地球科学进展 ›› 2019, Vol. 34 ›› Issue (12): 1301 -1315. doi: 10.11867/j.issn.1001-8166.2019.12.1301

研究论文 上一篇    下一篇

李向东( ),陈海燕,陈洪达   
  1. 昆明理工大学国土资源工程学院,云南 昆明 650093
  • 收稿日期:2019-09-29 修回日期:2019-11-18 出版日期:2019-12-10
  • 基金资助:

Deep-water Combined-flow Deposits of the Upper Ordovician Lashenzhong Formation in Zhuozishan Area, Western Margin of Ordos Basin

Xiangdong Li( ),Haiyan Chen,Hongda Chen   

  1. School of Land Resource Engineering, Kunming University of Science and Technology, Kunming 650093, China
  • Received:2019-09-29 Revised:2019-11-18 Online:2019-12-10 Published:2020-02-12
  • About author:Li Xiangdong (1973-), male, Lantian County, Shaanxi Province, Associate professor. Research areas include marine sedimentology. E-mail: Lixiangdong614@163.com
  • Supported by:
    the National Natural Science Foundation of China “Study of the evolution of turbidity currents and its interaction with internal waves of Middle and Upper Ordovician on the southeastern margin of Alxa Block and western margin of Ordos Basin”(41272119);The Science Foundation of Yunnan Provincial Department of Education “Sedimentary hydrodynamics for preservation of soft impression fossil in Chengjiang Fauna”(2015Z030)


The research of deep-water combined-flow deposits is still in its infancy at present, which has great significance for discovering new case study and discussing the indication effects of combined-flow sedimentary structures on depositional environment. The Upper Ordovician Lashenzhong Formation in Zhuozishan area, Inner Mongolia, in the north of western Ordos Basin, is mainly deposited by turbidity currents concomitant with contour currents as well as internal-waves and internal-tides in deep-water slope and basin floor environment which display typical complex hydrodynamic conditions. Here we studied the deep-water combined-flow sedimentary structures of Lashenzhong Formation in detail based on careful field work, combined with the results of flume experiments and other related case studies in literatures. Several combined-flow sedimentary structures were found in deep-water environment, which include combined-flow-ripple lamination, quasi-planar lamination and small-scale hummocky cross-stratification-like structures. These sedimentary structures can be summarized vertically as 6 sedimentary structure successions: normal graded layer through wave-ripple lamination to combined-flow-ripple lamination (a), quasi-planar lamination through normal graded layer to combined- flow-ripple lamination (b), amphibolous normal graded layer overlaying by quasi-planar lamination (c), quasi-planar lamination through bi-directional cross-lamination to small-scale hummocky cross-stratification-like structures (d), amalgamated small-scale hummocky cross-stratification-like structures enveloped claystone (e) and combined- flow-ripple lamination enveloped claystone (f). The origin of deep-water combined-flow deposits perhaps is the interactions of turbidity currents, contour currents and internal-wave currents according to the sedimentary types and environment in Lashenzhong Formation. Based on the interactions between sedimentary currents and sea floor topography, four sedimentation zones were suggested: turbidity currents restrained zone (succession a and b), strong interaction zone (succession c), internal-wave action zone (succession d) and weak interaction zone (succession e and f). This study will be helpful for the study of interactions of internal-waves and internal-tides with sea floor topography, and related sedimentation zone division in geological records.


图1 鄂尔多斯盆地西缘晚奥陶世艾家山早期古地理略图[ 40 , 41 ]
Fig.1 Sketch showing paleogeography of early Aijiashan Age in Late Ordovician, western margin of Ordos Basin[ 40 , 41 ]
图2 鄂尔多斯盆地西缘桌子山地区奥陶系岩性综合示意图
Fig.2 Lithologic synthesis column of Ordovician in Zhuozishan area, western margin of Ordos Basin
图3 鄂尔多斯盆地西缘桌子山地区奥陶纪深水沉积特征
(a) 拉什仲组灰绿色黏土岩夹薄层、极薄层粉砂岩;(b) 拉什仲组灰绿色薄层细砂岩底面上发育的 Paleodictyon遗迹化石,经浊流侵蚀和改造;(c) 公乌素组岩性,下部为灰绿色黏土岩夹灰绿色薄层粉砂岩、细砂岩,上部为深灰色薄层石灰岩;(d) 公乌素组薄层石灰岩中的 Paleodiciyon sp.遗迹化石
Fig.3 Characteristics of deep-water depoosits of Ordovician in Zhuozishan area, western margin of Ordos Basin
(a) Grayish green claystone interbedded with very thin- to thin-bedded siltstone, Lashenzhong Formation; (b) Paleodictyon trace fossils on base of grayish green thin-bedded fine-grained sandstone, eroded and reformed by a turbidity current, Lashenzhong Formation; (c) Grayish green claystone interbedded with thin-bedded siltstone and fine-grained sandstone overlay by dark gray thin-bedded limestone, Gongwusu Formation; (d) Paleodictyon sp. trace fossils in thin-bedded limestone, Gongwusu Formation
图4 鄂尔多斯盆地西缘桌子山地区拉什仲组沉积类型
(a) 不完整的鲍玛序列,灰绿色厚层细砂岩底面发育槽模(箭头);(b) 灰绿色厚层砂岩中的复合型条纹条带构造,垂向上具有窄—宽—窄序列;(c) 灰绿色粉砂岩中的“人”字形交错纹层;(d) 灰绿色中层粉砂岩中的包卷层理,垂直变形可呈现紧闭的背形(长箭头)和开阔的向形,背形具有较均一的砂核(短箭头)
Fig.4 Sedimentary types of Lashenzhong Formation in Zhuozishan area, western margin of Ordos Basin
(a) Incomplete Boma sequence, flutes (arrow) on base of grayish green thick-bedded fine-grained sandstone; (b) Compound stripped-and-banded structure with narrow-wide-narrow vertical succession in grayish green thick-bedded sandstone; (c) Chevron cross-lamination in grayish green siltstone; (d) Convolute lamination in grayish green medium-bedded siltstone, note the tight anticline (long arrow) with disorganized sand core (short arrow) and flat syncline
图5 鄂尔多斯盆地西缘桌子山地区拉什仲组槽模(a)和小型交错层理(b)古水流玫瑰花图
Fig.5 Rose diagram of flutes (a) and small-scale cross- laminations (b) in Lashenzhong Formation, Zhuozishan area of western margin of Ordos Basin
图6 鄂尔多斯盆地西缘桌子山地区拉什仲组复合流沉积构造
(a) 鲍玛序列T c段黏土质粉砂岩中的叠置透镜体(长箭头)和复合流纹层,前者具有浪成波纹层理的不均一结构,后者具有明显的上凸纹层;(b) 准平行层理、正粒序层和复合流层理,复合流层理具有不对称的波峰(长箭头),纹层厚度向波谷变厚(短箭头); (c) 准平行层理,上、下可见模糊的正粒序层;(d) 准平行层理、双向交错层理(水平箭头)和内部曲线型纹层(长箭头)的不对称小型似丘状交错层理;(e) 波状层理向准平行层理的转化,其上为不对称小型似丘状交错层理,内部为高角度曲线型纹层(箭头);(f) 不对称小型似丘状交错层理,内部为低角度曲线型纹层(长箭头),丘状纹层向上渐变为水平纹层(短箭头);(g) 对称小型似丘状交错层理,由向上变平缓的丘状纹层组成(箭头);(h)同(g),其下为爬升层理,含有上凸型纹层(长箭头);b: 双向交错层理;c: 复合流层理;g: 正粒序层;h: 小型似丘状交错层理;q: 准平行层理;w: 浪成波纹层理,含不均一结构、束状体、波状层理等;(b)和(g)为中层细砂岩;(c)、(e)和(h)为薄层粉砂岩;(d)和(f)分别为薄层中砂岩和中层黏土质粉砂岩
Fig.6 Combined-flow sedimentary structures of Lashenzhong Formationin Zhuozishan area, western margin of Ordos Basin
(a) Amalgamated clayish siltstone lenses with discordant foresets (long arrow) and overlay combined-flow-ripple lamination with convex-up laminae in Tc division of Bouma sequence; (b) Quasi-planar lamination, normal graded layer and combined- flow-ripple lamination, note the asymmetric wave crest (long arrow) and thickening laminae toward wave trough (short arrow); (c) Quasi-planar lamination enveloped by amphibolous normal graded layer; (d) Quasi-planar lamination, bi-directional cross-lamination (horizontal arrow) and asymmetrical small-scale Hummocky Cross-Stratification-like structures (HCS-like) with curved internal laminae (long arrow); (e) Undulatory lamination changed laterally into quasi-planar lamination and overlay asymmetrical small-scale HCS-like structures with high angle curved laminae (arrow); (f) Asymmetrical small-scale HCS-like structures with low angle curved laminae (long arrow) and hummocky strata growth vertically into flat laminae (short arrow); (g) Symmetrical small-scale HCS-like structures with gently hummocky strata upward (arrow); (h) Same as (g), underlaying climbing ripple lamination with some convex-up laminae (long arrow); b: Bi-directional cross-lamination; c: Combined-flow-ripple lamination; g: Normal graded layer; h: Small-scale hummocky cross-stratification-like structures; q: Quasi-planar lamination; w: Wave-ripple lamination, include discordant foresets lens, offshooting lamination and undulatory lamination; (b) and (g) are medium-bedded fine-grained sandstone; (c), (e) and (h) are thin-bedded siltstone; (d) and (f) are thin-bedded medium-grained sandstone and medium-bedded clayish siltstone respectively
表1 深水牵引流特征与相关沉积构造
Table 1 Fluid characteristics of traction flow and related sedimentary structures in deep-water environment
沉积类型 流体特征 沉积构造 本文中的鉴别标志
等深流沉积 沿海底等高线流动,与区域斜坡方向垂直;在等深流事件中出现低流速期与高流速期的交替;流速可达100 cm/s;在地史时期可受天文旋回控制 水流方向与区域斜坡方向垂直的单向交错层理;具有粒度细—粗—细周期性变化的条纹条带构造(窄—宽—窄序列)、平行层—均匀层—平行层序列及同一岩层中的岩性序列(如粉砂岩—细砂岩—粉砂岩序列);生物扰动构造发育 与区域斜坡方向垂直的古水流(采用玫瑰花图分析);具有窄—宽—窄序列的条纹条带构造( 图4 b)
内波、内潮汐沉积 内潮汐及其他长周期内波可形成双向交替流,或相互叠加形成单向优势流;内孤立波及其他短周期内波可形成紊流事件和振荡流;流速可达50 cm/s;是否受天文旋回影响尚不清楚 双向交错层理;水流方向与区域斜坡方向相反的单向交错层理;脉状、波状、透镜状层理;浪成波纹层理;镶嵌于黏土岩中的薄鲕粒层;特殊的包卷层理(顶部向一边倾斜、开阔的向形与紧闭的背形及背形下的砂核) 与区域斜坡方向垂直的古水流(采用玫瑰花图分析);浪成波纹层理( 图4 c);特殊的包卷层理( 图4 d)
深水复合流沉积 深水环境中复合流一般由短周期内波形成的振荡流与低密度浊流、等深流等单向流交互作用而形成;可进而分为波控复合流和流控复合流 复合流层理;准平行层理;小型似丘状交错层理;复合流波痕;波脊平直的不对称2D波痕;波长与波高在双对数图解上具有良好线性关系的波痕 复合流层理;准平行层理;小型似丘状交错层理( 图6
图7 复合流沉积示意图[ 21 ]
Uw:波轨迹速度;Uc:单向流速度;NM:无颗粒移动;CFR:复合流痕;HCS:丘状交错层理;PB:平行层理;脉动流、反向流的解释见文中;Lamb等 [ 21 ]用图(a)和(b)解释流体速度较大的近源沉积;用图(c)和(d)解释流体速度较小的远源沉积
Fig.7 Cartoon for deposition of combined-flow[ 21 ]
Uw. Wave orbital velocity; Uc. Unidirectional current velocity; NM. No Movement; CFR. Combined-Flow Ripples; HCS. Hummocky Cross-Stratification; PB. Plane Bed; See text for explanation of reversing-current flow and pulsating flow; Lamb et al. [ 21 ] interpret proximal deposition (higher flow velocity) of turbidity currents with plot (a) and (b), and distal case (lower flow velocity) with plot (c) and (d)
图8 桌子山地区拉什仲组深水复合流沉积模式示意图
Fig.8 Cartoon for deposition model of deep-water combined-flow in Lashenzhong Formation, Zhuozishan area
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