地球科学进展 ›› 2021, Vol. 36 ›› Issue (3): 288 -306. doi: 10.11867/j.issn.1001-8166.2021.035

综述与评述 上一篇    下一篇

张晓智( ), 周怀阳( ), 钱生平   
  1. 同济大学 海洋与地球科学学院,上海 200092
  • 收稿日期:2021-01-07 修回日期:2021-02-27 出版日期:2021-04-30
  • 通讯作者: 周怀阳 E-mail:zghydxzxz@163.com;zhouhy@tongji.edu.cn
  • 基金资助:

Reviews on Genesis of Magmatic Arc Andesite in Subduction Zone

Xiaozhi ZHANG( ), Huaiyang ZHOU( ), Shengping QIAN   

  1. School of Ocean and Earth Science,Tongji University,Shanghai 200092,China
  • Received:2021-01-07 Revised:2021-02-27 Online:2021-04-30 Published:2021-04-30
  • Contact: Huaiyang ZHOU E-mail:zghydxzxz@163.com;zhouhy@tongji.edu.cn
  • About author:ZHANG Xiaozhi (1996-), male, Xinyang City, Henan Province, Master student. Research areas include petrological geochemistry. E-mail: zghydxzxz@163.com
  • Supported by:
    the Major State Basic Research Development Program of China "Hydrothermal mineralization process and prediction of sulfide deposits of the SWIR"(2012CB417300);The National Natural Science Foundation of China "Genesis and historical records of ferromanganese nodules/crusts in the South China Sea"(91428207)


Andesite is an important rock type in subduction zone magmatic arcs. Its genesis is still one of focuses on the international geological research. According to the tectonic setting of the andesite, magmatic arc andesite can be classified as continental arc andesite and oceanic arc andesite, which show different features in chemical composition and spatial distribution. Since the late 1920s, numerous researches have enriched our understanding of the genesis of magmatic arc andesite, which gradually can be summarized as Basalt-input model and Andesite-input model. The Basalt-input model considers the primary magma of magmatic arc andesite is basaltic, emphasizing the intra-crustal processes such as fractional crystallization, assimilation and contamination, and magma mixing. The Andesite-input model suggests andesitic melts can be formed directly in the mantle source, emphasizing the sub-crustal processes such as the metasomatic reaction between slab-derived fluid/melt and mantle peridotite, and rising of sediment diapirs. Although some progress has been made in the study of the genesis of magmatic arc andesite, each model still needs to be improved. There are many research fields to be studied in the future, including experimental petrology research of mantle metasomatite, relationship between andesite and the formation and evolution of continental crust, application of theoretical calculation and modelling and so on.


图1 两种大洋俯冲带的示意图(据参考文献[ 11 ]修改)
Fig.1 Schematic diagrams of two types of oceanic subduction zonesmodified after reference [ 11 ])
Schematic diagrams of subduction zones of (a) Ocean-Continent subduction zone and (b) Ocean-Ocean subduction zone, showing a series of geological processes occurred in oceanic subduction zone: Metamorphic dehydration/partial melting of the subducting crust, crustal metasomatism of the mantle wedge, mantle melting and melt migration through the mantle wedge and the crust, weathering of the continental margin and transporting of the terrigenous sediment into subduction zones. Note that the terrigenous sediment is much more abundant in Ocean-Continent subduction zones than those Ocean-Ocean subduction zones owing to the severe weathering
图1 两种大洋俯冲带的示意图(据参考文献[ 11 ]修改)
Fig.1 Schematic diagrams of two types of oceanic subduction zonesmodified after reference [ 11 ])
Schematic diagrams of subduction zones of (a) Ocean-Continent subduction zone and (b) Ocean-Ocean subduction zone, showing a series of geological processes occurred in oceanic subduction zone: Metamorphic dehydration/partial melting of the subducting crust, crustal metasomatism of the mantle wedge, mantle melting and melt migration through the mantle wedge and the crust, weathering of the continental margin and transporting of the terrigenous sediment into subduction zones. Note that the terrigenous sediment is much more abundant in Ocean-Continent subduction zones than those Ocean-Ocean subduction zones owing to the severe weathering
图2 岩浆弧火山岩SiO2的核密度函数估算直方图
Fig.2 Kernel Density Estimations histogram for SiO2 of igneous rocks in magmatic arcs
All the data from the GEOROC (http://georoc.mpch-mainz.gwdg.de/georoc/);B. Basalt, BA. Basaltic-Andesite, A. Andesite, D. Dacite, R. Rhyolite
图2 岩浆弧火山岩SiO2的核密度函数估算直方图
Fig.2 Kernel Density Estimations histogram for SiO2 of igneous rocks in magmatic arcs
All the data from the GEOROC (http://georoc.mpch-mainz.gwdg.de/georoc/);B. Basalt, BA. Basaltic-Andesite, A. Andesite, D. Dacite, R. Rhyolite
表1 部分典型岩浆弧安山岩的平均化学组成
Table 1 Average chemical compositions of andesites in several typical magmatic arcs
表1 部分典型岩浆弧安山岩的平均化学组成
Table 1 Average chemical compositions of andesites in several typical magmatic arcs
图3 部分典型岩浆弧安山岩的微量元素分配图和Sr-Nd同位素图解
(a)陆弧安山岩和洋弧安山岩的原始地幔标准化微量元素配分曲线(标准化值据参考文献[ 40 ]);(b)陆弧安山岩和洋弧安山岩的Sr-Nd同位素图解;所有数据来自GEOROC数据库(http://georoc.mpch-mainz.gwdg.de/georoc/)
Fig.3 Trace element distribution and Sr-Nd isotope compositions diagrams of andesites in several typical magmatic arcs
(a) Primitive normalized trace element patterns for continental arc andesites and oceanic arc andesites (normalization values from reference [ 40 ]);(b) The Sr and Nd isotope compositions of continental arc andesites and oceanic arc andesites;All the data from the GEOROC (http://georoc.mpch-mainz.gwdg.de/georoc/)
图3 部分典型岩浆弧安山岩的微量元素分配图和Sr-Nd同位素图解
(a)陆弧安山岩和洋弧安山岩的原始地幔标准化微量元素配分曲线(标准化值据参考文献[ 40 ]);(b)陆弧安山岩和洋弧安山岩的Sr-Nd同位素图解;所有数据来自GEOROC数据库(http://georoc.mpch-mainz.gwdg.de/georoc/)
Fig.3 Trace element distribution and Sr-Nd isotope compositions diagrams of andesites in several typical magmatic arcs
(a) Primitive normalized trace element patterns for continental arc andesites and oceanic arc andesites (normalization values from reference [ 40 ]);(b) The Sr and Nd isotope compositions of continental arc andesites and oceanic arc andesites;All the data from the GEOROC (http://georoc.mpch-mainz.gwdg.de/georoc/)
图4 两种玄武岩的相平衡实验结果
(a, c)温度—SiO 2; (b, d)温度—晶体百分比;(a)和(c)图中数字代表当前温度下结晶矿物的总含量; plag:斜长石;tmte:钛磁铁矿;olivine:橄榄石;augite:普通辉石;opx:斜方辉石;garnet:石榴子石;hbde:角闪石;数据来源:(a)和(b)数据来自参考文献[ 43 ];(c)和(d)数据来自参考文献[ 44 ];(a)和(b)展示Sisson等 [ 43 ]在200 MPa、水饱和(质量百分含量为4.9%)条件下的玄武岩相平衡实验的结果;(c)和(d)展示Muntener等 [ 44 ]在1.2 GPa、富水(质量百分含量为5.0%)条件下玄武岩相平衡实验的结果
Fig.4 Plots of the phase-equilibrium experiment results for two types of basalts
(a, c) Temperature versus SiO 2; (b, d) Temperature versus Crystal percentage; The figures in the plots (a) and (c) represent the total amount of crystallization minerals at the current temperature. plag:Plagioclase; tmte:Titanomagnetite; olivine:Olivine; augite:Augite; opx:Orthopyroxene; garnet:Garnet; hbde:Hornblende. Data of plots (a) and (b) from reference [ 43 ]; Data of plots (c) and (d) from reference [ 44 ]. Plots (a) and (b) show the result of basalt phase-equilibrium experiment at 200 MPa, water saturation (4.9 wt.%) by Sisson et al. [ 43 ]; Plots (c) and (d) show the result of basalt phase-equilibrium experiment at 1.2 GPa、high water content (5.0 wt.%) by Muntener et al. [ 44 ]
图4 两种玄武岩的相平衡实验结果
(a, c)温度—SiO 2; (b, d)温度—晶体百分比;(a)和(c)图中数字代表当前温度下结晶矿物的总含量; plag:斜长石;tmte:钛磁铁矿;olivine:橄榄石;augite:普通辉石;opx:斜方辉石;garnet:石榴子石;hbde:角闪石;数据来源:(a)和(b)数据来自参考文献[ 43 ];(c)和(d)数据来自参考文献[ 44 ];(a)和(b)展示Sisson等 [ 43 ]在200 MPa、水饱和(质量百分含量为4.9%)条件下的玄武岩相平衡实验的结果;(c)和(d)展示Muntener等 [ 44 ]在1.2 GPa、富水(质量百分含量为5.0%)条件下玄武岩相平衡实验的结果
Fig.4 Plots of the phase-equilibrium experiment results for two types of basalts
(a, c) Temperature versus SiO 2; (b, d) Temperature versus Crystal percentage; The figures in the plots (a) and (c) represent the total amount of crystallization minerals at the current temperature. plag:Plagioclase; tmte:Titanomagnetite; olivine:Olivine; augite:Augite; opx:Orthopyroxene; garnet:Garnet; hbde:Hornblende. Data of plots (a) and (b) from reference [ 43 ]; Data of plots (c) and (d) from reference [ 44 ]. Plots (a) and (b) show the result of basalt phase-equilibrium experiment at 200 MPa, water saturation (4.9 wt.%) by Sisson et al. [ 43 ]; Plots (c) and (d) show the result of basalt phase-equilibrium experiment at 1.2 GPa、high water content (5.0 wt.%) by Muntener et al. [ 44 ]
表2 不平衡的矿物结构、成分和组合示意图及解释 [ 64 ~ 77 ]
Table 2 Schematic representations and interpretation of some disequilibrious mineral micro-textures, composition and assemblages [ 64 ~ 77 ]
矿物结构 特征描述 形成机制 参考文献
T1-尘状熔蚀结构(Fine-sieve):许多紧密定向排列的玻璃包裹体在斜长石中形成一种模糊的“尘状”表面 斜长石在更富Ca、更高温的熔体中被部分熔蚀,直到熔体—晶体界面重新达到平衡发生重结晶 [ 64 , 65 ]
T2-复杂环带结构:斜长石相邻环带间成分变化剧烈(ΔAn>10%)内层环带和外层环带往往为“不整合”接触 基性岩浆的多期次补给与岩浆混合作用 [ 66 , 67 ]
T3-斜长石An变化范围较大,在频率分布直方图上出现双峰分布 多种组分的岩浆混合形成成分变化剧烈的斜长石系列 [ 68 , 69 ]
T4-角闪石的“分解反应”:晶体被分解成细粒的不透明物质,但仍保持其特有的晶形 外来基性岩浆的混合使得岩浆温度迅速升高,超过了角闪石的稳定范围,相比降压作用角闪石发生更大规模的分解反应 [ 70 , 71 ]
T5-具核—幔—边结构的“绿核”辉石:幔部相比核部及边部具有更高的Mg#,形成明显的反环带结构,两者界线清晰,成分上存在突变 偏基性岩浆注入岩浆房后,岩浆发生大规模扩散之前形成了更加富Mg的幔部辉石 [ 72 ~ 74 ]
T6-异常的包裹结构:与鲍文反应序列相反,辉石晶体包裹着角闪石晶体,两者光性连续 外来基性岩浆的混合使得岩浆成分和温度发生了突变 [ 71 , 75 ]
T7-不平衡的矿物组合:橄榄石+石英;低Mg#单斜辉石+高Mg#橄榄石 酸性端元岩浆和基性端元岩浆的混合作用 [ 68 , 76 , 77 ]
表2 不平衡的矿物结构、成分和组合示意图及解释 [ 64 ~ 77 ]
Table 2 Schematic representations and interpretation of some disequilibrious mineral micro-textures, composition and assemblages [ 64 ~ 77 ]
矿物结构 特征描述 形成机制 参考文献
T1-尘状熔蚀结构(Fine-sieve):许多紧密定向排列的玻璃包裹体在斜长石中形成一种模糊的“尘状”表面 斜长石在更富Ca、更高温的熔体中被部分熔蚀,直到熔体—晶体界面重新达到平衡发生重结晶 [ 64 , 65 ]
T2-复杂环带结构:斜长石相邻环带间成分变化剧烈(ΔAn>10%)内层环带和外层环带往往为“不整合”接触 基性岩浆的多期次补给与岩浆混合作用 [ 66 , 67 ]
T3-斜长石An变化范围较大,在频率分布直方图上出现双峰分布 多种组分的岩浆混合形成成分变化剧烈的斜长石系列 [ 68 , 69 ]
T4-角闪石的“分解反应”:晶体被分解成细粒的不透明物质,但仍保持其特有的晶形 外来基性岩浆的混合使得岩浆温度迅速升高,超过了角闪石的稳定范围,相比降压作用角闪石发生更大规模的分解反应 [ 70 , 71 ]
T5-具核—幔—边结构的“绿核”辉石:幔部相比核部及边部具有更高的Mg#,形成明显的反环带结构,两者界线清晰,成分上存在突变 偏基性岩浆注入岩浆房后,岩浆发生大规模扩散之前形成了更加富Mg的幔部辉石 [ 72 ~ 74 ]
T6-异常的包裹结构:与鲍文反应序列相反,辉石晶体包裹着角闪石晶体,两者光性连续 外来基性岩浆的混合使得岩浆成分和温度发生了突变 [ 71 , 75 ]
T7-不平衡的矿物组合:橄榄石+石英;低Mg#单斜辉石+高Mg#橄榄石 酸性端元岩浆和基性端元岩浆的混合作用 [ 68 , 76 , 77 ]
图5 地幔橄榄岩熔体与岩浆弧安山岩Mg#的比较
(a,b)5种不同地幔橄榄岩的熔融:(a)压力—温度,(b)SiO 2—Mg#;(c,d)岩浆弧安山岩Mg#的KDES曲线图:(c)陆弧安山岩,(d)洋弧安山岩;KLB-1*、HK-66在干的条件下熔融,其余在含水条件下熔融;地幔橄榄岩熔体数据来源:KLB-1*,HK-66来自参考文献[ 89 ],KLB-1来自参考文献[ 16 , 17 ],PHN1611来自参考文献[ 90 ],MM3来自参考文献[ 91 ],H&Z来自参考文献[ 85 ],岩浆弧安山岩数据来自GEOROC数据库(http://georoc.mpch-mainz.gwdg.de/georoc/)
Fig.5 A comparison of Mg# between the mantle peridotite melts and andesites in the magmatic arcs
(a, b) Partial melts derived from five types of mantle peridotites, (a)Pressure versus temperature, (b)SiO 2 versus Mg#; (c, d) KDES diagram for Mg# of andesites in magmatic arcs, (c)Continental arc andesites, (d)Oceanic arc andesites; All melts derived from hydrous mantle peridotites except KLB-1* and HK-66; KLB-1* and HK-66 from reference [ 89 ], KLB-1 from references [16,17], PHN1611 from reference [ 90 ], MM3 from reference [ 91 ], H&Z from reference [ 85 ], data of magmatic arc andesites from the GEOROC (http://georoc.mpch-mainz.gwdg.de/georoc/)
图5 地幔橄榄岩熔体与岩浆弧安山岩Mg#的比较
(a,b)5种不同地幔橄榄岩的熔融:(a)压力—温度,(b)SiO 2—Mg#;(c,d)岩浆弧安山岩Mg#的KDES曲线图:(c)陆弧安山岩,(d)洋弧安山岩;KLB-1*、HK-66在干的条件下熔融,其余在含水条件下熔融;地幔橄榄岩熔体数据来源:KLB-1*,HK-66来自参考文献[ 89 ],KLB-1来自参考文献[ 16 , 17 ],PHN1611来自参考文献[ 90 ],MM3来自参考文献[ 91 ],H&Z来自参考文献[ 85 ],岩浆弧安山岩数据来自GEOROC数据库(http://georoc.mpch-mainz.gwdg.de/georoc/)
Fig.5 A comparison of Mg# between the mantle peridotite melts and andesites in the magmatic arcs
(a, b) Partial melts derived from five types of mantle peridotites, (a)Pressure versus temperature, (b)SiO 2 versus Mg#; (c, d) KDES diagram for Mg# of andesites in magmatic arcs, (c)Continental arc andesites, (d)Oceanic arc andesites; All melts derived from hydrous mantle peridotites except KLB-1* and HK-66; KLB-1* and HK-66 from reference [ 89 ], KLB-1 from references [16,17], PHN1611 from reference [ 90 ], MM3 from reference [ 91 ], H&Z from reference [ 85 ], data of magmatic arc andesites from the GEOROC (http://georoc.mpch-mainz.gwdg.de/georoc/)
图6 岩浆弧安山岩微量元素关系图解
(a, b) Y-Sr/Y图解,(c, d)球粒陨石标准化的(Yb) N-(La/Yb) N图解(标准化值来自参考文献[ 40 ]);图中虚线圈定的区域为Defant等 [ 100 ]界定的埃达克岩成分范围;岩浆弧安山岩数据来自GEOROC数据库(http://georoc.mpch-mainz.gwdg.de/georoc/);在MATLAB内以3为区间长度,计算了每个区间内数据的平均值与标准误差
Fig.6 Diagrams of trace element relationships for the magmatic arc andesites
(a, b) Plots of Y versus Sr/Y, (c,d) Plots of chondrite-normalized (Yb) N versus (La/Yb) N (normalization values from reference [ 40 ]). The area delineated by the dotted line is the composition field of adakite according to Defant et al. [ 100 ], Data of magmatic arc andesites from the GEOROC (http://georoc.mpch-mainz.gwdg.de/georoc/). Taking 3 as interval length in MATLAB, the average value and standard error of data in each interval are calculated
图6 岩浆弧安山岩微量元素关系图解
(a, b) Y-Sr/Y图解,(c, d)球粒陨石标准化的(Yb) N-(La/Yb) N图解(标准化值来自参考文献[ 40 ]);图中虚线圈定的区域为Defant等 [ 100 ]界定的埃达克岩成分范围;岩浆弧安山岩数据来自GEOROC数据库(http://georoc.mpch-mainz.gwdg.de/georoc/);在MATLAB内以3为区间长度,计算了每个区间内数据的平均值与标准误差
Fig.6 Diagrams of trace element relationships for the magmatic arc andesites
(a, b) Plots of Y versus Sr/Y, (c,d) Plots of chondrite-normalized (Yb) N versus (La/Yb) N (normalization values from reference [ 40 ]). The area delineated by the dotted line is the composition field of adakite according to Defant et al. [ 100 ], Data of magmatic arc andesites from the GEOROC (http://georoc.mpch-mainz.gwdg.de/georoc/). Taking 3 as interval length in MATLAB, the average value and standard error of data in each interval are calculated
图7 地幔交代岩熔融形成安山岩的概念模型图解(据参考文献[ 119 ]修改)
展示了地幔交代岩熔融形成安山岩关键的4个步骤: 俯冲洋壳在弧前深度脱水; 俯冲洋壳与俯冲沉积物在弧下深度部分熔融; 富水的长英质熔体与地幔楔橄榄岩反应形成镁铁质—超镁铁质的交代岩; 玄武质交代岩部分熔融形成安山质熔体,可能的熔融机制包括:地幔交代岩的底辟上升(4a),板片的拖曳作用(4b)以及板片的回卷作用(4c) [ 119 ]
Fig.7 Schematic diagram of conceptual model of andesite formed by melting of mantle metasomatitesmodified after reference [ 119 ])
Schematic diagram showing the four key steps for origin of andesites by melting of mantle metasomatites: Dehydration of the subducting oceanic crust at forearc depths; Partial melting of the subducting sediment and altered oceanic basalt at subarc depths; Reaction of the hydrous felsic melts with the mantle wedge peridotite to generate the mafic-ultramafic metasomatites; Partial melting of basaltic metasomatites to produce the andesitic melts, the possible melting mechanisms include: Diapir of basaltic metasomatites (4a), slab dragging (4b) and slab rollback (4c) [ 119 ]
图7 地幔交代岩熔融形成安山岩的概念模型图解(据参考文献[ 119 ]修改)
展示了地幔交代岩熔融形成安山岩关键的4个步骤: 俯冲洋壳在弧前深度脱水; 俯冲洋壳与俯冲沉积物在弧下深度部分熔融; 富水的长英质熔体与地幔楔橄榄岩反应形成镁铁质—超镁铁质的交代岩; 玄武质交代岩部分熔融形成安山质熔体,可能的熔融机制包括:地幔交代岩的底辟上升(4a),板片的拖曳作用(4b)以及板片的回卷作用(4c) [ 119 ]
Fig.7 Schematic diagram of conceptual model of andesite formed by melting of mantle metasomatitesmodified after reference [ 119 ])
Schematic diagram showing the four key steps for origin of andesites by melting of mantle metasomatites: Dehydration of the subducting oceanic crust at forearc depths; Partial melting of the subducting sediment and altered oceanic basalt at subarc depths; Reaction of the hydrous felsic melts with the mantle wedge peridotite to generate the mafic-ultramafic metasomatites; Partial melting of basaltic metasomatites to produce the andesitic melts, the possible melting mechanisms include: Diapir of basaltic metasomatites (4a), slab dragging (4b) and slab rollback (4c) [ 119 ]
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