地球科学进展 ›› 2021, Vol. 36 ›› Issue (5): 480 -489. doi: 10.11867/j.issn.1001-8166.2021.034

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朱栋( ), 高世腾, 朱欣欣, 吴彬( ), 程冰, 林强   
  1. 浙江工业大学理学院,浙江省量子精密测量重点实验室,浙江 杭州 310023
  • 收稿日期:2020-12-29 修回日期:2021-02-04 出版日期:2021-06-18
  • 通讯作者: 吴彬 E-mail:zhukun10000@163.com;wubin@zjut.edu.cn
  • 基金资助:

Progress of Quantum Gravimeter Applied in the Fields of Earth Science

Dong ZHU( ), Shiteng GAO, Xinxin ZHU, Bin WU( ), Bing CHENG, Qiang LIN   

  1. College of Science,Zhejiang University of Technology,Key Laboratory of Quantum Precision Measurement of Zhejiang Province,Hangzhou 310023,China
  • Received:2020-12-29 Revised:2021-02-04 Online:2021-06-18 Published:2021-07-02
  • Contact: Bin WU E-mail:zhukun10000@163.com;wubin@zjut.edu.cn
  • About author:ZHU Dong (1993-), male, Jiuquan City, Gansu Province, Ph. D student. Research areas include quantum gravimeter and cold atom physics. E-mail: zhukun10000@163.com
  • Supported by:
    the China Aero Geophysical Survey and Remote Sensing Center for Natural Resources Program "Research and application test of carrying measurement and support technology on ocean route"(DD20189831)

量子重力仪是近30年来快速发展起来的一种新型绝对重力仪,目前对该新型重力仪的研究已进入小型化和实用化阶段。国内外基于量子重力仪的地球科学研究发展较快,应用研究包括火山活动监测、海洋绝对重力测绘和航空绝对重力测量等。由浙江省量子精密测量重点实验室研制的ZAG-E型量子重力仪具有体积小、易搬运和稳定性高等优点,其绝对重力测量精确度可以达到10 μGal。基于该量子重力仪,开展了地震台连续绝对重力测量的相关研究,着重介绍了在四川省甘孜藏族自治州燕子沟地震台进行的连续绝对重力测量,该研究有助于构建该地区的重力基准和分析地质地形构造以及地质活动所带来的影响。基于量子重力仪的精密重力测量为地球科学的研究提供了一种新型的技术手段,同时也提供了可靠的基础绝对重力数据。未来,量子重力仪有望被越来越广泛地应用于地球物理和地表绝对重力测绘等地球科学领域。

Quantum gravimeter is a new type of absolute gravimeter that has been rapidly developed in the past 30 years. At present, the research on this new type of gravimeter has entered the stage of miniaturization and practical applications. The applications in the fields of earth science research based on quantum gravimeters at home and abroad have been developed rapidly, including volcanic activity monitoring, marine absolute gravity measurement, and airborne absolute gravity measurement, etc. The ZAG-E type of quantum gravimeter developed by our laboratory has the advantages of small size, easy handling, and high stability. Its absolute gravity measurement accuracy can reach 10 μGal. Based on this quantum gravimeter, our team has carried out related research on continuous absolute gravity measurement at seismic stations, focusing on the continuous absolute gravity measurement performed at the Yanzigou Seismic Station in Ganzi Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture, Sichuan Province. These studies are helpful for the construction of the gravity data of the area and the analysis of the geological topography and the geological activities. The precision gravity measurement based on quantum gravimeters can provide a new method for the research of earth science, and it can also provide reliable absolute gravity data. In the future, quantum gravimeters are expected to be more and more widely used in geosciences such as geophysics and absolute gravity surveying and mapping on the surface.


图1 法国MuQuans公司的商用量子重力仪 27
Fig.1 The commercial quantum gravimeter of MuQuans 27
图1 法国MuQuans公司的商用量子重力仪 27
Fig.1 The commercial quantum gravimeter of MuQuans 27
图2 野外定点车载绝对重力测量
(a)斯坦福大学的野外重力及重力梯度测量 32 ;(b)在伯利克山脉的绝对重力测量 33
Fig.2 Field fixed-point vehicle-mounted absolute gravity measurement
(a) Field gravity and gravity gradient measurements at Stanford University 32 ; (b) Absolute gravity survey in Berkeley Hills 33
图2 野外定点车载绝对重力测量
(a)斯坦福大学的野外重力及重力梯度测量 32 ;(b)在伯利克山脉的绝对重力测量 33
Fig.2 Field fixed-point vehicle-mounted absolute gravity measurement
(a) Field gravity and gravity gradient measurements at Stanford University 32 ; (b) Absolute gravity survey in Berkeley Hills 33
图3 机载惯性效应测量现场图 34
Fig.3 The picture of the airborne inertial effects measurement 34
图3 机载惯性效应测量现场图 34
Fig.3 The picture of the airborne inertial effects measurement 34
图4 基于量子重力仪的动态绝对重力测量
(a)船载量子重力仪测量系统 37 ;(b)机载量子重力仪测量系统 39
Fig.4 The dynamic absolute gravity measurement based on quantum gravimeters
(a) The measurement system of shipborne quantum gravimeter 37 ; (b) The measurement system of airborne quantum gravimeter 39
图4 基于量子重力仪的动态绝对重力测量
(a)船载量子重力仪测量系统 37 ;(b)机载量子重力仪测量系统 39
Fig.4 The dynamic absolute gravity measurement based on quantum gravimeters
(a) The measurement system of shipborne quantum gravimeter 37 ; (b) The measurement system of airborne quantum gravimeter 39
图5 基于量子重力仪的外场测量实验
(a)野外车载定点绝对重力测量 44 ;(b)船舶码头系泊状态下的绝对重力测量 45
Fig.5 The field measurement experiments based on quantum gravimeters
(a) Field vehicle-mounted fixed-point absolute gravity measurement 44 ; (b) Absolute gravity measurement in the moored state of ship wharf 45
图5 基于量子重力仪的外场测量实验
(a)野外车载定点绝对重力测量 44 ;(b)船舶码头系泊状态下的绝对重力测量 45
Fig.5 The field measurement experiments based on quantum gravimeters
(a) Field vehicle-mounted fixed-point absolute gravity measurement 44 ; (b) Absolute gravity measurement in the moored state of ship wharf 45
图6 原子干涉仪脉冲序列 49
Fig.6 The sequence of three pulse for atomic interferometer 49
图6 原子干涉仪脉冲序列 49
Fig.6 The sequence of three pulse for atomic interferometer 49
图7 ZAG-E型量子重力仪实物图
Fig.7 The picture of the ZAG-E quantum gravimeter
图7 ZAG-E型量子重力仪实物图
Fig.7 The picture of the ZAG-E quantum gravimeter
图8 测量得到的重力固体潮汐数据
Fig.8 The measured gravity data of solid tide
图8 测量得到的重力固体潮汐数据
Fig.8 The measured gravity data of solid tide
图9 修正完固体潮汐模型后的重力残差数据
Fig.9 The gravity residual data after correcting the solid tidal model
图9 修正完固体潮汐模型后的重力残差数据
Fig.9 The gravity residual data after correcting the solid tidal model
图10 雅安绝对重力基准点的测量结果
Fig.10 The experimental resultes measured at the gravity reference site of Yaan
(a) Measured gravity tide data; (b) The residual data after the modification of solid tidal model
图10 雅安绝对重力基准点的测量结果
Fig.10 The experimental resultes measured at the gravity reference site of Yaan
(a) Measured gravity tide data; (b) The residual data after the modification of solid tidal model
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