地球科学进展 ›› 2016, Vol. 31 ›› Issue (2): 171 -179. doi: 10.11867/j.issn.1001-8166.2016.02.0171.

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张勇( ), 戎志国, 闵敏   
  1. 中国遥感卫星辐射测量与定标重点开放实验室,国家卫星气象中心,北京 100081
  • 收稿日期:2015-11-10 修回日期:2016-01-10 出版日期:2016-02-20
  • 基金资助:
    国家自然科学基金项目“自旋稳定静止气象卫星星上黑体辐射定标修正模型研究”(编号:41171275) 和“热红外遥感传感器辐射定标的模型融合与综合方法研究”(编号:40701118)资助

Accuracy Evaluations of the CRCS In-orbit Field Radiometric Calibration Methods for Thermal Infrared Channels

Yong Zhang( ), Zhiguo Rong, Min Min   

  1. Key Laboratory of Radiometric Calibration and Validation for Environmental Satellites, China Meteorological Administration (LRCVES/CMA), Beijing 100081, China
  • Received:2015-11-10 Revised:2016-01-10 Online:2016-02-20 Published:2016-02-10
  • About author:

    First author:Zhang Yong(1977-),male,Zhenba County,Shaanxi Province,Associate Professor. Research areas include quantitative remote sensing, remote sensors calibration and validation, theory and applications of thermal infrared remote sensing.E-mail:zhangyong@cma.gov.cn

  • Supported by:
    Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China “Research on the onboard blackbody radiometric calibration revising models of spinning geostationary meteorological satellites”(No.41171275) and “Research on model integrating and method synthesizing of thermal remote sensors’ radiometric calibration”(No.40701118)

基于中国遥感卫星辐射校正场对在轨运行的遥感卫星热红外通道进行在轨绝对辐射定标,利用TERRA/AQUA MODIS卫星观测数据,对中国遥感卫星辐射校正场热红外通道在轨场地辐射定标方法进行精度评估与分析。将MODIS观测的入瞳亮温与外场实测数据通过辐射传输模式模拟到卫星入瞳的亮温进行比较,结果表明对热红外窗区通道的定标精度优于1.0 K(@300 K)。目前应用于我国在轨风云气象卫星热红外通道的中国遥感卫星辐射校正场绝对辐射定标方法本身具有很好的定标精度:对10.5~11.5 μm通道,误差在0.747 K以内;对11.5~12.5 μm通道,误差在0.851 K以内。

In order to achieve the in-orbit absolute radiometric calibration of the operational meteorological satellites’ thermal infrared channels, China Radiometric Calibration Sites (CRCS) were established and the accuracy of the CRCS in-orbit field absolute radiometric calibration methods (FCM) for thermal infrared channels (TIR) was evaluated and analyzed based on TERRA/AQUA MODIS observations. Comparisons between the MODIS at pupil brightness temperatures (BTs) and the simulated BTs at the top of atmosphere using radiative transfer model (RTM) based on field measurements showed that the accuracy of the current in-orbit field absolute radiometric calibration methods was better than 1.0K (@300K) in thermal infrared channels. Therefore, the current CRCS field calibration method for TIR channels applied to Chinese meteorological satellites was with favorable calibration accuracy: for 10.5~11.5 μm channel was better than 0.747 K and for 11.5~12.5 μm channel was better than 0.851 K.


图1 红外通道场地辐射定标技术流程图
Fig.1 Flowchart of field radiometric calibration CRCS-TIR-FCM
图2 敦煌戈壁陆表发射率光谱数据
Fig.2 Dunhuang Gobi surface emissivity spectra
Blue points represent daytime emissivity and red points represent nighttime emissivity
图3 2009年8月13日青海湖同步观测试验GPS航迹图
背景图像为2012年8月19日HJ-1B CCD2青海湖假彩色合成图像
Fig.3 GPS records showing the voyage route at Lake Qinghai on 13 August 2009
Background image is a standard false color composite HJ-1B CCD2 image of 19 August 2012
图4 敦煌场区卫星图像
黄色方框部分为风云卫星同步观测区,背景图像为2013年8月2日GF-1卫星宽视场成像仪16 m空间分辨率假彩色合成图
Fig.4 Satellite image of CRCS Dunhuang site
The yellow square is the central area for the FY series satellite calibration. Background image is a standard false color composite GF-1 WFV image with 16m spatial resolution of August 2, 2013
表1 TERRA/AQUA MODIS遥感器2010年和2012年青海湖/敦煌场地同步观测信息
Table 1 Synchronous observation information of TERRA/AQUA MODIS at Qinghai Lake and Dunhuang in 2010 and 2012
表2 2010年MODIS 31通道星上获取的辐亮度和亮温与模拟结果比较(辐亮度单位:mW/(m 2·sr·cm);亮温单位:K)
Table 2 Comparisons of TOA radiance and BTs between TERRA MODIS ch31 and the RTM simulated results in 2010 (unit mW/(m 2·sr·cm) for radiance and K for BTs)
表3 2010年MODIS 32通道星上获取的辐亮度和亮温与模拟结果比较(辐亮度单位:mW/(m 2·sr·cm);亮温单位:K)
Table 3 Comparisons of TOA radiance and BTs between TERRA MODIS ch32 and the RTM simulated results in 2010 (unit mW/(m 2·sr·cm) for radiance and K for BTs)
表4 2012年MODIS 31通道星上获取的辐亮度和亮温与模拟结果比较(辐亮度单位:mW/(m 2·sr·cm);亮温单位:K)
Table 4 Comparisons of TOA radiance and BTs between TERRA/AQUA MODIS ch31 and the RTM simulated results in 2012 (unit mW/(m 2·sr·cm) for radiance and K for BTs)
表5 2012年MODIS 32通道星上获取的辐亮度和亮温与模拟结果比较(辐亮度单位:mW/(m 2·sr·cm);亮温单位:K)
Table 5 Comparisons of TOA radiance and BTs between TERRA/AQUA MODIS ch32 and the RTM simulated results in 2012 (unit mW/(m 2·sr·cm) for radiance and K for BTs)
表6 TERRA/AQUA MODIS卫星观测与模拟结果比较(亮温单位:K)
Table 6 Differences of TOA BTs between TERRA/AQUA MODIS and the RTM simulated results of all two years comparisons (unit K for BTs)
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