地球科学进展 ›› 2003, Vol. 18 ›› Issue (2): 207 -213. doi: 10.11867/j.issn.1001-8166.2003.02.0207

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  1. 中国科学院寒区旱区环境与工程研究所黑河流域生态系统综合研究站,甘肃 兰州 730000
  • 收稿日期:2002-05-15 修回日期:2002-08-16 出版日期:2003-04-10
  • 通讯作者: 张济世 E-mail:zjs1963@yahoo.com.cn
  • 基金资助:

    中国科学院知识创新工程重大项目“黑河流域水—生态—经济系统综合管理试验示范”(编号:KZCX01-09);“西北干旱区水文—生态系统观测实验研究”(编号:KZCX1-10-03-01)“内陆河流域水—土—气—生观测系统综合研究”(编号:KZCX3-SW-329);国家自然科学基金重点项目“环境变化条件下干旱区内陆河流域水资源可持续利用研究”(编号:40235053);中国科学院寒区旱区环境与工程研究所知识创新项目“黑河流域气候环境系统模式研究”(编号:CACX210036)和“内陆河流域 SVAT系统和陆面过程研究”(编号:CACX210016)资助.


Zhang Jishi,Kang Ersi,Zhao Aifen,Lan Yongchao,Chen Rensheng   

  1. Cold and Arid Region Environmental and Engineering Research Institute, Chinese Academy of Science,Lanzhou 730000,China
  • Received:2002-05-15 Revised:2002-08-16 Online:2003-04-10 Published:2003-04-01

黑河流域水资源产生于南部祁连山区,主要消耗于中游农业灌溉区。对黑河流域水文资料分析计算发现,流域出山水资源量多年变化比较稳定,最枯年和最丰年水资源量之比为 1:2,丰枯变化幅度与长江以南丰水河流相当。多年平均水资源量为32.31×108 m3/a,近10年中游水资源开发利用量稳定在34×108 m3/a以上,仅中游地区对水资源的开发利用率达120%左右。目前国际上公认的人均水资源量紧缺线为 1000~1700 m3/a,黑河流域水资源开发利用具有反复转化多次重复利用的特点,用这个指标无法全面评价黑河流域水资源的安全状况。

As a result of analysis on Heihe River hydrology materials, water resources is relatively stable in the basin due to replenishment of ice glacier, water resources difference between extremely water abundant year and extremely drought year is 2 to 1, which is seldom to seen in north part of China. The multiyear average water resources volume in the basin is 3 231 million m3/a with per capital water resources of 1 689 m3, which is slightly lower than per capital water resources safety warning line of 1 000~1 700 m3/a accepted in the world. The characteristic of water resources in the basin is multi transfer and multi utilization, if we leave 750 million m3/a for ecology the water resources situation is still safety with extension of water saving technology and under gong integrated treatment in the basin.  Eco-environment crisis in the downstream can be resolved through unified water resources allocation. According to nature water resources inflow from ice glacier, water and soil development and utilization scale as well as middle stream eco-environment situation, 2 600 million m3/a nature water inflow will be the water resources safety critical line and 2 400 million m3/a nature water inflow will be the water resources safety warning line under the condition of adopting water saving technology and control irrigated land remaining at current level.


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