地球科学进展 ›› 2024, Vol. 39 ›› Issue (8): 823 -836. doi: 10.11867/j.issn.1001-8166.2024.062

研究论文 上一篇    下一篇

刘妙清 1( ), 杨云川 1 , 2 , 3( ), 闭光琼 1, 廖丽萍 1 , 2 , 3, 黎倩云 1, 陈佳盛 1, 黄雨虹 1   
  1. 1.广西大学 土木建筑工程学院,广西 南宁 530004
    2.广西大学 广西岩溶区水安全与智慧调控工程研究中心,广西 南宁 530004
    3.广西大学 广西防灾减灾与工程安全重点实验室,广西 南宁 530004
  • 收稿日期:2024-04-16 修回日期:2024-07-10 出版日期:2024-08-10
  • 通讯作者: 杨云川 E-mail:lmqsl181@163.com;yyc_sciences@163.com
  • 基金资助:

Sub-rainstorm Total Control Rate and Storage Capacity Assessment in Sponge City Construction: A Case Study of the Zhupaichong Basin in Nanning

Miaoqing LIU 1( ), Yunchuan YANG 1 , 2 , 3( ), Guangqiong BI 1, Liping LIAO 1 , 2 , 3, Qianyun LI 1, Jiasheng CHEN 1, Yuhong HUANG 1   

  1. 1.College of Civil Engineering and Architecture, Guangxi University, Nanning 530004, China
    2.Engineering Research Center of Water Security and Intelligent Regulation in Karst Area, Guangxi University, Nanning 530004, China
    3.Key Laboratory of Disaster Prevention and Structural Safety of Ministry of Education, Guangxi University, Nanning 530004, China
  • Received:2024-04-16 Revised:2024-07-10 Online:2024-08-10 Published:2024-09-10
  • Contact: Yunchuan YANG E-mail:lmqsl181@163.com;yyc_sciences@163.com
  • About author:LIU Miaoqing, Master student, research areas include sponge city storm waterlogging simulation and coping resilience research. E-mail: lmqsl181@163.com
  • Supported by:
    the National Natural Science Foundation of China(42261017);Guangxi Natural Science Foundation(2021GXNSFBA220025)

目前次暴雨量的调控指标在内涵界定、时变性、空间异质性及多目标性等诸多方面存在不足,导致了当前海绵设施建设的主观性和事后评价的滞后性,同时也限制了科学有效快速地推进中国系统化全域海绵城市建设。首先以南宁市竹排冲流域为例,针对上述调控指标问题开展多目标情景的现状下垫面次暴雨径流模拟,分析了该区域次暴雨总量控制率及其对应的海绵设施综合调蓄量的空间异质性。结果表明:研究区次暴雨总量控制率均值为0.500(0.25 a)~0.257(100 a),与南宁市海绵城市建设的75%控制率目标相差甚远。要实现该控制率目标,还需要增加的海绵设施综合调蓄量为200(0.25 a)~950 m3/hm2(100 a)(不含外排)和70(0.25 a)~420 m3/hm2(100 a)(含外排)。最后提出了全域海绵城市建设持续推进的定量指导系统框架“次暴雨总量控制率及调蓄量时空信息图谱”,可综合考虑上述次暴雨量调控指标的诸多问题,全过程定量指导各类海绵设施的多阶段设计、建设和运行效果,为科学有效快速地推进中国系统化全域海绵城市建设提供重要支撑。

Regulation indicators for sub-rainstorm quantities currently exhibit deficiencies in various aspects, such as connotation definition, temporal variability, spatial heterogeneity, and multi-objectiveness. These shortcomings have led to a subjective and retrospective evaluation delay in the construction of sponge facilities, thereby hindering the scientific, efficient, and rapid advancement of systematic, full-scale sponge city construction in China. Using the Zhupaichong Basin in Nanning City as an example, a sub rainstorm runoff simulation under multi-objective scenarios of the current underlying surface (2020) was conducted to address the aforementioned regulatory indicator issues. The spatial heterogeneity of the sub rainstorm total control rate and the corresponding comprehensive storage capacity of sponge facilities in this area were analyzed. The results indicated that the average sub-rainstorm total control rate in the study area ranges from 0.500 (0.25 years) to 0.257 (100 years), which is significantly below the 75% control rate target set for the construction of sponge cities in Nanning. To achieve this target, additional comprehensive storage capacities of sponge facilities (excluding external discharge) ranging from 200 m3/hm2 (0.25 years) to 950 m3/hm2 (100 years) and (including external discharge) from 70 m3/hm2 (0.25 years) to 420 m3/hm2 (100 years) are required. A quantitative guidance system framework for the continuous promotion of full-scale sponge city construction, termed the “Sub-rainstorm Total Control Rate and Storage Capacity Spatio-temporal Information Map,” was proposed. This framework can comprehensively address the various issues of sub rainstorm quantity regulation indicators and quantitatively guide the multistage design, construction, and operational effectiveness of various sponge facilities, thereby providing crucial support for the scientific, efficient, and rapid advancement of systematic full-scale sponge city construction in China.


图1 南宁市竹排冲流域高程及主干路网分布图
Fig. 1 Elevation and trunk road network distribution map of Zhupaichong watershed in Nanning
(a) Zhupaichong watershed extent; (b) Watershed elevation and water system information; (c) Distribution of trunk road network in the watershed
图2 竹排冲流域不同重现期的180 min设计暴雨过程线
Fig. 2 180 min design rainstorm hydrograph with different return period in Zhupaichong watershed
图3 竹排冲流域子汇水分区、管网概化、平均坡度及土地利用类型图
Fig. 3 Map of sub-catchmentspipe networksaverage slope and land use types in Zhupaichong watershed
(a), (b) and (c) Indicate that basin pipelines, outlet distribution and sub-catchment delineation respectively. The numbers in the figure (c)indicate sub-watershed IDs; (d) and (e) Indicate that average basin slope and land type respectively
表1 SWMM模型不确定性系数参考范围和率定值
Table 1 Uncertainty factor reference ranges and rates of SWMM
表2 SWMM模型参数率定校准过程
Table 2 SWMM model parameter calibration process
图4 流域1 a2 a3 a重现期综合径流系数与SWMM模拟径流系数的Pearson相关系数图
Fig. 4 Pearson correlation coefficients between the combined runoff coefficients and the SWMM modelled runoff coefficients for basin 1 a2 a and 3 a return periods
图5 2020年竹排冲流域现状下垫面的次暴雨总量控制率分布
Fig. 5 Distribution of sub-storm total control rates for the current subsurface of the Zhupaichong watershed in 2020
图6 实现目标控制率的竹排冲流域下垫面综合调蓄量分布(不考虑外排)
Fig. 6 Distribution of integrated storage in the sub-basin of the Zhupaichong watershed for achieving the target control ratewithout considering external discharges
图7 实现目标控制率的竹排冲流域下垫面综合调蓄量分布图(考虑外排)
Fig. 7 Distribution of integrated storage in the sub-basin of the Zhupaichong watershed for achieving the target control ratetaking into account external discharges
图8 全域海绵城市建设可持续推进的次暴雨总量控制率及其调蓄量时空信息图谱
Fig. 8 Spatial and temporal information mapping of sub-storm total rainfall control rate and storage volume for sustainable sponge city construction in the whole region
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