地球科学进展 ›› 2016, Vol. 31 ›› Issue (8): 849 -857. doi: 10.11867/j.issn.1001-8166.2016.08.0849.

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张虎才( )   
  1. 云南师范大学旅游与地理科学学院,高原湖泊生态与全球变化重点实验室,云南 昆明 650500
  • 收稿日期:2016-07-18 修回日期:2016-08-02 出版日期:2016-08-20
  • 基金资助:

The Potential Endangers of the Tectonic Lake Water Leakage from Dianchi and Water Security

Hucai Zhang( )   

  1. The Plateau Lake Ecology and Global Chang, School of Tourism and Physical Geographic Science, Yunnan Normal University, Kunming 650500, China
  • Received:2016-07-18 Revised:2016-08-02 Online:2016-08-20 Published:2016-08-20
  • Supported by:
    Project supported by the Yunnan Provincial Government Leading Scientist Program “Lake evolution and water security in Yunnan Plateau”(No.2015HA02);The Yunnan Provincial Government Senior Talent Program “The lake records and ecological environments in Yuanan and water security”(No.2010CI111)


Dianchi or Lake Dian is the largest shallow water lake on the Yunnan-Guizhou Plateau, which is not only crucial to maintain the ecological environments of Kunming, the famous city with four springs, but also contains almost 1.5×109 m3 highly polluted water. The management of the lake pollution and eutrophication will be a long-lasting hard work and the sudden diffusion of such highly polluted water can lead to catastrophic eco-environmental problems. Based on the historical documents, underwater topographic features, regional geological tectonics and the chronology of the sediments, it can be concluded that at one time the water leaked out in Dianchi, which is in consistent with the historical record of 1764 AD. This water leak event resulted in two funnels in the center of Dianchi. The sedimentary feature and the deformation properties indicated that the slope of one funnel collapsed, which means it was blocked, but the other one was under development or in dormancy. When the pressure induced from the water level changed or the earthquakes occurred, the underwater channel could be open or connected, a catastrophic water leakage might be induced. The highly polluted lake water would possibly flow to Lake Fuxian and pollute almost 9% national strategic fresh water resource, resulting in an eco-environmental event and endangering the national water security. Therefore, to monitor the water flowing situation, detect the position and direction of the channel, block the channel and prevent possible lake water leakage are the priority and urgent measurements at present.


图1 滇池水深与漏斗的关系
Fig.1 The relationship between the water depth and the funnels
(a)Dianchi, the lake water leakage site and their relationships with the main faults;(b)The remain scope of Dianchi after water leakage and the development process of the fluvial-alluvial fans
图2 滇池漏斗形态及深度变化(A)、沿NNE-SSW测线获得的浅成剖面和漏斗断面(B)
Fig.2 The patterns and depth changes of the funnels in Dianchi (A), the profile along the NNE-SSW (B)
DC1, DC4, DC5 and DC6 indicate the coring sites(among them DC1 and DC6 are not shown here because they are out the scope of the figure)
表1 滇池漏斗附近短岩心信息及描述(位置参见 图2 )
Table 1 The information for coring sites and their description (also see Fig.2 )
图3 226Ra, 210Pb ( 210Pb ex= 210Pb- 226Ra) 和 137Cs活度及滇池沉积岩心(DC1) 120Pb- 137Cs年龄
Fig.3 The activities of 226Ra, 210Pb ( 210Pb ex= 210Pb- 226Ra), and 137Cs and possible 120Pb- 137Cs time series of the DC1 core from Dianchi
图4 226Ra, 210Pb ( 210Pb ex= 210Pb- 226Ra) 和 137Cs活度及滇池沉积岩心(DC4) 120Pb- 137Cs年代序列
Fig.4 The activities of 226Ra, 210Pb ( 210Pb ex= 210Pb- 226Ra), and 137Cs and possible 120Pb- 137Cs time series of the DC4 core from Dianchi
图5 滇池漏斗附近短岩心DC1,DC4,DC5,DC6碳酸盐、有机质含量变化及其AMS 14C测年
· 为 120Pb- 137Cs年龄
Fig.5 The CaCO 3 and TOC contents of core DC1, DC4, DC5 and DC6, and AMS 14C dates
· is 120Pb- 137Cs ages
表2 滇池漏斗附近短岩心AMS 14C测年结果
Table 2 AMS 14C dates of the short cores
图6 滇池漏斗(M)底部形态与沉积变化
Fig.6 The bottom of the funnel M and the sediment movements
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