地球科学进展 ›› 2021, Vol. 36 ›› Issue (4): 375 -389. doi: 10.11867/j.issn.1001-8166.2021.041

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李向东( )   
  1. 昆明理工大学国土资源工程学院,云南 昆明 650093
  • 收稿日期:2021-01-13 修回日期:2021-03-25 出版日期:2021-05-31
  • 基金资助:

Current Situation of Combined-flow Deposition for Sedimentary Characteristic Series and Its Theory Frame Work

Xiangdong LI( )   

  1. School of Land Resource Engineering,Kunming University of Science and Technology,Kunming 650093,China
  • Received:2021-01-13 Revised:2021-03-25 Online:2021-05-31 Published:2021-05-31
  • About author:LI Xiangdong (1973-), male, Lantian County, Shaanxi Province, Associate professor. Research areas include marine sedimentology. E-mail: lixiangdong614@163.com
  • Supported by:
    the National Natural Science Foundation of China “Study of the evolution of turbidity currents and its interaction with internal waves of Middle and Upper Ordovician on the southeastern margin of Alxa block and western margin of Ordos basin”(41272119)


Combined flows belong to the interaction between different flows, common with both a unidirectional and an oscillatory component, which were first investigated in flume experiments associated with sedimentology. Deposits of combined flows have great significance in the study of sedimentology in a complex hydrodynamic system, which includes the main evidence for the interaction between different sedimentary flows in rocks. Here we review the deposits of combined-flow from three sections based on present literatures: bed configurations and series of vertical sequences; sedimentary effects of flow and series of cross-bedding structures; and sole marks on muddy substrate. The characteristics of combined-flow deposits are controlled by velocities of unidirectional and oscillatory flow, therefore both the bed configurations and related laminated structures have a continuous variation from symmetric to asymmetric form, and become more asymmetric as the unidirectional flow velocity increases. The vertical sequence is between the vertical stratification produced by suspension of purely unidirectional flow and oscillatory flow, and Bouma sequence and tempestite sequence are their end-member cases, respectively. Although the combined-flow deposits are mainly composed of silt and fine-grained sand, some special granular fabric is produced in coarser particles such as plate-like intraclasts. Different spectrum of sole surfaces on muddy substrate is also formed among bed side sedimentary structures because of the variable velocities (including magnitude and superposition direction) of unidirectional and oscillatory flows. Therefore, in the future research area of combined-flow deposits, sedimentary processes research of the interaction of unidirectional and oscillatory flows should be paid much attention, rather than sedimentary mode research for traditional sedimentology based on the various sedimentary environment.


图1 复合流底床形态相图与垂向序列[ 1 , 32 , 33 , 42 , 43 ]
(a)复合流底床形态相图,实线由水槽实验结果绘出,短虚线为推测界线 [ 1 ];(b)和(c)复合流沉积示意图 [ 42 ];(d)、(e)和(f)特殊路径复合流沉积垂向序列 [ 43 ],(d)为(a)中的路径1,(e)为(a)中的路径2,(f)为(a)中的路径3;NM:无颗粒移动,流体能量在主要颗粒移动门限之下,对应于鲍玛序列中的上平行层理段;CR:流水波痕;S2D:小型2D波痕;SS3D:对称小型3D波痕;AS3D:不对称小型3D波痕;SLR:对称大型3D波痕;ALR:不对称大型3D波痕;PB:平行层理(含准平行层理);CFR:复合流层理;HCS:丘状交错层理(含似丘状交错层理);MG: 块状层或粒序层;M: 泥质层(静水或近静水沉积); Uw:振荡流速度; Uc:单向流速度
Fig.1 The bed-phase graph and vertical stratification sequences of combined-flow[ 1 , 32 , 33 , 42 , 43 ]
(a)The bed-phase graph of combined-flow, solid line based on the flume experiment, short dashed line extend the experiment result [ 1 ]; (b)and(c)Cartoon for deposition of combined flow [ 42 ]; (d),(e) and (f) Vertical sequence of combined-flow for designation decelerating path [ 43 ], which is the path one, two, and three in (a) respectively; NM:No Movement, the flow energy is below transport threshold of main grains, correspond to plane bed of Bouma “d” division; CR:Current Ripples; S2D:Small 2D (two:Dimension) Ripples; SS3D:Symmetrical Small 3D (three:Dimension) Ripples; AS3D:Asymmetrical Small 3D Ripples; SLR:Symmetrical Large 3D Ripples; ALR:Asymmetrical Large 3D Ripples; PB:Plane Bed (include quasi:Planar lamination); CFR:Combined-Flow Ripple laminations; HCS:Hummocky Cross Stratification (include hummocky: Like cross stratification); MG: Massive or Graded bed; M:Mud bed (in-stu or close to in-stu deposits); Uw:Oscillatory current velocity; Uc:Unidirectional current velocity
图1 复合流底床形态相图与垂向序列[ 1 , 32 , 33 , 42 , 43 ]
(a)复合流底床形态相图,实线由水槽实验结果绘出,短虚线为推测界线 [ 1 ];(b)和(c)复合流沉积示意图 [ 42 ];(d)、(e)和(f)特殊路径复合流沉积垂向序列 [ 43 ],(d)为(a)中的路径1,(e)为(a)中的路径2,(f)为(a)中的路径3;NM:无颗粒移动,流体能量在主要颗粒移动门限之下,对应于鲍玛序列中的上平行层理段;CR:流水波痕;S2D:小型2D波痕;SS3D:对称小型3D波痕;AS3D:不对称小型3D波痕;SLR:对称大型3D波痕;ALR:不对称大型3D波痕;PB:平行层理(含准平行层理);CFR:复合流层理;HCS:丘状交错层理(含似丘状交错层理);MG: 块状层或粒序层;M: 泥质层(静水或近静水沉积); Uw:振荡流速度; Uc:单向流速度
Fig.1 The bed-phase graph and vertical stratification sequences of combined-flow[ 1 , 32 , 33 , 42 , 43 ]
(a)The bed-phase graph of combined-flow, solid line based on the flume experiment, short dashed line extend the experiment result [ 1 ]; (b)and(c)Cartoon for deposition of combined flow [ 42 ]; (d),(e) and (f) Vertical sequence of combined-flow for designation decelerating path [ 43 ], which is the path one, two, and three in (a) respectively; NM:No Movement, the flow energy is below transport threshold of main grains, correspond to plane bed of Bouma “d” division; CR:Current Ripples; S2D:Small 2D (two:Dimension) Ripples; SS3D:Symmetrical Small 3D (three:Dimension) Ripples; AS3D:Asymmetrical Small 3D Ripples; SLR:Symmetrical Large 3D Ripples; ALR:Asymmetrical Large 3D Ripples; PB:Plane Bed (include quasi:Planar lamination); CFR:Combined-Flow Ripple laminations; HCS:Hummocky Cross Stratification (include hummocky: Like cross stratification); MG: Massive or Graded bed; M:Mud bed (in-stu or close to in-stu deposits); Uw:Oscillatory current velocity; Uc:Unidirectional current velocity
表1 复合流波痕的类型与特征 [ 1 , 2 , 32 ]
Table 1 Types and characteristics of combined-flow ripples [ 1 , 2 , 32 ]
波痕类型 定义 特征
流水波痕 波峰和波谷均较圆滑,呈不对称状,陡坡倾向指示水流方向 平均波长约35 cm,平均波高1.5 cm,各波痕指数平均值分别为:RI=12,RSI=1.9,RDI=0.5
小型2D波痕 规则波痕,具有平直且侧向连续的波脊,波峰尖锐、波谷圆滑,与流向垂直 波长小于振荡流轨迹直径,平均长度约23 cm,平均波高约3.7 cm,6≤RI≤14,平均为10,RSI≈1,RDI平均0.38
3D波痕 小型 对称 与小型2D波痕类似,平面上呈三维形态,具有弯曲至不规则的波脊,波谷可出现剥蚀现象,波长一般为10~50 cm 平均波长21 cm,波高3.1 cm,各波痕指数平均值分别为:RI=7,RSI=1.1,RDI=0.42
不对称 平均波长22 cm,波高变化较大,平均2.5 cm,4≤RI≤11,平均为8,RSI平均1.5~1.9,RDI平均0.59
大型 对称 具有尖锐的波峰、宽缓而圆滑的波谷以及平直的迎流面,波脊弯曲连续或平直断续,常具有波脊分岔现象 其上常叠置有小型波痕,波长一般大于50 cm,8≤RI≤26,平均为13,1.0≤RSI≤1.9,平均为1.3,0.4≤RDI≤0.7,平均为0.5
不对称 具有突变边界而形态模糊的波峰、深的波谷和圆滑的迎流面,平面上波脊形态多变,从弯曲连续到不规则,无平直波脊 其上常叠置有小型波痕,波长一般大于50 cm,7≤RI≤19,平均为10,1.5≤RSI≤9.0,平均为3.3, RDI≥0.6,平均为0.7
丘状(似丘状)底床 与大型3D波痕类似,具有特征性的宽广而圆滑的波峰,无突变的崩落点,平面上呈孤立的三维丘状形态 7≤RI≤26,平均为13,0.4≤RDI≤0.9,RSI介于对称3D波痕和不对称3D波痕之间,平均为2.4
表1 复合流波痕的类型与特征 [ 1 , 2 , 32 ]
Table 1 Types and characteristics of combined-flow ripples [ 1 , 2 , 32 ]
波痕类型 定义 特征
流水波痕 波峰和波谷均较圆滑,呈不对称状,陡坡倾向指示水流方向 平均波长约35 cm,平均波高1.5 cm,各波痕指数平均值分别为:RI=12,RSI=1.9,RDI=0.5
小型2D波痕 规则波痕,具有平直且侧向连续的波脊,波峰尖锐、波谷圆滑,与流向垂直 波长小于振荡流轨迹直径,平均长度约23 cm,平均波高约3.7 cm,6≤RI≤14,平均为10,RSI≈1,RDI平均0.38
3D波痕 小型 对称 与小型2D波痕类似,平面上呈三维形态,具有弯曲至不规则的波脊,波谷可出现剥蚀现象,波长一般为10~50 cm 平均波长21 cm,波高3.1 cm,各波痕指数平均值分别为:RI=7,RSI=1.1,RDI=0.42
不对称 平均波长22 cm,波高变化较大,平均2.5 cm,4≤RI≤11,平均为8,RSI平均1.5~1.9,RDI平均0.59
大型 对称 具有尖锐的波峰、宽缓而圆滑的波谷以及平直的迎流面,波脊弯曲连续或平直断续,常具有波脊分岔现象 其上常叠置有小型波痕,波长一般大于50 cm,8≤RI≤26,平均为13,1.0≤RSI≤1.9,平均为1.3,0.4≤RDI≤0.7,平均为0.5
不对称 具有突变边界而形态模糊的波峰、深的波谷和圆滑的迎流面,平面上波脊形态多变,从弯曲连续到不规则,无平直波脊 其上常叠置有小型波痕,波长一般大于50 cm,7≤RI≤19,平均为10,1.5≤RSI≤9.0,平均为3.3, RDI≥0.6,平均为0.7
丘状(似丘状)底床 与大型3D波痕类似,具有特征性的宽广而圆滑的波峰,无突变的崩落点,平面上呈孤立的三维丘状形态 7≤RI≤26,平均为13,0.4≤RDI≤0.9,RSI介于对称3D波痕和不对称3D波痕之间,平均为2.4
图2 洼状交错层理纹层充填谱系示意图[ 66 ]
Fig.2 Schematic drawing showing a continuous spectrum of cross-strata in swaley cross-stratification[ 66 ]
(a)Trough cross-strata; (b) and (c)Intermediate morphology; (d)Symmetrically filled swale
图2 洼状交错层理纹层充填谱系示意图[ 66 ]
Fig.2 Schematic drawing showing a continuous spectrum of cross-strata in swaley cross-stratification[ 66 ]
(a)Trough cross-strata; (b) and (c)Intermediate morphology; (d)Symmetrically filled swale
图3 复合流作用下内碎屑沉积示意图[ 70 ]
(a)~(d)底床瞬时剪切应力(近底床流速)与板状内碎屑运动的关系;(a)脉动流示意图,单向流和波动传播方向相反, Uc<0, | Uc|>| Uw|;(b)底床剪切力较小时板状内碎屑的滑动;(c) 底床剪切力较大时板状内碎屑的旋转;(d) 底床剪切力逐渐减小时前期形成的粗糙底床滑动挤压形成直立或大角度倾斜的砾屑堆积;(e)内碎屑层几何形态横向变化野外素描图; Uc:单向流速度; Uw:振荡流速度; T:波动周期;FS:扇形扁立组构;C:杂乱扁立组构
Fig.3 Sketch for deposition of intraclasts under combined-flow[ 70 ]
(a)~(d) Relationship between instantaneous bed shear stress (near bed velocity) and movement of plate-like intraclasts;(a) Sketch for pulsating current, unidirectional current has an opposite direction of wave propagation, Uc<0, | Uc|>| Uw|;(b) Slide of plate-like intraclasts under lower bed shear stress;(c) Rotation of plate-like intraclasts under high bed shear stress;(d) Formation of near vertical or steeply inclined orientations from the sliding extrusion of preceding rough bed as the bed shear stress decreasing;(e)Field sketch of the lateral variation in bedding geometry of intraclast layers; Uc:Unidirectional current velocity; Uw: Oscillatory current velocity; T:Wave period; FS:Fan-Shaped edgewise fabric; C:Chaotic edgewise fabric
图3 复合流作用下内碎屑沉积示意图[ 70 ]
(a)~(d)底床瞬时剪切应力(近底床流速)与板状内碎屑运动的关系;(a)脉动流示意图,单向流和波动传播方向相反, Uc<0, | Uc|>| Uw|;(b)底床剪切力较小时板状内碎屑的滑动;(c) 底床剪切力较大时板状内碎屑的旋转;(d) 底床剪切力逐渐减小时前期形成的粗糙底床滑动挤压形成直立或大角度倾斜的砾屑堆积;(e)内碎屑层几何形态横向变化野外素描图; Uc:单向流速度; Uw:振荡流速度; T:波动周期;FS:扇形扁立组构;C:杂乱扁立组构
Fig.3 Sketch for deposition of intraclasts under combined-flow[ 70 ]
(a)~(d) Relationship between instantaneous bed shear stress (near bed velocity) and movement of plate-like intraclasts;(a) Sketch for pulsating current, unidirectional current has an opposite direction of wave propagation, Uc<0, | Uc|>| Uw|;(b) Slide of plate-like intraclasts under lower bed shear stress;(c) Rotation of plate-like intraclasts under high bed shear stress;(d) Formation of near vertical or steeply inclined orientations from the sliding extrusion of preceding rough bed as the bed shear stress decreasing;(e)Field sketch of the lateral variation in bedding geometry of intraclast layers; Uc:Unidirectional current velocity; Uw: Oscillatory current velocity; T:Wave period; FS:Fan-Shaped edgewise fabric; C:Chaotic edgewise fabric
图4 泥质底床上复合流底痕谱系及形成机制[ 76 ]
Fig 4 spectrum of sole surfaces on muddy substrate of combined-flow [ 76 ]
(a) Flute marks;(b) Longiludinal scours;(c) Step-like scours;(d) Combined-flow tool marking;(e) Hummocks and swales;(f) Ripple marks (perpendicular superposition);(g) Mechanisms for the origin of some of the sole marks in combined-flow;A, B and C:Sole marks and its generation flow
图4 泥质底床上复合流底痕谱系及形成机制[ 76 ]
Fig 4 spectrum of sole surfaces on muddy substrate of combined-flow [ 76 ]
(a) Flute marks;(b) Longiludinal scours;(c) Step-like scours;(d) Combined-flow tool marking;(e) Hummocks and swales;(f) Ripple marks (perpendicular superposition);(g) Mechanisms for the origin of some of the sole marks in combined-flow;A, B and C:Sole marks and its generation flow
图5 复合流沉积研究理论框架图
Fig.5 Frame chart for the study of combined-flow deposits
(a)The classification of combined-flow; (b)Frame chart for sedimentary characteristic series of co-linear superimposed symmetrical wave and unidirectional current
图5 复合流沉积研究理论框架图
Fig.5 Frame chart for the study of combined-flow deposits
(a)The classification of combined-flow; (b)Frame chart for sedimentary characteristic series of co-linear superimposed symmetrical wave and unidirectional current
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