可持续发展 上一篇 下一篇
Ye Duzheng,Huang Ronghui
本文综述了“我国长江黄河两流域旱涝规律成因与预测研究”项目这三年来所取得的研究进展。本项目对于这两流域旱涝发生的年代际、年际以及季节内变化规律及发生的环流条件进行分析,同时对于这两流域旱涝成因提出了初步看法,指出热带西太平洋暖池热力状态与暖池上空的积云对流活动的强弱以及青藏高原上空的对流活动是影响这两流域旱涝的主要原因。本研究还利用大气环流模式对这两流域旱涝发生及其环流条件进行数值模拟以及进行预测试验。 本文还对项目研究所存在的问题进行分析,以便取得更高水平的研究成果。
The advances obtained by the project "Investigation on Laws, Causes and Predictions of Droughts And Floods In The Yellow River valley And The Yangtze River valley of China" for this three years are reviewed in this paper. The laws of decadal scale, interannual and Intraseasonal variations and circulation conditions of droughts and floods in these two valleys are analysed in detail. Moreover, the preliminary views of the causes of droughts and floods in these two valleys are put forward. The investigations of the project have pointed out that the thermal state in the western Pacific warm pool and the connective activities over the warm pool and the connective activities over the Tibetan Plateau may be siganificant causes of droughts and floods caused in these two valleys. Besides, the numerical simulation of occurance and circulation condition of droughts and floods resulted in these two valleys and their prediction experiments have been made by using the atmospheric general circulation model. In this paper, the problems in research of the project are also analysed so that to obtain the investigated results in more higher level.