地球科学进展 ›› 2015, Vol. 30 ›› Issue (2): 284 -294. doi: 10.11867/j.issn.1001-8166.2015.02.0284


崔月菊 1( ), 李静 2, 王燕艳 3, 刘永梅 4, 陈志 1, 杜建国 1   
  1. 1.中国地震局地震预测重点实验室(中国地震局地震预测研究所),北京100036
    2.防灾科技学院地震科学系,河北 燕郊065201
    3.甘肃省地震局平凉地震中心台,甘肃 平凉744000
    4. 内蒙古自治区地震局西山咀地震台,内蒙古 巴彦淖尔 014400
  • 出版日期:2015-03-08
  • 基金资助:

Application of Gas Remote Sensing Technique in Earthquake Monitoring

Yueju Cui 1( ), Jing Li 2, Yanyan Wang 3, Yongmei Liu 4, Zhi Chen 1, Jianguo Du 1   

  1. 1. CEA Key Laboratory of Earthquake Prediction (Institute of Earthquake Science, China Earthquake Administration, Beijing 100036, China
    2 .Department of Seismology, Institute of Disaster Prevention, Yanjiao 065201, China
    3. Pingliang Seismic Station, Gansu Bureau of Seismology, Pingliang 744000, China
    4. Xishanzui Seismological Station, Inner Mongolia Bureau of Seismology, Bayannaoer City 014400, China
  • Online:2015-03-08 Published:2015-02-20


The principle of satellite hyperspectral remote sensing technique for atmosphere detection, development of the satellite atmospheric infrared sensors and the retrieval method of gaseous components with hyperspectral remote sensing data were briefly reviewed. The application of hyperspectral remote sensing gas-geochemistry in earthquake monitoring was emphasized, which can be divided into two aspects: ①Degassing from the seismic fracture zone was indirectly retrieved with the thermal infrared sensor; ②Gas-geochemical anomaly associated with the earthquake was directly detected by the atmospheric gas sensors. Gas-geochemical anomalies were obtained by correlating the physical and chemical anomalies caused by gas emission from the underground with the seismic activities. The possible mechanism of anomalies was discussed by analyzing the gas-geochemical anomalies related to the typical earthquake cases. Additionally, the developing aspects in seismic remote-sensing for gas-geochemistry were proposed.


表1 具有大气成分探测功能的传感器
Table 1 Sensors for detecting gas components of atmosphere
图1 2005~2008年汶川地震前后月平均CO 2体积分数变化 [ 98 ]
Fig.1 Variations of CO 2 volume mixing ratio(VMR) associated Wenchuan earthquake during 2005 to 2008 [ 98 ]
图2 墨西哥下加利福尼亚地震前后2~5月CO总量与背景值的差值分布图(单位:mole/cm 2[ 95 ]
Fig.2 Distributions of the differences between CO total columns in monthly from February to May 2010 and the corresponding background values(unit: mole/cm 2)
表2 遥感气体探测技术监测的地震异常特征
Table 2 Gas anomaly characters associated with earthquakes by remote sensors
地震 时间(年/月/日) 传感器 异常参数 特征描述 参考文献
玉树Ms 7.1地震 2010/4/14 AIRS 水汽 水汽总量震后明显高于前两年均值;数据离散性增大 [107]
CO CO总量震前2周和震后2周左右出现极大值,且明显高于前2年对应均值
MODIS 亮温 断裂带北段亮温变化显著 [108]
缅甸北部MS 6.9地震
2000/ 6/6
MOPITT CO 4月30日CO含量在青藏高原大面积升高,是2002年正常值的1.57~4.10倍,形状呈不规则圈层结构,CO体积分数内高外低 [109]
日本葵花卫星 热红外温度 4月29~30日在青藏高原大面积多处孤立升温
Gujarat MS7.8地震 2001/1/26 MOPITT CO CO总量震前升高;近地表CO体积分数在震前升高 [93]
SSM/I 亮温 震前一周左右上升,之后陡降,25日降至最低
MODIS 地表温度 1月20~21日震中区地表温度升高 [104]
TOMS O3 震后O3含量升高 [26]
TRMM 水汽 地震前后震中附近陆地真海洋区域水汽含量异常变化 [91]
台湾MS7.5地震 2002/3/31 MOPITT CO 30日在台湾北部CO含量呈同心圆异常 [110]
MODIS 海面温度 31日10:06的MODIS图像显示在台湾东北部海面有高温异常
汶川8.0地震 2008/5/12 AIRS CO CO总量高值与余震对应较好 [98]
CO2 CO2体积混合比在3、4月份明显升高,且高于年变
相对湿度 震前几天有急剧下降现象,与地表数据由1~2天的误差 [114]
苏门答腊北部8.9级地震 2004/12/26 AIRS CO 震前3个月出现异常 [115]
O3 震前8个月出现异常
墨西哥下加利福尼亚7.1级地震 2010/4/5 AIRS CO CO异常在震前2个月出现;沿断裂分布;地震前后高于背景值 [95]
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