地球科学进展 ›› 2016, Vol. 31 ›› Issue (11): 1205 -1212. doi: 10.11867/j.issn.1001-8166.2016.11.1205


王雪梅 1( ), 张志强 2,,A; *( )   
  1. 1.西南大学图书馆, 重庆 400715
    2.中国科学院成都文献情报中心, 四川 成都 610041
  • 收稿日期:2016-08-10 修回日期:2016-10-11 出版日期:2016-11-20
  • 通讯作者: 张志强 E-mail:w20141103@swu.edu.cn;zhangzq@clas.ac.cn
  • 基金资助:

Tendency Analysis of Socio-hydrology Research Based on Bibliometrics

Xuemei Wang 1( ), Zhiqiang Zhang 2, *( )   

  1. 1.Southwest University Library, Chongqing 400715, China
    2.Chengdu Library and Information Center,Chinese Academy of Sciences, Chengdu 610041, China
  • Received:2016-08-10 Revised:2016-10-11 Online:2016-11-20 Published:2016-11-20
  • Contact: Zhiqiang Zhang E-mail:w20141103@swu.edu.cn;zhangzq@clas.ac.cn
  • About author:

    First author:Wang Xuemei(1976-), female, Yongchuan City, Chongqing Municipality, Associate professor. Research areas include scientometrics and information analysis.E-mail:w20141103@swu.edu.cn

  • Supported by:
    Project supported by the State Key Program of National Natural Science of China “Research on the mechanism impact of the cultural changes and ecological evolution and their effects on the ecology-hydrology-policy in River Basin—Comparative research on Heihe River and Murray-Darling River”(No.91125007);the National Natural Science Foundation of China “Dynamic spatial and temporal analysis of academic influence of Geoscience research papers”(No.41641058)

社会水文学是一门研究人水耦合系统动态变化规律、服务水资源管理的交叉学科,通过对Web of Science数据库检索到的论文进行文献计量分析,系统综述社会水文学的国际研究发展态势和趋势。分析结果显示,广义的社会水文学研究涉及水资源、环境科学、土木工程、地球科学、环境工程、农学、环境研究、生态学、气象与大气科学、地理学等。国际上长期关注水资源管理、水质、农业灌溉和水政策等问题,不同时期研究的问题热点根据时代发展的水资源管理需求有所变化,不同国家根据国内水资源情势,其关注点也有所不同。狭义的社会水文学研究主要涉及城市化和农村发展的水需求和水安全等问题,强调通过有效的水文模型预测来支持科学管理决策。该学科的发展将会促进人类对水资源的可持续管理和利用,更好地解决人类社会面临的水问题。

Socio-hydrology is a new inter-disciplinary science of people and water. The biblio-metrical analysis was made on the socio-hydrology papers included in the Web of Science (WoS) to obtain the study progress of socio-hydrology. The results indicated that the research areas of socio-hydrology mainly covered water resources, environmental sciences, civil engineering, geosciences, environmental engineering, agronomy, environmental studies, ecology, meteorology and atmospheric sciences, and geography. The key topics in general socio-hydrology were water resources, agricultural irrigation, and water policy. Furthermore, the research spots varied with the needs of the societal development in the different decades. They also varied among countries. The special socio-hydrology research mainly focused on water need and security in both urban and rural development, and emphasized the decision support of scientific management through effective hydrological model prediction. Its development will promote the sustainable management and utilization of water resources and help better solve water problems facing the humans.


图1 2000—2015年主要发文国家广义社会水文学研究逐年发文数量
Fig.1 Yearly numbers of papers on the general socio-hydrology from the main countries from 2000 to 2015
表1 发文量前10位的国家2000—2015年的论文量及其被引用情况
Table 1 Numbers and citation of papers from the main countries from 2000 to 2015
表2 发表社会水文学论文的国际主要刊物及其影响力
Table 2 Major journals on social hydrology and their impacts
图2 广义社会水文学论文高频关键词云图
Fig.2 Cloud map on high frequency keywords in general socio-hydrology papers
图3 广义社会水文学论文高中心性关键词图谱
Fig.3 Map of high centrality keywords in general socio-hydrology papers
表3 广义社会水文学论文关键词的中心性和突变性分析
Table 3 Centrality and burst analysis on keywords in general socio-hydrology papers
表4 1990年以来不同年代社会水文学论文中的高频关键词
Table 4 High frequency keywords in general socio-hydrology papers in different decades from 1990
表5 发文量前10位的国家社会水文学论文中的高频关键词
Table 5 High frequency keywords in general socio-hydrology papers of top 10 countries
序号 国家 Top10关键词(篇)
1 美国 water management(487)、climate change(193)、water policy(175)、irrigation(144)、water resources management(138)、water quality(127)、water resources(91)、hydrology(82)、modeling(80)、drought(79)等
2 中国 water management(109)、uncertainty(87)、water resources management(77)、climate change(70)、water resources(65)、evapotranspiration(38)、optimization(28)、water footprint(26)、remote sensing(25)、water use efficiency(25)等
3 英国 water management(82)、climate change(48)、water resources(38)、irrigation(33)、water framework directive(30)、water resources management(24)、sustainability(23)、water quality(22)、water policy(21)、groundwater(21)等
4 澳大利亚 water management(84)、climate change(53)、irrigation(46)、water resources management(41)、water policy(36)、murray-darling basin(32)、sustainability(31)、environmental flows(26)、water markets(23)、water(21)、water quality(21)等
5 德国 water management(115)、climate change(55)、water resources management(46)、integrated water resources management(30)、water framework directive(28)、irrigation(24)、social learning(20)、river basin management(20)、water scarcity(20)、water governance(19)、groundwater(19)等
6 荷兰 water management(138)、climate change(41)、water governance(33)、irrigation(21)、water footprint(19)、virtual water(17)、water resources management(16)、uncertainty(16)、integrated water management(15)、adaptation(15)等
7 加拿大 water management(89)、uncertainty(45)、water resources management(36)、climate change(34)、decision making(34)、water resources(24)、water quality(21)、water governance(14)、irrigation(14)、water policy(14)等
8 西班牙 water management(86)、irrigation(37)、water policy(26)、climate change(23)、water resources management(22)、water quality(20)、water framework directive(19)、sustainability(15)、water resources(15)、water scarcity(15)等
9 法国 water management(81)、irrigation(23)、groundwater(14)、climate change(12)、hydrology(12)、water policy(8)、water resources management(8)、modelling(8)、wastewater reuse(8)、water demand(7)等
10 印度 water management(45)、water resources management(21)、irrigation(20)、climate change(17)、water balance(15)、groundwater(13)、waterlogging(12)、water productivity(12)、remote sensing(8)、optimization(8)、evapotranspiration(8)、water quality(8)、linear programming(8)、GIS(8)、groundwater quality(8)等
图4 狭义社会水文学论文标题和摘要高频词聚类图
Fig.4 Clustering diagram on high frequency words in titles and abstracts of special socio-hydrology papers
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