地球科学进展 ›› 2015, Vol. 30 ›› Issue (7): 823 -833. doi: 10.11867/j.issn.1001-8166.2015.07.0823

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汤青( )   
  1. 中国科学院地理科学与资源研究所 中国科学院区域可持续发展分析与模拟重点实验室, 北京 100101
  • 出版日期:2015-07-20
  • 基金资助:

Research Progress and Future Key Trends of Sustainable Livelihoods

Qing Tang( )   

  1. Institute of Geographic Sciences and Natural Resources Research, Key Laboratory of Regional Sustainable Development Modeling, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100101, China
  • Online:2015-07-20 Published:2015-07-20


Under the background of fast urbanization and urban-rural dual structure in China, the research about sustainable livelihoods has important theoretical and practical meaning for solving the problem of poverty in rural areas and promoting the transformation of semi-urbanized farmers who live in city to urban residents. First, this paper reviewed the emergence and development history of sustainable livelihoods, and introduced current frameworks of sustainable livelihoods analysis. Second, this paper summarized the international research status quo from the aspects of both theory and practice, concluded the domestic research progress from four aspects including vulnerability context, livelihoods assets, policy and institution influencing process, livelihoods strategy and outcome. This study believed that the problems of current sustainable livelihoods research included: The theoretical system is incomplete and needs to be improved; research methods and technological means are not complete, which could obstruct research results; most researches focus on rather static assessment than dynamic forecast; researchers focus mainly on case study in rural areas, lacking in the semi-urbanized farmers in the urbanization process and macro level study. Finally, this paper suggested five key issues of future sustainable livelihoods research including the sustainable livelihoods research of a large number of semi-urbanized farmers in the urbanization process, sustainable livelihoods research at macro level, integrated study of both humanities and natural sciences, dynamic study based on new technological means, and sustainable livelihoods research in typical case areas.


表1 现有的可持续生计分析框架
Tab.1 The existing frameworks of Sustainability Livelihoods Analysis
图1 可持续生计分析框架示意图
Fig. 1 The framework of Sustainable Livelihoods Approach (SLA)
表2 DFID建立的可持续生计分析框架的组成部分及其主要内容
Table 2 The components and major contents of Sustainable Livelihoods Framework established by DFID
SLA框架组成 内容
脆弱性背景 包括旱涝、飓风、经济或社会动荡、家庭成员疾病、死亡以及作物、家畜的病害等突发性的天灾人祸;价格、生产、健康状况和就业机会等季节性冲击;人口、资源环境、技术、市场与贸易及全球化等趋势和变化等
生计资产 人力资产 包括健康、营养、教育、知识和技能、劳动能力以及适应变化的能力等
自然资产 包括土地及其产出、水和水资源、林木产品、野生动植物和食物、生物多样性、环境服务等
社会资产 包括亲戚、朋友、邻居、信任与互助关系、组织或团体、对外的集体诉求、参与决策机制以及领导能力等一系列社会关系和联系
物质资产 包括交通、安全住所、饮水与卫生设施、能源、通讯等基础设施及生产工具和设备、种、肥、农药、传统技术等工具和技术
金融资产 包括储蓄、借贷、工资/报酬、养老金及其他外部给予资金
“政策、机构和过程” 不同层次的政府,也可以是非政府组织或国际机构,通过制定或推广相关政策;各种政治机构、民间组织或团体、非政府组织、金融机构、法律机构、政党以及企业公司通过采取一些措施或手段;各种决策过程、社会风俗、性别、制度、阶级、语言等过程因素
生计策略 收入产生的活动、消费活动、对生计资产的投资、迁移活动、人口繁衍
生计输出 生活水平提高、脆弱性降低、食物安全增加、资源利用优化
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