地球科学进展 ›› 2021, Vol. 36 ›› Issue (1): 83 -94. doi: 10.11867/j.issn.1001-8166.2021.005

全球变化研究 上一篇    下一篇

邓文文 1 , 2( ), 王荣 2( ), 刘正文 1 , 2 , 3, 郑文秀 2 , 4, 张晨雪 2 , 5   
  1. 1.暨南大学生态学系水生生物研究所,广东 广州 510632
    2.中国科学院南京地理与湖泊研究所,江苏 南京 210008
    3.中国—丹麦科研教育中心,北京 100190
    4.中国科学院大学,北京 100049
    5.安徽师范大学地理与旅游学院,安徽 芜湖 241003
  • 收稿日期:2020-11-28 修回日期:2020-12-29 出版日期:2021-03-19
  • 通讯作者: 王荣 E-mail:dww_running@163.com;rwang@niglas.ac.cn
  • 基金资助:
    中国科学院南京地理与湖泊研究所“一三五”自主部署项目“气候变化对典型浅水湖泊生态系统弹性的影响及机理”(NIGLAS2017GH01);中国科学院青年创新促进会(Award 2017364)

The Influencing Factors of Critical Transition in Shallow Lakes Revealed by Model

Wenwen DENG 1 , 2( ), Rong WANG 2( ), Zhengwen LIU 1 , 2 , 3, Wenxiu ZHENG 2 , 4, Chenxue ZHANG 2 , 5   

  1. 1.Department of Ecology and Institute of Hydrobiology,Jinan University,Guangzhou 510632,China
    2.Nanjing Institute of Geography and Limnology,Chinese Academy of Sciences,Nanjing 210008,China
    3.Sino-Danish Center for Education and Research,Beijing 100190,China
    4.University of Chinese Academy of Sciences,Beijing 100049,China
    5.School of Geography and Tourism,Anhui Normal University,Wuhu Anhui 241003,China
  • Received:2020-11-28 Revised:2020-12-29 Online:2021-03-19 Published:2021-03-19
  • Contact: Rong WANG E-mail:dww_running@163.com;rwang@niglas.ac.cn
  • About author:DENG Wenwen (1995-), female, Huizhou City, Guangdong Province, Master student. Research areas include eutrophication process. E-mail: dww_running@163.com
  • Supported by:
    the Nanjing Institute of Geography and Limnology, Chinese Academy of Sciences "One Three Five" Independent Deployment Project "The impact and mechanism of climate change on the resilience of typical shallow lake ecosystem"(NIGLAS2017GH01);The Youth Innovation Promotion Association, CAS(Award 2017364)


Eutrophication can cause critical transitions in shallow lakes and severely impair ecosystem services. Phosphorus is one of important environmental factors that cause critical transitions in lake ecosystems. Exploring the mechanisms of phosphorus dynamics in lakes is a key to lake management. This paper simulated the phosphorus concentration variations in lakes using a phosphorus kinetic model, and discussed the specific impacts of main model parameters on simulation output. Based on literature reviews, we discussed in detail the effects of different types of climate change and human activities on the critical transition time, hysteresis length, and restoration rate of lakes. The paper indicated that changes in factors such as climate change induced temperature warming, weakened light intensity, increased wind/waves and human activities caused biological disturbances and water level fluctuations would not change the threshold of transition or the time of transition, but would significantly delay the recovery time, decrease the recovery threshold and extend the lag period and the steady state. For the management of lake ecosystems, we suggested that it be important to consider the different impacts from different external perturbations on the process of critical transitions to avoid harmful tipping point.


表1 磷动力学模型参数含义及参数设置
Table 1 Meaning and setting of phosphorus kinetic model parameters
表1 磷动力学模型参数含义及参数设置
Table 1 Meaning and setting of phosphorus kinetic model parameters
图1 磷动力学模型参数示意图及湖泊生态系统稳态转换
Fig.1 Schematic diagram of phosphorus kinetic model parameters and critical transition of lake ecosystem
(a)Schematic diagram of the model formula;(b)Collapsed catastrophe model of the lake ecosystem and critical transition of lake ecosystem
图1 磷动力学模型参数示意图及湖泊生态系统稳态转换
Fig.1 Schematic diagram of phosphorus kinetic model parameters and critical transition of lake ecosystem
(a)Schematic diagram of the model formula;(b)Collapsed catastrophe model of the lake ecosystem and critical transition of lake ecosystem
图2 磷动力学模型结果示意图
(a) 湖水磷浓度随时间变化的曲线( P-t图);(b) 湖水磷浓度和外源驱动的关系( P-α图)
Fig.2 Schematic diagram of phosphorus kinetic model results
(a) The curve of lake water phosphorus concentration with time ( P-t diagram); (b) The relationship between lake water phosphorus concentration and external driving force ( P-α diagram)
图2 磷动力学模型结果示意图
(a) 湖水磷浓度随时间变化的曲线( P-t图);(b) 湖水磷浓度和外源驱动的关系( P-α图)
Fig.2 Schematic diagram of phosphorus kinetic model results
(a) The curve of lake water phosphorus concentration with time ( P-t diagram); (b) The relationship between lake water phosphorus concentration and external driving force ( P-α diagram)
图3 磷动力学模型结果
(a) ~ (c)分别是指改变 α的斜率后对应的磷输入速率随时间变化的图( α-t图)、湖水磷浓度随时间变化的图( P-t图)、湖水磷浓度随磷输入速率变化的图( P-α图);(d)和(e)分别是指改变 r值大小所对应的湖水磷浓度随时间变化的图( P-t图)、湖水磷浓度随磷输入速率变化的图( P-α图);(f)和(g)分别是指改变 s值大小所对应的湖水磷浓度随时间变化的图( P-t图)、湖水磷浓度随磷输入速率变化的图( P-α图);(h)和(i)分别是指改变 σ值大小所对应的湖水磷浓度随时间变化的图( P-t图)、湖水磷浓度随磷输入速率变化的图( P-α图)
Fig.3 Results of the phosphorus kinetic model
(a)~(c) Respectively refer to the graph of the change of phosphorus input rate with time after changing the slope of α ( α- t graph), the graph of the change of water phosphorus concentration with time ( P- t graph), and the phosphorus concentration of water graph of change with phosphorus input rate ( P- α graph);(d) and (e) Respectively refer to the graph of changes in water phosphorus concentration with time ( P- t graph) and the graph of changes in water phosphorus concentration with phosphorus input rate ( P- α graph) corresponding to changes in the value of r; (f) and (g) Respectively refer to the graph of the change of phosphorus concentration in water with time ( P- t graph) and the graph of the change of phosphorus concentration in water with phosphorus input rate ( P- α graph) when the value of s is changed;(h) and (i) Respectively refer to the graph of the change of phosphorus concentration in water with time ( P- t graph) and the graph of the change of phosphorus concentration in water with the phosphorus input rate ( P- α graph) corresponding to the size of σ value
图3 磷动力学模型结果
(a) ~ (c)分别是指改变 α的斜率后对应的磷输入速率随时间变化的图( α-t图)、湖水磷浓度随时间变化的图( P-t图)、湖水磷浓度随磷输入速率变化的图( P-α图);(d)和(e)分别是指改变 r值大小所对应的湖水磷浓度随时间变化的图( P-t图)、湖水磷浓度随磷输入速率变化的图( P-α图);(f)和(g)分别是指改变 s值大小所对应的湖水磷浓度随时间变化的图( P-t图)、湖水磷浓度随磷输入速率变化的图( P-α图);(h)和(i)分别是指改变 σ值大小所对应的湖水磷浓度随时间变化的图( P-t图)、湖水磷浓度随磷输入速率变化的图( P-α图)
Fig.3 Results of the phosphorus kinetic model
(a)~(c) Respectively refer to the graph of the change of phosphorus input rate with time after changing the slope of α ( α- t graph), the graph of the change of water phosphorus concentration with time ( P- t graph), and the phosphorus concentration of water graph of change with phosphorus input rate ( P- α graph);(d) and (e) Respectively refer to the graph of changes in water phosphorus concentration with time ( P- t graph) and the graph of changes in water phosphorus concentration with phosphorus input rate ( P- α graph) corresponding to changes in the value of r; (f) and (g) Respectively refer to the graph of the change of phosphorus concentration in water with time ( P- t graph) and the graph of the change of phosphorus concentration in water with phosphorus input rate ( P- α graph) when the value of s is changed;(h) and (i) Respectively refer to the graph of the change of phosphorus concentration in water with time ( P- t graph) and the graph of the change of phosphorus concentration in water with the phosphorus input rate ( P- α graph) corresponding to the size of σ value
表2 磷动力学模型结果汇总
Table 2 Summary of results of phosphorus kinetic mode
表2 磷动力学模型结果汇总
Table 2 Summary of results of phosphorus kinetic mode
表3 湖泊水体磷浓度的影响要素及机理的相关结论
Table 3 Influencing factors and mechanism of phosphorus concentration in lake water
分类 影响因素 结果 原因 参考文献
气候 变化 降雨模式改变 增加水体营养物质 增加营养负荷面源;改变营养物质的入湖通量和水力停留时间 [ 46 47 ]
风浪扰动 促进底泥磷释放 增加沉积物的再悬浮量;抑制沉水植物生长 [ 48 , 49 ]
水温 水温升高,促进底泥磷释放 水温升高能促进底泥中Fe-P和Ca-P的释放 [ 50 ~ 52 ]
溶解氧 浓度 厌氧条件下,促进底泥磷释放 难溶的(Fe(OH)3)x转化为可溶性的 Fe(OH)2,使 PO 4 3 - 脱离沉积物进入间隙水 [ 53 , 54 ]
光照强度 照度增强抑制底泥磷释放 促进底栖藻类生长,形成阻碍底泥磷释放的屏障 [ 55 ]
pH 酸性和碱性条件下,促进底泥磷释放;中性条件下,抑制底泥磷释放 酸性条件下,促进Ca-P释放;碱性条件下,促进Fe-P释放;中性条件下,有利于底泥的磷吸附 [ 56 ~ 58 ]
沉水植物 吸收水体和沉积物中的营养盐;抑制底泥磷释放 抑制底泥再悬浮;提高湖水—底泥界面的氧化还原电位,从而抑制底泥中Fe-P释放 [ 59 , 60 ]
人类 活动 入湖径流水质 水质差会导致湖泊磷浓度增多 携带大量营养盐进入湖泊 [ 61 ]
水位 水位升高,湖泊富营养化程度降低;水位下降,湖泊富营养化程度增加 水位升高会稀释湖水营养物质,水位降低会加剧底泥的再悬浮和磷的释放 [ 62 , 63 ]
生物扰动 经济鱼类(鲤、鲢和鳙等)和一些底栖动物(水丝蚓)促进底泥磷释放;一些螺类(如田螺、石螺等)和双壳类(如河蚌、河岘等)抑制底泥磷释放 鱼类密度的增加及其摄食活动会促进底泥的再悬浮;双壳类可以降低徜水生境中的悬浮物浓度,提高透明度;螺类能促进沉水植物的生长,降低浮游植物的密度 [ 64 ~ 68 ]
微生物 有微生物促进底泥磷释放;无微生物抑制底泥磷释放 微生物可通过微生物作用将沉积物中的不溶性磷转化为可溶性磷 [ 69 , 70 ]
换水周期 换水周期短,湖泊富营养化程度降低;换水周期长,富营养化程度加深 换水周期短,导致湖泊大量营养盐流出 [ 71 ]
表3 湖泊水体磷浓度的影响要素及机理的相关结论
Table 3 Influencing factors and mechanism of phosphorus concentration in lake water
分类 影响因素 结果 原因 参考文献
气候 变化 降雨模式改变 增加水体营养物质 增加营养负荷面源;改变营养物质的入湖通量和水力停留时间 [ 46 47 ]
风浪扰动 促进底泥磷释放 增加沉积物的再悬浮量;抑制沉水植物生长 [ 48 , 49 ]
水温 水温升高,促进底泥磷释放 水温升高能促进底泥中Fe-P和Ca-P的释放 [ 50 ~ 52 ]
溶解氧 浓度 厌氧条件下,促进底泥磷释放 难溶的(Fe(OH)3)x转化为可溶性的 Fe(OH)2,使 PO 4 3 - 脱离沉积物进入间隙水 [ 53 , 54 ]
光照强度 照度增强抑制底泥磷释放 促进底栖藻类生长,形成阻碍底泥磷释放的屏障 [ 55 ]
pH 酸性和碱性条件下,促进底泥磷释放;中性条件下,抑制底泥磷释放 酸性条件下,促进Ca-P释放;碱性条件下,促进Fe-P释放;中性条件下,有利于底泥的磷吸附 [ 56 ~ 58 ]
沉水植物 吸收水体和沉积物中的营养盐;抑制底泥磷释放 抑制底泥再悬浮;提高湖水—底泥界面的氧化还原电位,从而抑制底泥中Fe-P释放 [ 59 , 60 ]
人类 活动 入湖径流水质 水质差会导致湖泊磷浓度增多 携带大量营养盐进入湖泊 [ 61 ]
水位 水位升高,湖泊富营养化程度降低;水位下降,湖泊富营养化程度增加 水位升高会稀释湖水营养物质,水位降低会加剧底泥的再悬浮和磷的释放 [ 62 , 63 ]
生物扰动 经济鱼类(鲤、鲢和鳙等)和一些底栖动物(水丝蚓)促进底泥磷释放;一些螺类(如田螺、石螺等)和双壳类(如河蚌、河岘等)抑制底泥磷释放 鱼类密度的增加及其摄食活动会促进底泥的再悬浮;双壳类可以降低徜水生境中的悬浮物浓度,提高透明度;螺类能促进沉水植物的生长,降低浮游植物的密度 [ 64 ~ 68 ]
微生物 有微生物促进底泥磷释放;无微生物抑制底泥磷释放 微生物可通过微生物作用将沉积物中的不溶性磷转化为可溶性磷 [ 69 , 70 ]
换水周期 换水周期短,湖泊富营养化程度降低;换水周期长,富营养化程度加深 换水周期短,导致湖泊大量营养盐流出 [ 71 ]
表4 磷动力学模型结果及其与参数相对应的影响因素
Table 4 Phosphorus kinetic model results and their corresponding influencing factors
表4 磷动力学模型结果及其与参数相对应的影响因素
Table 4 Phosphorus kinetic model results and their corresponding influencing factors
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