地球科学进展 ›› 2024, Vol. 39 ›› Issue (5): 441 -453. doi: 10.11867/j.issn.1001-8166.2024.029

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海平面上升对河口感潮沼泽湿地CH 4和CO 2产生和排放的影响:机制与复杂性
仝川 1 , 2( ), 罗敏 3, 胡敏杰 1 , 2, 王纯 1 , 2, 刘白贵 2, 展鹏飞 2   
  1. 1.湿润亚热带生态—地理过程教育部重点实验室,福建师范大学,福建 福州 350117
    2.福建师范大学 地理科学学院,福建 福州 350117
    3.福州大学 环境与安全工程学院,福建 福州 350116
  • 收稿日期:2023-12-26 修回日期:2024-03-05 出版日期:2024-05-10
  • 基金资助:

Effects of Sea Level Rise on Production and Emission of CH 4 and CO 2 in Estuarine Tidal Marshes: Mechanism and Complexity

Chuan TONG 1 , 2( ), Min LUO 3, Minjie HU 1 , 2, Chun WANG 1 , 2, Baigui LIU 2, Pengfei ZHAN 2   

  1. 1.Key Laboratory of Humid Sub-Tropical Eco-Geographical Processes (Ministry of Education), Fujian Normal University, Fuzhou 350117, China
    2.School of Geographical Sciences, Fujian Normal University, Fuzhou 350117, China
    3.College of Environment and Safety Engineering, Fuzhou University, Fuzhou 350116, China
  • Received:2023-12-26 Revised:2024-03-05 Online:2024-05-10 Published:2024-06-03
  • About author:TONG Chuan, Professor, research area includes biogeochemical cycle in estuarine wetland. E-mail: tongch@fjnu.edu.cn
  • Supported by:
    the National Key Research and Development Program of China(2022YFC3105401);The National Natural Science Foundation of China(41877335)


Sea-Level Rise (SLR) directly changes the hydrology and salinity of estuarine tidal wetlands and is one of the primary drivers of global change that significantly impacts ecosystem processes. Herein, various methodologies and experimental facilities (marsh organs, weirs, and flow-through mesocosms) for manipulating SLR are systematically reviewed. This study provides a comprehensive summary of the effects and mechanisms associated with SLR regarding the fluxes and production rates of CH4 and CO2, and the pathways and rates of soil organic carbon mineralization from the perspectives of SLR-saltwater intrusion and inundation increase. Saltwater intrusion due to SLR notably decreases CH4 production rates and fluxes. It induces a shift in the pathways of soil organic carbon mineralization, transitioning from CH4 production to microbial SO 4 2 - reduction in tidal freshwater marshes. The main mechanism reducing saltwater intrusion-induced CH4 flux is the increased presence of the electron acceptor SO 4 2 - , which hinders soil CH4 production. The impact of SLR through saltwater intrusion on CO2 emissions in tidal freshwater marshes exhibits distinct uncertainty. Owing to the inherent challenges in experimentally manipulating SLR in situ, few reports concerning the effects of SLR-related inundation on CH4 and CO2 fluxes and production rates exist. However, some studies have suggested that an increase in inundation height leads to a reduction in CO2 emissions. Additionally, this study consolidates information surrounding electron acceptors and microbial mechanisms associated with SLR that influence the pathways and rates of soil organic carbon mineralization in coastal tidal wetlands. Finally, this study outlines the specific domains that warrant further exploration in future research on the impact of SLR on the production and emission of carbon greenhouse gases in estuarine tidal marshes.


图1 模拟海平面上升的沼泽管装置
Fig.1 Marsh organs: an experimental platform for manipulating sea level rise
图2 安装浮球阀改进后的原位控制海平面上升的围堰装置示意图 28
Fig. 2 Schematic diagrams of weir installed float valve for manipulating sea level rise in situ in tidal marsh 28
(a) Plan view showing weir with four walls and the two valves, the direction and thickness of the solid arrow indicate the direction and relative volume of water flow, respectively; (b) Side view showing installation of weir, arrangement of water level recorder, and details of the float ball valve
图3 连续流动中型生态系装置示意图 29
a为主圆筒,b和c为上下潮水交换孔,d为轴锁装置,e为垂直对齐支架,尺寸单位: m
Fig. 3 Flow-through mesocosm: an experimental platform for manipulating rise of sea level and salinity 29
a is primary cylinder seam, b is upper water exchange holes, c is lower water exchange holes, d is collar locking device, and e is vertical alignment brackets; labelled units are in meters
图4 潮汐池+沼泽管组合的模拟海平面上升实验平台 30
Fig. 4 Combination of stimulation tidal pools and marsh organs for manipulating the rise of sea level and salinity 30
图5 河口感潮沼泽甲烷排放通量对盐度变化的响应
Fig. 5 Response of the CH4 efflux to salinity increase in the estuarine tidal marshes
表1 河口感潮淡水、半咸水和咸水沼泽含碳温室气体排放通量的比较
Table 1 Comparison of carbon greenhouse gases effluxes from estuarine tidal freshwaterbrackish and salt marshes in the world
序号 地点



淡水(盐度<0.5 ppt) 半咸水(0.5 ppt<盐度<18 ppt) 盐沼(盐度>18 ppt)



CH4排放通量/[g CH4/(m2⋅a)] CO2排放通量/[g CO2/(m2⋅a)] 优势植物 CH4排放通量/[g CH4/(m2⋅a)] CO2排放通量/[g CO2/(m2⋅a)] 优势植物 CH4排放通量/[g CH4/(m2⋅a)] CO2排放通量/[g CO2/(m2⋅a)] 优势植物
1 美国密西西比河口 静态箱 213.3 Panisumhemitomon 97.3 狐米草 Spartina patens 5.7 互花米草 Spartina alterniflora 35
2 美国密西西比河口 静态箱 2 266.00 互花米草 660.0 狐米草 1 532.7 Panicurn hemitomon 36
3 美国切萨皮克湾 静态箱 18.2 大绳草 Spartina cynosuroides 22.4 互花米草 5.6 互花米草 37
4 美国密西西比河口 开放式气体交换系统 1 404.3 Panicumhemitomon 652.7 狐米草 561.0 互花米草 38
5 印度泰米尔纳德邦沿海河口 静态箱 188.9 海榄雌 Avicennia marina 69.9 海榄雌 27.2 海榄雌 39
6 美国萨凡纳河 静态箱 1.1 1 568.9

落羽杉 Taxodium distichum

水紫Nyssa aquatica

1.7 790.2 大绳草,Zizaniopsis miliacea 13
7 英国多维河口 静态箱 732.3 匍匐翦股颖 Agrostisstolonifera 4 818.0 大米草Spartina anglica 1 657.4 Puccinellamaritima 40
8 美国特拉华河河口 静态箱 296.1 15 624.8 箭南星 Peltandra virginica 1 592.6 21 735.6 茭白 Zizania aquatica 88.2 12 091.6 互花米草 41
9 美国莫比尔湾河口 静态箱 14.0 6 660.4 大克拉莎 Cladium jamaicense 7.0 1 942.6 大克拉莎 7.6 3 885.2 互花米草 42
10 美国卡斯科湾 静态箱 6.3 狭叶香蒲 Typha angustifolia 0.5 狐米草 0.4



11 美国密西西比河口 涡度相关通量塔 62.3

泽泻慈姑 Sagittaria lancifolia

蓉草 Leersia oryzoides

13.8 狐米草,北美水葱 Schoenoplectus americanus 44
12 中国闽江河口 静态箱 129.2 12 759.8 短叶茳芏 Cyperus malaccensis 33.8 12 572.6 短叶茳芏 45
表2 土壤有机碳厌氧矿化反应式及对应的自由能 52
Table 2 Chemical reaction formula and free energy of soil organic carbon anaerobic mineralization 52
图6 盐水入侵对河口感潮沼泽土壤电子受体、有机碳矿化途径的影响 53
Fig. 6 Effects of saltwater intrusion on electron acceptors and pathway of soil organic carbon mineralization in estuarine tidal marsh 53
Plus symbols (+) represent positive effects, minus symbols (-) represent negative effect
图7 海平面上升—水淹增加对河口感潮沼泽土壤有机碳厌氧矿化的影响 53
Fig. 7 Effects of increasing inundation on organic matter mineralization rates in estuarine tidal marsh soils 53
Plus symbols (+) represent positive effects, minus symbols (-) represent negative effects
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