地球科学进展 ›› 2020, Vol. 35 ›› Issue (9): 902 -911. doi: 10.11867/j.issn.1001-8166.2020.074

所属专题: “火星地貌”虚拟专刊

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董治宝( ),吕萍,李超,胡光印   
  1. 陕西师范大学行星风沙科学研究院,陕西 西安 710119
  • 收稿日期:2020-05-28 修回日期:2020-08-25 出版日期:2020-09-10
  • 基金资助:

Characteristics and Formation Mechanism of Wind Streaks on Mars

Zhibao Dong( ),Lü Ping,Chao Li,Guangyin Hu   

  1. Planetary Aeolian Research Institute,Shaanxi Normal University,Xi'an 710119,China
  • Received:2020-05-28 Revised:2020-08-25 Online:2020-09-10 Published:2020-10-28
  • About author:Dong Zhibao (1966-), male, Hengshan County, Shaanxi Province, Professor. Research areas include aeolian geomorphology and physics of blown sand. E-mail: zbdong@snnu.edu.cn
  • Supported by:
    the National Natural Science Foundation of China "Weathering rate of the dry denudated mountains surrounding the Tarim Basin"(41930641);"Formation of the meagadune system in China's Badain Jaran Sand Sea"(41871008)


Wind streaks with two-dimensional plane shapes are a collective term for a variety of aeolian features that display distinctive albedo surface patterns and they do not have three-dimensional shape. Wind streaks are widely distributed on Mars, and are good proxy indicators of the surface wind regime, and even of global circulation patterns on Mars. However, the study on wind streaks has been largely ignored for a long time. Based on published studies, this paper summarized the types, morphology and formation mechanism of wind streaks. According to the relationship between albedo and obstacles, wind streaks can be divided into six basic types: bright wind streaks, dark wind streaks, mixed-tone wind streaks, splotches and related wind streaks, dune shadow wind streaks and frost wind streaks, of which the bright and dark streaks are the most common and representative, for they are the most abundant types of variable features on Mars. Wind streaks are primarily distributed in the latitudinal zone between 60°S and 60°N with little difference among different types, and they have many shapes such as tapered, fan, oval and parallel shapes due to the diverse obstacles. Considering the relationship between sediment characteristics and aeolian erosion and deposition, bright wind streaks are generally depositional with a consensus and dark streaks are erosional with a controversy. In the absence of Martian meteorological observation data, the retrieval of surface wind regime based on the orientation of wind streaks has good reliability, which helps to understand the modifications of Martian surfaces by wind in the geological context.


表1 火星风条痕分类方案 [ 12 ]
Table 1 Classification of Martian wind streaks [ 12 ]
类型 障碍物种类或 风条痕形状 形状描述 长度/km 出现地点 时空变化
亮色风条痕 陨击坑、山丘、陡坡型 泪珠状、锥形、平行状、扇形 5~25 中低纬度地区 小幅变化,夏季主要位于南半球
槽沟型 锯齿状、线形、不规则形 10~100 叙利亚高原(Syria Planum)、夜迷宫(Labyrinthus Noctis)、科普莱特斯(Coprates) 快速变化,夏、秋季主要位于南半球
片状 锯齿状、线形、不规则形 10~100 叙利亚高原(Syria Planum)、夜迷宫(Labyrinthus Noctis)、科普莱特斯(Coprates) 快速变化,夏、秋季主要位于南半球
暗色风条痕 陨击坑、陡坡型 扇形、锥形 10~30 25°~40°S,平坦地区 约在沙尘暴发生之后100天
融合型 不规则形 5~150 萨西斯(Tharsis)、大瑟提斯(Syrtis Major)的区域性山坡 与陨击坑、陡坡型类似,大多发生在沙尘暴之后,也有一些发生在其他时间
线型 线形



散布 资料不足
混合风条痕 陨击坑型 泪珠状和锥形 5~20 大瑟提斯(Syrtis Major)、萨西斯欧克西亚沼泽(Tharsis Oxia Palus) 资料不足
黑斑状及其相关的风条痕 陨击坑斑点型 平行状和锥形 5~100 科柏洛斯(Cerberus) 偶发,夏季位于南半球
霜冻风条痕 陨击坑型 泪珠状和锥形 5~30 纬度55°~70°的极冠区域 随CO2霜冠的出现而出现
沙丘尾部风条痕 陨击坑型 泪珠状 5~20 北极沙丘区 资料不足
图1 火星风条痕典型类型
(a) 亮色风条痕(HiRISE影像:ESP_040963_1960_RED, NASA/JLP/University of Arizona);(b) 暗色风条痕(CTX影像:K03_054573_1665_XN_13S143W, NASA/JLP/Malin Space Science System);(c) 混合风条痕(CTX影像:J07_047417_1605_XI_19S246W, NASA/JLP/Malin Space Science System);(d) 黑斑点状风条痕(THEMIS Day IR影像, Astrogeology Science Center, USGS);(e) 沙丘尾部风条痕(CTX影像:P02_001709_2578_XN_77N149W, NASA/JLP/ Malin Space Science System);(f) 霜冻风条痕(HiRISE影像:ESP_020742_0925_RED, NASA/JLP/University of Arizona)
Fig.1 Typical types of wind streaks on Mars
(a) Bright wind streaks (HiRISE image:ESP_040963_1960_RED, NASA/JLP/University of Arizona); (b) Dark wind streaks (CTX image:K03_054573_1665_XN_13S143W, NASA/JLP/Malin Space Science System); (c) Mixed-tone wind streaks (CTX image:J07_047417_1605_XI_19S246W, NASA/JLP/Malin Space Science System); (d) Splotches wind streaks (THEMIS Day IR image, Astrogeology Science Center, USGS);(e) Dune shadow wind streaks (CTX image:P02_001709_2578_XN_77N149W, NASA/JLP/ Malin Space Science System);(f) Frost wind streaks (HiRISE image:ESP_020742_0925_RED, NASA/JLP/University of Arizona)
图2 火星陨击坑风条痕的纬向分布(据参考文献[ 18 ]修改)
Fig.2 Latitude distribution of wind streaks in Martian cratersmodified after reference 18 ])
图3 风条痕特征参数的定义(据参考文献[ 17 ]修改)
θ 是风条痕的角宽度,指风条痕张开的最大角度; ?是风条痕的伸展方向,从正北方向顺时针旋转至角宽度的平分线处所对应的角度
Fig.3 Definition of characteristic parameters of wind streaksmodified after reference 17 ])
θ is the angular width (maximum whole angle measured along the sides of the streak); ? is the direction of wind streaks (defined as the bisector of the angular width from north)
图4 火星风条痕长度概率分布(据参考文献[ 17 ]修改)
Fig.4 Probability distribution of wind streak lengthmodified after reference 17 ])
图5 火星风条痕长度/陨击坑直径值(L/D)的概率分布(据参考文献[ 17 ]修改)
Fig.5 Probability distribution of streak length to crater diameter ratio (L/D)(modified after reference 17 ])
图6 火星风条痕角宽度概率分布(据参考文献[ 17 ]修改)
Fig.6 Probability distribution of wind streak widthsmodified after reference 17 ])
图7 火星鹰陨击坑附近风棱石岩尾、平原沙波纹、坑内沙波纹和风条痕走向的对比(据参考文献[ 22 ]修改)
Fig.7 Comparation on the orientations of ventifact rock tails, plains ripples, crater floor ripples and wind streaks on the ?oor of the Eagle cratermodified after reference 22 ])
图8 火星风条痕平均方向的全球分布(据参考文献[ 20 ]修改)
(a)“海盗号”(Viking)数据,1977 年沙尘暴之后;(b)“水手号”(Mariner)数据(1971—1972年),黑色圆圈区域为根据“海盗号”影像获得的全球沙尘暴发生之前的风条痕走向
Fig.8 Global distribution of wind streak orientationmodified after reference 20 ])
(a) Viking data after the sand storm in 1977;(b)Mariner data between 1971 and 1972, areas that were imaged by Viking before the global dust storms are marked with black circles
图9 库姆塔格沙漠北部的舌状风条痕(“羽毛状”沙丘的“羽毛”部分)
Fig.9 Tongue shaped wind streaks in the northern part of the Kumtagh Desert the "feathery" part of "feathery" dunes
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